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Rank the Star Wars Movies (so far).

I kinda owe it to myself to finally make this list, so here we go.

1. Return of the Jedi - I'm with @Howie on this one, this has always been my favorite. It's a great finale to the trilogy. I never disliked the Ewoks, and really liked the Endor stuff (from the speeder chase to the Battle). The stuff with Vader and the Emperor at the end is also great.

2. The Last Jedi - I really did love this one. It had a lot of great moments that made me go wtf, but in a good way (i.e. light speed collision, Yoda). I was really satisfied with Luke's story arc and eventually becoming one with the force, which itself was a really touching scene. The Canto Bite stuff was fine because it was the only real world building the movie provided, and it's initially a fun bar/casino scene. I would've preferred Smoke living, but I wasn't too bothered by that. And out of all the movies, this one has the most visually appealing sets. And I loved the little scene at the end with the youngling.

3. Empire Strikes Back - Really like Battle of Hoth (and the battle music), and overall it has some great stuff. I never really had the emotional impact of the Vader/father reveal. I first saw the movie when I was pretty young and even though I wasn't spoiled by it I don't remember it being a big moment for me (although obviously I understand it is).

4. A New Hope - Perhaps a bit slower than the other ones but it's still very fun.

5. The Force Awakens - This one's also really fun. Starkiller Base and blowing that up is my only nitpick, just kinda lame that they went that route again and it can't match the imposing threats of the Death Star.

6. Revenge of the Sith - I like this one. Lots of fun lightsaber fights and it's a nice transformation into Vader. I like Ewan McGregor was Obi-Wan as well.

7. Solo - This had fun characters, some cool action sequences, and a bit of light humor. It's a nice backstory for Han.

8. Rogue One - First half is slow (honesty hard to remember what happened), second half is good. Characters are pretty weak besides that one droid, whatever his name is. Should probably watch it again, haven't scene it a second time yet. Loved the Vader scene though.

9. Attack of the Clones - Lot of people have this last but this has some interesting settings (i.e. Kamino and Geonosis).

10. Phantom Menace - Darth Maul is great, Pod Racing is cool, Qui-Gon is alright, rest is kinda boring. Jar Jar and annoying child Anakin kind of ruin it.

11. The Clone Wars - It's a movie, I'm including it. There you go. :p
1. Return of the Jedi - I'm with @Howie on this one, this has always been my favorite.

Brave man admitting that round here. Did you not see the abuse I've suffered over the last 11 pages? That's it now, buddy, reputation tarnished forever.
You're right, of course, but lesser mortals, unable to fully appreciate the complexities of Return of the Jedi, will forever berate us.

But they will pay for their lack of vision.
Nah, we like and respect Sanchezmran, so he's fine to have that opinion ;)

Don't worry @Sanchezrmran, the men in the white coats will be along shortly...

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You can understand it with the Yanks, as they don't have any taste though :P All fur coat and no knickers.
I used to really like you.

You as well dude.
Weird assed mutha:emoji_zipper_mouth:ers in this thread.

I'm an origin store fanboy. Can't help it. Most series over the years, short of Harry Potter and LotR, I've liked the first movie over the rest. That's not to say the following are bad movies by any stretch, just don't play me like a fiddle like the first do. IE: My Top 10.

Also.. you know I see you in like two weeks. :P
I'm an origin store fanboy. Can't help it. Most series over the years, short of Harry Potter and LotR, I've liked the first movie over the rest. That's not to say the following are bad movies by any stretch, just don't play me like a fiddle like the first do. IE: My Top 10.

Also.. you know I see you in like two weeks. :p

I think it's the fact that you put RotJ above ESB that bothers him the most.
Some people get really upset by that for some reason. o_O
I'm an origin store fanboy. Can't help it. Most series over the years, short of Harry Potter and LotR, I've liked the first movie over the rest. That's not to say the following are bad movies by any stretch, just don't play me like a fiddle like the first do. IE: My Top 10.

Also.. you know I see you in like two weeks. :p
No issues with ANH at the top, there's just 0 reason to put ROTJ above ESB in my opinion. I agree generally about the first in a series as well, although I prefer Dark Knight to Batman Begins too.

Very excited about 11 days from now :D
I think it's the fact that you put RotJ above ESB that bothers him the most.
Some people get really upset by that for some reason. o_O
I should probably actually rate these now. I'm not going into expanded stuff, but the last episodes of Rebels were fantastic. Some of the new books, like Phasma are also really good and worth going through if you have the inclination to bother to read :) I thinkI'm only short of about 3 of the teen novels now of having read everything.

List then:
1. ESB
2. ANH
3. TFA
4. TLJ
5. R1
7. Solo
10. That load of bollocks Episode 2

It was tricky fitting in Solo. I can't really put it above anything original trilogy though. Rogue One I can't decide about. It's a mess of a film, but it has some really good bits and it works watching it and then going straight into ANH. ROTJ is a mess though as well, so I think it works, but there's a degree of movement between Rogue One, ROTJ and Solo. The Last Jedi is better on a second watch when you're not shocked by the completely awful bits - you can brace for them :)
Some of the new books, like Phasma are also really good
They did a book based on that **** character!? I hope she was more interesting than her on-screen appearances.

I need to watch TLJ again but I kind of daren't. I think it might go the way of AOTC where every subsequent watch makes it worse...
Yeah, when you read the books, you realise what a bunch of flat and pointless characters they have in the new films.

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Since I haven't ranked them fully in a hot minute:
  1. A New Hope
  2. The Force Awakens
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Empire Strikes Back
  5. Rogue One
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. The Last Jedi
  8. The Phantom Menace
  9. Attack of the Clones
I've ALWAYS loved the original, very very much so. If I ever have to watch a movie in the whole series cold turkey, it would be A New Hope. I also loved TFA for the origin story arch of it all as well. RotJ is a fantastic finale of course. Empire is Empire. Rogue is fantastic but has a very slow beginning. After that.. it all kinda goes down hill. Sith has a great second half as well but slow build up. TLJ wasn't memorable in any way short of Rey and Kylo battle. And y

After watching Solo this afternoon:
  1. A New Hope
  2. The Force Awakens
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Empire Strikes Back
  5. Rogue One
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Solo
  8. The Last Jedi
  9. The Phantom Menace
  10. Attack of the Clones
Hmmm... Solo.
It was a fun film but nothing really came of it and it didn't particularly do much for me.
Something I haven't seen come up in reviews but bothered me was how the ending got so convoluted with the I'm double crossing you, but no, I'm triple crossing you! And I've been playing the long game, but he's quintuple crossing you! And I didn't really care by that point.

Feels kinda wrong if I were to rank it at the bottom right now, but even the worst Star Wars film would usually still be one of my favourite films. This doesn't feel like it will be.

I don't think I've ever criticised the franchise over saying something positive but...
The evading the tie fighters scene was cool.
The 4 armed guy saying 'dying alone sucks' made me think about how f*cking awesome Han's death is, 3.7 episodes later. So that's a plus.
Oh hey, it's Vision! But, recognising actors shouldn't be a standout moment in Star Wars, so that's not a plus.
I'll get back to you.
  1. Empire Strikes Back (arguably the best blockbuster ever made)
  2. New Hope (a classic that still holds up with many repeat viewings)
  3. Last Jedi (I can see why die hard fans hate this because it's a reversal of many Star Wars tropes, and I think it's flawed. However, it's a visually beautiful film filled with great performances and a script full of great ideas. I like the transition of the Force from religious to spiritual.)
  4. Return of the Jedi (Those damn ewoks... Has a good Luke plot but also is quite the disappointment considering the quality of those first two)
  5. Force Awakens (I quite liked it, but it doesn't have too much originality. Still, a very well made film with practical effects <3)
  6. Solo (Surprised at how much I enjoyed this. Thought the whole cast did well and just had a good time. Color grading is awful though)
  7. Revenge of the Sith (Definitely the best of the prequels but still a pretty bad movie)
  8. Phantom Menace (far worse than Rogue One but has a certain "so bad it's good" quality for me)
  9. Rogue One (Just not for me; I understand why people like it but it's very bleh for me. I prefer bad movies to ones that bore me, which this just did.)
  10. Attack of the Clones (arguably the worst blockbuster ever made)
Finally got round to watching Solo this weekend. The fact that it's taken me this long to see it just goes to show how arsed I am about the whole thing.
Yeah. Not very good, is it? Not exactly bad, just... meh. Bit dull. Bit boring. Nothing new here. Only watched it yesterday and I can barely remember a thing about it.
Down near the bottom of the list for you, Mr Solo.
Along with The Last Jedi, I make that 2 duds in a row. Really hoping Episode IX restores some balance to the Force.

1. RotJ
2. TFA
3. ANH
4. R1
5. RotS
6. TPM
Last four interchangeable depending on mood;
7. TLJ
8. Solo
9. AotC
10. ESB
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Realized I never updated rankings for the Solo movie! Adding below, with all other movie opinions still holding true. And yes - I still think Last Jedi was a masterful addition to the saga. :p

1. Empire Strikes Back - Yes, it is the best Star Wars movie for advancing plot and providing good depth to the 4-6 story arc.
2. Last Jedi - While Force Awakens carried an aura of rediscovering the franchise, Last Jedi provided further build-in of the third story arc and let us get to know the new cast even more. Really enjoyed the weaving of stories and reverse of archetype from jedi-trainings and rebels-outrunning-empire of old - cinematography of Rian Johnson was also top notch. I hope others will appreciate the movie more once Star Wars 9 is released, as this really moved the story from the Force Awakens reboot. If this were a simple regurgitation of Empire Strikes Back (As Force Awakens was for A New Hope) - I feel the fan hate would be very real.
3. A New Hope - Bumping this up, now thinking more through the general story of Star Wars. I mean, how can you not like A New Hope?
4. Force Awakens - This movie carried even more pressure than Episode 1 for delivering a good story and set pace for the 7-9 story arc. Yes, it's a straight archetype rip of A New Hope... but it also did not disappoint for visual and story work.
5. Rogue One - So I've bumped this up: this is a damn good Star Wars movie, especially for showing more of the war element for the Rebel Alliance. I also loved how they lean into the lack of Jedis as an important story arc, while also creating my new favorite Star Wars character, Chirrut Imwe.
6. Return of the Jedi - I just really love the Battle of the Second Death Star.
7. Solo Movie - Gah, I wanted to love this one so much. There was a lot going for it: good acting, intriguing background plot, old Star Wars era stormtroopers and regalia. The plot just felt bogged down however. You mean to tell me that is how Solo and Chewie met!? The plot twist also felt a bit of a stretch for who the true master villain was... and I do not want to go down the rabbit hole of Star Wars animated series to find out more. Would gladly watch again, and still ahead of the prequels - just a bit haggard of a story.
7. Revenge of the Sith - My favorite of the prequels... but that isn't saying a lot.
8. Phantom Menace - Redeemed for having Qui-gon Jinn.
9. Attack of the Clones - Crap acting, horrible love story, and Hayden Christensen can suck it.