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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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I've never seen the Saw film/s and I never will do.

Therefore the name means nothing to me but I still look forward to riding a new coaster with some theme.

I don't like the name, but hey, it's the coaster I'm interested in.
I don't see why your all moaning. Yes it has a crap name but that's not going to affect the ride experience at all.
And why are people saying that the themeing still isn't going to be good? Nothing has been released yet to say that the themeing won't look any worse than it does in the concept art.

I've still got my hopes up. Imagine what you can do with a coaster with a SAW theme. I'm talking pre ride videos. Imagine queue videos as well with CCTV of people in one of his traps trying to escape.
Then onto the ride, your trapped in a chair (just like the guy in the latest video) as you exit the station, all you can hear is screams of horror and there may be a few monitors with Jigsaw saying "I want to play a game" then a huge SAW revs up in front of you and you edge slowly towards it, as your about to hit it you dive down and escape the building.

Then comes the main ride itself, the layout looks bloody fantastic. I'm sure it's going to have lots of speed, airtime and hang time.

Whys everyone judging it down just because of a name?

What I don't get though is how any of the previous videos are related to SAW. And what the project name Dylan has to do with it. :p
What I don't get though is how any of the previous videos are related to SAW. And what the project name Dylan has to do with it.
I said...
But other than assuming that the Saw thing is pretty recent design addition (post the ride's plans) - hence explaining the shocking change in style between videos, my biggest beef with this thing is it not opening in October.

Whys everyone judging it down just because of a name?
Oli, no... and yes.

My problem is if you're going to call it Saw, you should theme it HEAVILLY and PROPERLY to Saw. It will not be. The Saw name is likely to be an irrelevant marketing tool. Even if it is themed to Saw in some respects, it will lack plot that is feed to you through the ride experience (that is, getting in the queue to getting out of the ride at the end). Check out the video, it incorporates Thorpe's other rides into it's plot - it's taking the feel and guidelines of a Saw film and cheesily bunging them into Thorpe Park. That is fine, in fact I kind of want it to be without plot but with generic themeing that is reminiscent of the Saw series. That way, it avoids failing at life with a story and makes the Saw name and marketing relevant.
^Even with no themeing, this will easily be the best Eurofighter in the world after Mystery Mine. :)

I personally can't wait for this and think it was a good move by Thorpe.
I wasn't shocked at this announcement. I definately think its a smart way to go, and will attract a lot of attention on it's opening. I'll be there :--D

Seriously? Whats wrong with that? Its a damn good theme I must admit and it could be the first time Thorpe can pull this off. It's looking like the best Euro-Fighter to me, I'm not complaining here :p

Hopefully it'll be a worlds best in horror themed coasters... We're gonna die :lol:
I'm not really surprised as I think people had guessed before it was going to be named along those lines of Saw anyway. But I didn't think they would actually get sponsored by the film franchise. I know rides have been themed around horror before, but this is now going to be associated with a pretty graphic horror film and kids will be riding it. Are they trying to target the under 18's market.

I was expecting something special from the promo video but it was disappointing. So is that is until next March no more updates/videos. :?:
The video was really good. The name might not be amazing, but its no worse than "Batman: the ride".

Aslong as the ride is themed well, which it will be, then im happy.

Im looking faward to the next video.
I have to agree with Ian actually, the name does not really matter its a new coaster and thats what matters at the end of the day.

I just dont think the name is very imaginative at all though, but they will probably place loads of adverts on the Saw5 film such as "Seen the film, now you can be part of Saw at Thorpe" some thing like that anyway.

I have seen the Saw films, the 1st one was the best and the rest are ok, they are not horror films in my view.

I'm not the only one here right now who's going 'wtf', my mates next to me are also reacting in a similar fashion...

I'll watch the actual annoucement video later since I cannot at college, and give my full opinion then, but right now, my head is shaking vigorously in disgust... They now most likely HAVE to put an age limit on the ride, and I'm hoping this is another teaser having not seen the video... But I doubt it...

The coaster may be good indeed, and that it does, but the fact that they've scraped the bottom of the barrel for a film which is being currently flogged like a dead horse for sequels, makes me upset as this could've and should've been a turning point for Thorpe...

Please don't make mistakes like this with Chessie Merlin...

EDIT: Hmm, there's a smiley where I use the word 'Disgust'...
I actually think is is awesome! The website which is now live is pretty sweet too. Oh and look at the comments on that youtube video, how much interest its generated already!

I've only saw bits of Saw I and II but the video/website still excites me for this coaster.

Edit : Just noticed the countdown clock lol only 151 days 14 hours and 52minutes til its open! (Wait... that would mean its opening at 1am :lol: )
Lol, and I thought Ploddish was winding me up....

I'm with Joey on this, as marketing goes it's not clever - wrong time of year and tied to a maligned B-movie film franchise on the way down.

On the other hand, as Ollie demonstrated, it could still be themed well.

VERY much a non-kiddie theme though - shows just what the demographic is for Thorpe, and their research must back it up. The mainstream advertising is going to be interesting!
The site isn't live for me...

The gripe I have with this is as follows:

A. The series is well and truly on its way out. Whenever I mention Saw 5 (which, secretly, yes, I'm looking forward to, like HSM3, but, I still think this is one hell of a bad idea), all I ever get is "oh... they're making another one... the last few were crap".
B. Chavs don't understand Saw. The whole point of it goes over stupid people's heads. Thus, it'll be full of people who don't understand the point of the ride. This will upset Ben.
C. I thought there was a windmill involved? And a mill idea going on? Jigsaw wouldn't use a mill, he uses industrial areas, or other areas easy to convert (see: Saw, Saw II, Saw III and Saw IV). A mill simply doesn't fit in with the character. This annoys Ben.
D. This was finally a chance to get a good theme back at Thorpe. This chance evaporated sometime last night. Sad.
E. I do fear isolation in the market because of this. And this was a chance for that much-coveted "under 1.4m" ride at Thorpe. Probably not so good now, is it?
When did Ben become Will???

What I can't follow is why put in a ride with a height limit which opens up Thorpe to a massive new audience - then theme it so that it's not appropriate for the group you've just opened up? It's satisfying current demographics and not opening up new ones. I can only assume Thorpe don't want to expand their gate figures - but keep the current kind of numbers?

It's either that, or the theming will be watered down so it IS suitable for more riders, in which case, it will fail with the people expecting something properly 'SAW'.

I'm confused :?
NO, how could they do this!

It was going so well. I can imagine the conversation:

“What good in coaster world now?”

“Mystery Mine good.”

“What theme like?”

“Saw 4.”

“Let do that!”

Thorpe Park officially has no imagination and bad taste!
I agree this is an odd idea to say the least, but i'm not going to pass judgement until i've ridden it. I can only hope that it works out well, with maybe an interactive queue line of some sort, or at least keeps you interested.
Also Thorpe now have the advantage of more than coaster enthusiast forums on about it. Some of the Saw forums are getting excited as well.
Oh for crying out loud:

http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/1 ... W-The-Ride

She is an extreme thrill enthusiast and will draw on her extensive background in theme park and theatre set design, working with the project team to make it the scariest ride in the world. Candy was also responsible for the creative development of THORPE PARK's Stealth ride, Se7en maze, and Oblivion and Air at Alton Towers Resort.

Se7en and Stealth (which they still claim as the fastest ride in Europe) don’t fill me with confidence.
Very very bizarre!

I don't think they are necessarily tying it into the latest Saw film though, just a generalisation of the francise which did start of as very popular, (personally hated the first film and thought it was **** so didn't bother to see the rest).

Thing is with theming any ride to any movie it becomes dated very quickly. Look at Universal Studios, they are forever having to totally overhaul rides because their guests don't really know much about the film it is based on due to te fact it is not of their generation. This is, as both Ben and Joey have said, already dated. They are on the 5th movie of a very stretched out and overly cashed-in on movie franchise.

Yet on the other hand, if you read the "story" on the mini-site. It says about John Crammer (Jigsaw) being an engineer etc etc. So the viral marketing involving engineers makes sense and also his building a coaster, or stealing the blueprints or whatever kinda makes sense too. Jigsaw is trying to save others from complacency. "The kind of test that makes feel alive... just as you are about to die". Again, all that adrenaline and everything, the theme does work, despite it being it a different location to Jigsaws usual industrial building. (It may be worth noting that a saw mill, is still industrial property, but normally in the smaller more rural areas)

I thought they might go for a general Saw theme, and have that kind of hack n slash style story to it, possibly creating their own but I didn't think they would actually go the whole hog and put it to a theme. For me it has actually spoilt all the work they did on the viral marketing and creation of the backstory. It just feels like one massive creative cop out.

But, like Stealth before it, it is only a name and the public will probably still love the ride and therefore the targets they have to meet in terms of customer satisfaction and so on will be met.

Like I say, I just feel it was a perfect chance for Thorpe to create a really well themed original story for the ride and again, they have copped out with someone elses creation, a la Inferno.
I disagree with many of you on here,

The Saw franchise is still going strong, with another two green lit after 5 is released next week. I work in the cinema industry, and the Saw films have a reputation for 1. Having the highest level of ambulance call outs since the excorsist and 2. having a HUGE opening first two weekends, and is still going very strong with not just the chavs and idiots, but the student market too.
It is the most successful horror franchise in years, and is a long way from dying out.

Its not the most original idea, and the films arn't my cup of tea either, but if they do it well I think it could easily be the most atmospheric ride in the park, and it will draw crowds in, without a doubt. An age cert on a film doesn't stop younger people watching it, so I don't think it will go over people's heads at all, and won't stop the younger crowd from riding it either.
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