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SF Discovery Kingdom | The Joker | Roar RMC Conversion

Re: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | The Joker | RMC Iron Horse

Shorter, seemingly more powerful Wicked Cyclone IMO. I guess we shall see.
Re: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | The Joker | RMC Iron Horse

The pacing on this looks relentless! :shock: I wasn't so sure about the idea of giving RMC a GCI to work with considering how twisty the footprint is to begin with but it looks like they've really used that to their advantage! This looks awesome! Let's hope Roar East, Wildcat, and maybe other less popular (or just Six Flags-owned) GCIs get the same!
Re: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | The Joker | RMC Iron Horse

Looks quite nice. Although the different colours of the tracks kind of irritate me. Also, is it just me or does it look like the ride has 2 stations (one will probably be used as storage, but it looks rather weird)?

Don't we already have a topic on this (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=39283)?
Re: SFDK | The Joker | Roar RMC conversion

Still annoyed they're closing a cred before I get to the park. #bitter

I love the track colours. Not a fan of a lot of the elements in this one. The zero g looks fab though.

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That drop looks pretty sweet. It looks great as expected, have no idea how it will rank up among the others. It's cool to see RMC deal with more smaller and compact layouts.
Out of all of Six Flags' new additions, this one is an easy home run. RMC came out with a layout what is full of airtime and a twisted layout. I am interested to see if GCI reacts to this or if SFDK send those trains to SFA's Roar, which is in dire need of GCI trains or even an RMC conversion.
Great addition! Loving the layout and the two tone track. It's great to see their first GCI turn out so well! Ha that being said, I think Lightning Rod is still likely to be the best RMC next year, I mean quadruple down... Still, it looks fantastic, full of airtime and nice and twisty! :--D
This looks awesome, I love the joker theme and two tone track too.

Shame about Roar though, it looked like a really good woodie.
GorresCoasters said:
Out of all of Six Flags' new additions, this one is an easy home run. RMC came out with a layout what is full of airtime and a twisted layout. I am interested to see if GCI reacts to this or if SFDK send those trains to SFA's Roar, which is in dire need of GCI trains or even an RMC conversion.
They sent one of Roar's trains to SFMM and the other to SFStl apparently.

Yeah I can't help but wonder what GCI thinks about one of their rides being iron-horsed. But they'd have to know their earlier coasters (Wildcat, Roar east, Roar west) werent as good as some of their later installments (Goldstriker, Thunderhead, American Thunder, Prowler etc).
^Wildcat and Gwazi both need RMCed, they both have a ton of potential if executed like RMC is doing Joker and both are awful. Not to mention I think they would be the only hybrid coasters in their states if I'm correct.

Sadly, this does look like one of their weaker projects, and I still don't think this one was as warranted as, say, Boss, Georgia Cyclone, or maybe even Roar East. This is a park that just got a Premier Skyloop verses parks that got Larson loops marketed as coasters at most. Should still be a killer ride, just not as killer as TC or Lightning Rod.
I am looking forward to this. I make an annual trip up to northern California every year so I may have to squeeze a day in at SFDK while I'm up there next year.
Track is being installed!


It appears that this also has a wear strip on the track. I'm honestly confused why all of these coasters have this. It doesn't look good at all. Though the track does look pretty neat.

EDIT: Can a mod please embed the video? It's really bugging me.

Fixed, use [facebookpost] on the Facebook URL - Hyde
Unfortunately, I don't think we can embed Facebook videos at the moment. At least, I'm not aware of how to do it if we can!

GuyWithAStick said:
It appears that this also has a wear strip on the track. I'm honestly confused why all of these coasters have this. It doesn't look good at all. Though the track does look pretty neat..
By definition is it not to stop wear on the main track? At around 01:20 in the video it looks as if it's an extra piece of material fastened to the main rail. In theory, this would allow them to replace that far more quickly and cheaply than the main rails if there is significant wear on the track.

That being said, we've had steel coasters for years without needing this sort of thing, so don't know why RMC have it? Plus, the engineer in me worries about fatiguing of that component - a problem you wouldn't have if the train ran straight on the rails. Of course, not doubting RMC know what they're doing... :P
I quite like it to be honest and I'd much rather a fluid line through the rail render than chipping and patchy deterioration that happens naturally with any coaster. Have you seen the state of Medusa Steel Coaster's track lately?! It's **** GROSS.
Video update from Theme Park Attraction:


Yes, I know it's a week old, but it's about as relevant as we can get.
The drop has been completed!

They've added Twisted Collossus-esque undulations to the pre-lift.

Eh, TC's pre-lift is quite mellow, so a similar style on Joker's pre-lift doesn't really intrigue me that much.