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Silver Dollar City | Time Traveler | Mack Looping Launched Spinner

Today's viral teaser
Today's viral clue

Obviously the answer is a clock - pretty much confirms the TIME TRAVELER theme
These are like the riddles in Batman Forever....

Tommy Lee Jones will turn up soon chewing the scenery...
One week from announcement! Do we have an estimated time for info release?
Gah, that means they'll overlap with Kings Dominion's RMC announcement. ... unless they are meaning central time? In which case, that overlaps with Cedar Point.

Poor play SDC. Poor play.
Gah, that means they'll overlap with Kings Dominion's RMC announcement. ... unless they are meaning central time? In which case, that overlaps with Cedar Point.

Poor play SDC. Poor play.
I'd imagine it's Central time. Looks like it's multiple tabs at once time again this year.
CoasterForce Social Media team will be having fun covering it all. :p
Interesting. Have we (you) established which direction the train is going through that element yet? It is a Dive Loop or Immelmann?
I'm with @Lofty and @Temleh on this one too!

I am excited to see a spinning Mack, but I just don't think it'll be as good.
Can they add extra rows to a big dipper train or is it confined to 2? It's just if this only has 2 rows per train (if a big dipper) it's capacity will be dire.

This has been floating around social media and nobody's owned up to having made it so I might assume it's a leak? Not sure where it originally came from to be honest so if someone else has seen it and knows that would be great.

So looking at it it looks like a Lost Gravity. I'll take it to be honest, still not sure how I feel about a comical theme on a large scale E-ticket thrill coaster but knowing SDC it'll work beautifully.
This really looks like a BigDipper. I would actually surprised if it was a spinner. With this logo, I think it is safe to assume it is a big dipper. Would make more sense to me as well than a custom launched spinner.