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SF Discovery Kingdom | The Joker | Roar RMC Conversion

Hot. Damn.

I still find this to be such a weird choice. There was nothing wrong with Roar, though obviously this will be better.

They should've ripped out Kong - vile piece of s**t - and started from the ground up. Nobody would've missed it.
Yeah, rmc conversions have transformed the worst major coaster into the best. And by looking at the current line up, I imagine it was already one of the better coasters...
I might be wrong, but the Joker generally has to follow the footprint of Roar, meaning the compactness of the coaster has already been pre-determined by GCI. This would normally be ok, but the park really don't have the space to play with and after seeing what rmc have done with Goliath at SFGA, rmc could have built a (brand new) similar sized coaster to Joker, in a smaller space. (while saving Roar)

The theming does look cool. The zero car isn't too much to scream at. Defo not RMCs best train, but not the worst.

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A full collection of construction tour photos can be found over on CoasterHub: http://coasterhub.com/archives/16131

I especially love this perspective of the first drop:


Here is also a drone flyover construction update that shows off the layout well.

Jeez, that bloom is so bright. Could barely see the coaster.

I did notice that the zero-g stall is a Goliath-style stall, as opposed to the one in the animation, which seemed more like an elongated zero-g roll.
^Twisted Colossus was like that too, full rotation in the animation, but just turned out to be a regular stall, which I like.

I wonder how the first drop will be like. The actual steep part looks quite brief and seems to level out sooner. The first inversion looks rather big too, should be some nice hang time. And the second inversion has a much smaller height so that should be taken much quicker.
Pink Panther said:
RMC #3 of '16 has been completed.
Was the flag necessary though...

If you look at any construction project, buildings, coasters, etc, there is always the countries flag placed on it at one point or another, typically at the highest point though during the process. If you question it, do some research.

Also Wildfire has a Swedish flag on its structure from last video blog posted. So quite standard.
For a first test run this thing is flying. So far this doesn't look quite as wild as Wicked Cyclone or Medusa, but I'll have to see a wider angle off ride to know for sure. That under flip thing looks amazing.
Don't let first test runs fool you into thinking that's how the coaster will run once it opens. RMC (and other manufacturers) runs the coaster at top speed on the first test runs to make sure it makes it all the way round the circuit and then gradually dials it back to prevent extreme forces on riders. Storm Chaser's testing was the perfect example of this procedure (as was Mako's).