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Rank the B&M Hyper coasters

Now I've done a few more I'd rank them like this;

1. Goliath (SFoG)
2. Shambhala
3. Fury 325
4. Intimidator
5. Leviathan
6. Nitro
7. Behemoth
8. Apollo's Chariot
9. Diamondback
10. Silver Star
My rankings,

1. Fury 325
2. Goliath (SFoG)
3. Nitro
4. Diamondback
5. Apollos Chariot
6. Raging Bull

Goliath, Nitro and Diamondback are all really close, could go in any order really depending on how it rides that day.
I absolutely love B&M Hypers so it's a difficult one to rank. None of these have ever given me a bad ride but if I had too;

1. Goliath (SFOG)
2. Nitro
3. Intimidator
4. Fury325
5. Shambhala
6. Behemoth
7. Leviathan
8. Silver Star
9. Diamondback
10. Raging Bull
I can only assume they've done something to improve Intimidator based on the last few opinions because a few years ago, I thought it was really poor.

That's not me saying anyone is "wrong" in the slightest as I fully understand that coasters can, and do, change over the years (I LOVED Silver Star where others who'd ridden it previously found it lacking airtime for example), so I'm curious as to what they've done to improve Intimidator. With Silver Star, I think it was a case of trims being removed/switched off.
Apparently Intimidator has had the trims taken off as well - the first one didn't do anything today and the second one was a bit pathetic.

I expected to really not like it but it was fab.

Looking forward to doing Silver Star again this October to see if it is better.
Intimidator was awful back in 2010, Gavin. It has improved, but still doesn't blow me away. Here are my rankings:

1. Fury 325
2. Behemoth
3. Leviathan
4. Shambhala
5. Nitro
6. Goliath- SFOG
7. Goliath- La Ronde
8. Intimidator
9. Apollo's Chariot
10. Diamondback
11. Raging Bull

The first five are set in stone, but the last six apart from Raging Bull and Diamondback are pretty close.
Guess it's time for an update:

1. Fury 325
2. Shambhala
3. Behemoth
4. Leviathan
5. Nitro
6. Goliath (SFOG)
7. Silver Star
8. Apollo's Chariot
9. Goliath (La Ronde)
10. Intimidator
11. Diamondback
12. Raging Bull

I'm a bit surprised how similar Taylor's list compares to mine.
Now I've ridden all the B&M hypers on this trip (and in the USA & Europe) I think I can rank them fairly;

1. Goliath (SFOG)
2. Nitro
3. Intimidator
4. Fury325
5. Shambhala
6. Behemoth
7. Leviathan
8. Silver Star
9. Apollo's Chariot
10. Diamondback
11. Raging Bull

Just Hollywood Dream and Goliath (La Ronde) needed for the collection!
I've recently come back from 2 weeks in America visiting 13 parks.

I'd probably rank them like this:

1. Fury 325 (by quite a large margin. I haven't quite figured out my top 10 yet but I think this will almost certainly go into my top 5)
2. Leviathan (great first drop and the bunny hill after the first corner had great airtime)
3. Diamondback (this was a pleasant surprise as I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that good, solid airtime throughout and a really fun first drop)
4. Apollo's Chariot (not the most intense but really fun, the last hill before the break run had great airtime)
5. Behemoth (good out and back coaster but I think AC did the same thing better)
6. Nitro (better than I remember it being in 2006, a fun ride)
7. Raging Bull (probably the most forgettable, I don't remember disliking it but I don't really remember liking it either)
8. Intimidator (the trims seriously killed this thing, it barely had any airtime, though reading the comments of others in this thread I'm wondering if I just hit it on a bad day). It also quite possibly has the worst concept for a theme ever. I know the Carolinas have a reputation for being a bit rednecky but they seriously themed a hypercoaster to a dead NASCAR driver? Okaaaay.

Generally I think they are great coasters, the only one I've come off thinking 'that was a bit crap' was Intrimidator.
Only been on 3, but:

1) Diamondback - this one really surprised me. I rode it the first time towards the front and was less than impressed. I rode it 3 more times in the very back and it gave a totally different ride. The first drop was really intense in the back and I got a lot of ejector air. The splashdown didn't do anything for me, but I thought the rest of the ride was great.

2) Nitro - this was disappointing. My first ride was in the front and I was really disappointed. The drop was great, but after that I felt like I was bored. I rode it later in the day and sat in the back. I was less disappointed, but it still didn't live up to my expectations. I thought the first drop was great, but I thought the rest of the ride was weak.

3)Apollo's Chariot - This may not even be a fair one to rank, because I can't remember anything about it. I think it was around 100* when I was at BGE and I rode this late in the day before we left, so I must have been suffering from heat stroke or something. But I don't really have anything positive or negative to say about it.
Not having been on many but my five cents:

Fury325 - I was surprised that it actually has some airtime and very good pacing, is B&M getting bold?

The rest is just up and downs without any major thrill, nearly no airtime, slow pacing. Overall my recent US trip only confirms that there is nothing that beats an Intamin Hyper.
I swear there was a newer version of this thread, but hey-ho.

1 - Fury 325 - Duh, easily the best B&M hyper out there, the others are quite good but this really is exceptional. Some tasty floater as expected but this actual has ejector, direction changes and speed, glorious speed.
2 - Nitro - I didn't experience major rattling which I've heard about so my rides were full of floater airtime through the whole layout, with the brilliantly forceful helix breaking it up. Love this ride, especially at night.
3 - Silver Star - Similar to Nitro with a lot of floater but missing the forceful helix. Not a huge fan of the final S turns, but it's still fab.
4 - Raging Bull - Ghastly. Awful layout, a sapping trim and a grabbing MCBR. That's without even mentioning the disgusting rattle this thing has on train 1. It nearly made me throw up from the rattling and jolting at the bottom of every drop. One of the worst B&Ms in existence, eeeeeew.
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I've only done Silver Star and Shambhala. The latter is muuuuch better. I also prefer the seat format on the Shammy trains too. SS is still great though, really enjoyable coaster.
Ahhh, yes. B&M Hypers.

1. Fury 325- Definitely the best of the B&M Hypers because it does everything a B&M Hyper doesn't. No gradual hills with decent floater here. You are ripping through these low banking turns followed by ejector filled hills. It is often a bit overhyped, but it is possibly the best B&M out there.
2. Shambhala- Ampersand is amazinggggg. The extra height and theming puts it towards the top of the B&M Hyper list. The hills provide great floater and is just generally a great coaster.
3. Goliath, SFOG- I would say this is the best "classic" B&M Hyper, for me at least. Both Fury and Shambhala are taller and have extra elements than the usual Hyper, but Goliath is right at 200 ft and has all the traditional elements. What this coaster does best is the mixture of floater and ejector. B&M Hypers' ejector is usually quite weak, but I loveee the ejector on these bunny hills. Plus, that insane helix. Overall, I'd say this is in the top 25 in America.
4. Nitro- This used to be higher, but my recent rides have been mostly duds. Still, it has the classic floater and some good bunny hills. However, there's a notable rattle and its forces are just weaker than before.
5. Mako- This is a quality B&M Hyper and likely the best coaster in Orlando (if they fixed that **** Yeti then Everest would beat it). It does everything right but also doesn't really excel anywhere. Very good, just good though.
6. Diamondback- Eh. Haven't ridden this since 2012, but I doubt it has gotten better recently. It had a bad rattle then in the back, and it had decent airtime but nothing amazing. I think the layout itself is good, but I just remember it being, well, unmemorable.
7. Intimidator- Boooo. No airtime for me, no forces, no nothing. Had good speed, but I'll take a ride on Fury any day.