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RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

portemine said:
VIRTÙ postponed

I'm dropping out (once again) of this competition. I noticed a major flaw in my creation's design and I want to take my time to finish the project anyway. I think it will take months to complete it and I had neither time nor inspiration to do something else (anthough I've actually tried).

Awwww no, whats the problem with it?
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I'm sure it can't be that bad.

My entry had an area which I hate but I submitted it anyway.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Not to add to the peer pressure but portemine, why don't you just submit what you have to date? Consider it an extensive preview. I think we all want to see what you have put together.
CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Colossus The Power of 10 said:
Important Announcement

So the closing date is tomorrow. And although we have had an extension, I`m willing to wait until the following competitors have submitted their entries providing their not going to take ages with it.

reddude - Uncharted - Drake`s Fortune (Already Submitted)
scw55 - Winter`s Palace (Already submitted)
portemine - Virtu (Project Postponed)
Josh - The Jester (Your theme is fine)
Addy - ???
Jammyband - ???

So if you four could all get you`re entries in asap that would be real great.
Fl0 did not reply to either the message on here or my PM I sent him, so unless he enters before the final of the four we`re waiting for, I`ll assume he is not taking part and will close the competition and take it to the voting period.
I should (hopefully) have mine done by today or tomorrow. If its going to be tomorrow, then I'll try & post a teaser later today, just so you know I'm still in the competition.

But, forests take a long time to make in RCT3…
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I really really want to add a pov of my coaster so I need to know how. I've got fraps so recording it will be fine.... but how do I post it onto this forum?? Reply ASAP please!!!
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Youtube <3

get the URL to the video and put it between [youtube] [/youtube] s
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

^ Ok thanks! I'll try to get my finished post up today. I was going to try to get it up last week but I didn't have enough time before I went on holiday for the Easter weekend (including bank-holidays)

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Firstly, can I say that I had to rush a little because I've been very busy recently . The surrounding park has not been refined and I have not had any time to do a nice video or anything. (Not that I know how to do one anyway) Also this is my first coaster with lots of effort with hills and stuff. Anyway, this is my [novice] entry and I hope you enjoy!

Sort of rubbish storyline: :P
Finally, your free! After months of tiring work you are on your Easter break, but what should you do? Go to 'Sandy Bay' theme park of course! You arrive, and are amazed by the towering coaster crouching over the mountains. In a hurry, to jump on and experience the thrills!


http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg42/sca ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg600/sc ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg823/sc ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg14/sca ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg37/sca ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg805/sc ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg801/sc ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg685/sc ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg62/sca ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg96/sca ... es=landing
http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg42/sca ... es=landing

Don't know what else to put.

I know it didn't have a proper theme or anything but I like it and i enjoyed making it!!! :--D :--D :--D
Thanks CP10 for the opportunity to make a cool coaster! I also think all of your coaster are great! :)

(I may post an extra thing if I miss something out and you tell me :) )

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Hey JammyBand, thank you for your entry and nice comments, I would really love to see a POV if possible? If your unsure how to do that I can help, It would be beneficiary to your ride.

Also what is your rides name?

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I thought someone might ask that! To be honest, it doesn't have one at the moment. Also, I would love some help to make a pov: that would be great! :--D
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Right follow these steps,
1. Go to game options and see what the record button is (I cant remember as I have mine custom)
2. Go to the coasters point of view, and press that button to start recording, leave it until the coaster does 1 circuit and press the button again. to stop recording (don`t worry the game running slow is perfectly normal)
Let me know when you`ve done that.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Many? One so far and hopefully another when portemine enters...mine is certainly not a giga coaster (it's an LSM launch coaster as I stated) and Josh's looks like it is either the same or an accelerator.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Actually I think JammyBand's is a Megacoaster and mine is a Gigacoaster, since Virtù is 312ft (94 m) tall and JammyBand's coaster is supposedly under 300ft. Anyway 300ft in RCT3 doesn't feel like 300ft in a real coaster - and that's something worrying me, the huge first drop on Virtù rides much differently compared to Thunder Dolphin's.

I'll try to post an update tonight. Expect some crazy high supports (so high that even a single extended vertical beam from SteelJungle isn't sufficient to reach the track !)

[edit] : I actually made a test POV and it turned out to be quite reassuring. Although the game can slow down on parts of my 'city' given the tall buildings, there's no sign of lag in the vid itself ! That means I could do the POV on my own, greatly simplying the process.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I was thinking the exact same thing but I didn't think it was worth totally degrading scw about such a small comment...although he may have been going off of RCT3 titles in which mine still isn't a giga coaster because it's a CTR.

And I've had that happen with tall coasters...that's when you know you've created a monster :-P
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Yay, I wanted to create an Intamin airtime madness for so long and Virtu pretty much fulfills that ambition :)

Still I believe the coaster to be very realistic (by RCT3 standards indeed) and ultra-smooth, except that it would cost something like $70,000,000.
By the way, I switched the in-game (so-called) "Gigacoaster" TR for Coasterfreak90's Megacoaster CTR. I was initially a bit skeptical but not I feel it looks better. I haven't posted any significant update precisely because of all these Custom objects search.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Hello. I have tried recording using shift+ctrl+F11 but after 20 minutes it has only loaded 20 seconds! I understand that RCT3 takes a series of photos before stitching them together to make a movie, therefore taking a long time, but 20 seems like an awful amount to me. Also, it has used an amazingly large amount of memory for just 20 seconds. So, I'm not going to use this method if I can. I can use a recording program called 'Fraps'. It records in .avi format so I hope that will be OK. However, it uses an OUTSTANDINGLY MASSIVE 2GB for just 2 minutes! (That's the length of my ride) I'm sure you can get video compressors (a link would be nice) which could reduce the huge size. Please reply if this would be suitable. If so, tell me the next steps. Thanks!

Also, how do you make a signature? :P

-JammyBand :--D
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Hmm, you're unlucky. For 20mins recording time I actually got 30 seconds.

I just do a Japanese puzzle whilst I wait. I daren't go AFK and come back just in case I over shoot (and don't want to risk undershooting so possibly record 2 laps + cba editing videos) or undershoot and cancel prematurely.

Does mean... If I want a painless POV recording my coasters can't be longer than 40seconds in length. Or get depressed recording a decent length one.

It's horrible. Means I can't do fancy 'panning' shots of sections from an off-ride POV. I feel your pain, but man-up :>
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I justr realized I have NO supporting done, so I'm going to have to withdraw. I was so not prepared. :/