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Skyline Park remove Sky Dragster after 3 years

So are they removing it or not?
As posted on the previous page it will be. It is just not dismantled yet and remains SBNO as the park are still having disputes with the manufacturer.
Skyline Park have confirmed that for the moment Sky Dragster will remain standing in the park. It may possibly still run every now and then, but there's no guarantee of this.
They are still involved in disputes with the manufacturer, which is why the coaster has not been dismantled yet. The park has had to deal with a 5-figure amount in maintenance costs per month.

While the Sky Dragster is closed today, the park seems to build a new one behind the Rafting. Looking at the foundations it seems to be a shorter version of the old layout. Single rail track is on site and Löwenthal seems to start the assembly. Track is white and blue and on site, too. Can be seen well from the Sky Flyer, didn’t have my phone at hand.

I wonder if it is paid for by Maurer due to issues with the old one.


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Wait, that makes this another cred. Damn, I really don’t fancy a trip back to that hell hole
That park is not worth the visit for a cred. I was not even mad I missed one today and was happy when I left.
What’s so bad about it? Granted, I’ve never been, but they’ve been getting a decent amount of investment and have some wack rides
I enjoyed a visit to the park a few years back, wouldn't be averse to returning. They have a schwartzkopf wildcat that was running perfectly, a unique gyrofloater cred, the booster and reverse bungee weren't upcharges and were included in the ticket price, they had a good flat ride selection including a star shape, and the go karts were good fun too! add to that the massive star flyer they just built and its easy to have a good time at the park.
What’s so bad about it? Granted, I’ve never been, but they’ve been getting a decent amount of investment and have some wack rides
They don't really have any standout, signature rides. I guess Skywheel might count given that it was the first of its type, but it's not a great ride. Yeah, there's also some quirky stuff like that gyroflyer thing, but none of it is actually very good.
For me it’s not just the lack of quality, but the park as a whole felt quite rundown. When I visited in 2019 the park had brought in two travelling showmens rides to bolster numbers for the year, which is fine, but the way they we’re just plopped down with no real thought about location didn’t help. It’s a pain to navigate as a park, bit awkward and the operations were terrible. The spike coaster for example was running one train, loading one person and dispatching every 6/7 minutes.

The Maurer spinner rode how I’d imagine the Niagara Falls barrel ride would, as in, there were clearly distorted bits of track. The star shape was broken when I went and I was under the impression that had now left the park. The food place gave me stomach issues for a couple of days too. I could go on…

I mean, I could’ve just had them on an off day, but it wasn’t that enamoured with the place.
I didn't want to start a discussion about the park in general, but I can just agree with what some of you said. It has some quite nice rides for teens and families. The issues I see are that most things appear to be chaotic and stuff is run down. Most attractions only were run by one employee only (even the coasters) who had to manage everything by themself: Operations and Social Distancing Measures. They are my main criticism, rules about social distancing were pretty unclear in the park and visitors did not follow them and neither did a lot of employees. Parks in Germany uttered loud criticism when they had to remain closed and said they were "part of the solution" but at least Movie Park, Tripsdrill and Skyline Park did not really care about controlling and establishing Social Distancing Measures in their parks. In Tripsdrill and Skyline Park school classes caused chaos without the parks seeming to bother. If parks want to remain to be visited by a broader audience than teenage groups they need to establish a safer environment and better atmosphere for them. Phantasialand acted stricter when I visited this year by refusing to let guests without covered mouth and nose ride attractions and security checking the queues for example. In Tripsdrill families, often visiting from other states in Germany where summer vacations had already started, complained loudly about the atmosphere in park.

Back to topic:

The closing of the Sky Dragster is due to regular maintenance issues by the way and it should be open again soon.
Phantasialand acted stricter when I visited this year by refusing to let guests without covered mouth and nose ride attractions and security checking the queues for example.
That must not have lasted long because when I went most of the staff didn’t do a darn thing.