I was impressed by how polished Wake was (probably due to how bloomin' delayed it was

), but it didn't
really have much more going for it than a good atmosphere and good worldbuilding (I liked the TV shows and so forth).
The light mechanics were great and I loved them, but it started getting pretty samey pretty quickly, especially when the game didn't throw enemies at you in a particularly engaging way beyond halfway. Perhaps it was a lack of setpieces?
Very impressed by what they managed to squeeze out of the 360 technically. The draw distance is pretty spectacular, and the lighting engine one of the most impressive I've seen in ages. The acting's also excellent across the board, from what I recall.
The writing isn't quite as good as the game thinks it is, aside from a few good throwaway lines ("I'd fallen off more cliffs than I could remember" sorta sums up the plot driven gameplay), and just gets a little silly by the end. I've still not finished the last half of the last episode because I couldn't quite be bothered with finding out what was going on any more.
I suppose I just didn't find that the stakes had been raised much between the start and the end. There wasn't a real build of tension over the situation from the start to that at the end, which I think is mostly down to pacing.
Enjoyable, but not mindblowing or gamechanging. Oh, also not scary in the slightest, if that was its intention.