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Rank the B&M Hyper coasters

Isn't airtime caused by the inertia force caused by the change from up to down?, so if two people on the same train at the same speed with the same change in direction had the same force acted on them the heavier would be moved less as the force would require more energy to move them
Well, no. Because if two people are on the same train at the same speed, the force applied to them would not be the same, only the acceleration would. I know it's confusing but the "g force" doesn't actually refer to force but acceleration.
The force applied to them would be proportional to their weight so 200 lbs man would be subject to twice as much force as a 100 lbs kid. Therefore, the bigger guy would get off its seat just as hard as the smaller kid.
It's pretty similar to when you just sit on a chair, the bigger you are, the stronger the reaction of the chair is, so that whatever is your mass, you don't fall through the chair.
Well, no. Because if two people are on the same train at the same speed, the force applied to them would not be the same, only the acceleration would. I know it's confusing but the "g force" doesn't actually refer to force but acceleration.
The force applied to them would be proportional to their weight so 200 lbs man would be subject to twice as much force as a 100 lbs kid. Therefore, the bigger guy would get off its seat just as hard as the smaller kid.
It's pretty similar to when you just sit on a chair, the bigger you are, the stronger the reaction of the chair is, so that whatever is your mass, you don't fall through the chair.

Interesting so by the same logic if 2 people of the same weight smash through a car window in a crash they will go the same distance?
Yay I have a few more now.

1. Mako - The airtime is amazing and and over bank turns are fun, but what makes it even better is the lack of a seat belt. The ending isn't as strong but honestly there's nothing I'd change about this coaster. Just brings a smile on my face the whole ride. By far the smoothest of them all as well.

2. Nitro - It has a healthy mix of airtime and powerful forces, and the helix is excellent. Need to ride it again as it's been a few years and I've only done back row.

3. Goliath - Similar to Nitro with a great mix of forces, but the first drop isn't as good and there's a bit of a rattle. That being said, I could see it overtaking Nitro, just need to ride that more.... No MCBR is huge too.

4. Diamondback - Unsurprisingly, the airtime is fantastic but the the positive g-forces in between the large camelbacks are a little rattly. There's also a little trim that's a little distracting, but doesn't ruin the airtime. I like the water splash as well.

5. Fury - The first drop and treble clef are incredible, and the airtime on the hills and transitions are great. I wasn't a fan of the excessive positive g forces though. It tries to do a lot and it gets a bit much.

6. Intimidator - This starts off really well but the layout dies as soon as it hits the MCBR. Only three big airtime hills? That all you got?

7. Apollo's Chariot - This is getting a little awkward because honestly I don't really know if this is as good as the others or not. I definitely remember riding it and really enjoying it, but I don't know if I can make a fair comparison as I only had around 40 creds when I rode it. It's in desperate need of a re ride, but for now it's just stuck at the bottom. :(
6. Intimidator - This starts off really well but the layout dies as soon as it hits the MCBR. Only three big airtime hills? That all you got?
I may have said this before, but if you sit in the front row(s), the airtime hills are really great, but the ride dies after it hits the MCBR. But if you sit in the back, the ride has wonderfully forceful, whippy drops, and that lasts for the whole ride.
^I only sat in the first two rows and the airtime because I thought it would be better up there with the trims. I probably should've tried the back but didn't have enough time. But still, if the helix was replaced by a couple of hills it would've been much better.
I may have said this before, but if you sit in the front row(s), the airtime hills are really great, but the ride dies after it hits the MCBR. But if you sit in the back, the ride has wonderfully forceful, whippy drops, and that lasts for the whole ride.
Front is definitely the place to sit on this one. I didn't get much in the case of whippy drops in the back, they were alright, but even Raging Bull had a better first drop in the back I thought.
Went on Nitro on my most recent trip and like the other B&M hyper's I have ridden I fully enjoyed it but I would rank it just below Behemoth and Diamondback
I need to get my ass back to Great Adventure, loved Toro and Nitro at the time, but that was before all the RMCs etc. Diamondback was great but I still feel Nitro gave the better full hill floater and that helix was damn good.
Personally, I much preferred Nitro to Diamondback and Behemoth especially as Behemoth is somewhat spoiled by the trims but they are all good coasters.

My favourite is Fury 325 however as it has fab airtime and the overall experience is amazing - I had a front row ride as well which was particularly good as the rush of wind in your face added something extra to it :)
I don't know if I've done this before, but I'm doing it again because I'm too lazy to go through all 8 pages.

1. Behemoth- Still the best B&M hyper despite a slight rattle. The airtime is the strongest of the bunch and the helix is intense without being too much.

2. Leviathan- I'm not sure why people are counting this, but I'm just following suit. Great speed, amazing first drop, and some good pops of airtime. It does suffer from being too short.

3. Shambhala- My first ride on it was underwhelming with very little airtime, but my second ride more than made up for it. Lovely airtime and a very fun turnaround.

4. Intimidator- Sucked when I rode it back in the day but my last ride on it bumped it up miles. The airtime was great!

5. Hollywood Dream (Backwards)- Certainly a unique sensation riding one of these the other way! Not particularly airtime filled, but fun nonetheless.

6. Nitro- Still a very good ride with good airtime, but it's quite hit or miss. Some days it's good, some days it's ****, some days it makes me grey out (which I dislike) and sometimes it doesn't. But, judging by my last ride, it was fab.

7. Raging Bull- Yeah it's not the greatest thing out there, but it's fun, twisty, and has some good drops.

8. Goliath La Ronde- I haven't been on this in many years so it would probably rank a little bit higher if I rerode it, but it didn't stand out that much.

9. Hollywood Dream (Forwards)- I'd probably get more forces sitting in a chair.

10. Goliath (SFOG)- I'd probably rank this higher if I wasn't on the verge of heat stroke and exhaustion at the time of riding. It did have good airtime, but the forces were too much.

11. Diamondback- Shaky and forceless these days.
New in bold.

1. Still Behemoth. Loved that ride, had myself a little mini marathon when I was there on my own one day back in 2012, got 7 laps in... I think? It was running like a dream - smooth as glass, super fast and buckets and buckets of fabulous, floaty weightlessness, just awesome. Great layout too, just gigantic airtime hill after gigantic airtime hill.
Bonus points for the seating arrangement.

2. Leviathan. Slightly underwhelmed on my first ride, but I learned to love it after getting front and back row rides later in the day. Back row for the incredible first drop and the airtime moments, front row for the sheer speed of the thing and the views.

3. Diamondback. Good one, I liked it lots. The stadium style seating is a big plus for me - so roomy and spacious. Smooth-ish, good layout, splashdown - what's not to love?

4. Silver Star. My first one, I remember liking it lots, but that was 12 years ago and I'm struggling to compare to ones I've ridden more recently. It doesn't half gobble up those queues though, dunnit? My god, those Germans operate it well.

5. Apollo's Chariot. It was ok. Nice setting, but other than that, not very memorable.

6. Nitro. I've come to accept that I must have ridden "the bad train" on "a bad day", cos it didn't half rattle when I rode it. I mean, it was proper rattling, all the way round. Nowt wrong with the layout or the location, but man, the rattle ruined it.

7. Raging Bull. Uhm.. Yeah. I kinda feel bad about saying this when @GuyWithAStick was kind enough to show us round his home park recently (he even got me a staff discount on some fudge. ;) ), but yeah. Nah.
Sorry dude, but Mildly Irritated Calf would be a better name for it. It's just a bit... what's the word? Poo, yes that's it. It's poo.
But thank you very much for the fudge. :)
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7. Raging Bull. Uhm.. Yeah. I kinda feel bad about saying this when @GuyWithAStick was kind enough to show us round his home park recently (he even got me a staff discount on some fudge. ;) ), but yeah. Nah.
Sorry dude, but Mildly Irritated Calf would be a better name for it. It's just a bit... what's the word? Poo, yes that's it. It's poo.
But thank you very much for the fudge. :)

Nah mate, completely agree with you on that. Not even top 5 in the park for me. I'm not a fan of it.

You're welcome for the fudge btw!

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1 - Fury 325 - Duh, easily the best B&M hyper out there, the others are quite good but this really is exceptional. Some tasty floater as expected but this actually has ejector, direction changes and speed, glorious speed.
2 - Nitro - I didn't experience major rattling which I've heard about so my rides were full of floater airtime through the whole layout, with the brilliantly forceful helix breaking it up. Love this ride, especially at night.
3 - Silver Star - Similar to Nitro with a lot of floater but missing the forceful helix. Not a huge fan of the final S turns, but it's still fab.
4 - Diamondback - Quite liked this one, heading out into the woods definitely adds something and the splashdown is good. Not quite up there with the 2 above but had some great drops in the back.
5 - Shambhala - My rides on this weren't great, except for the last 2 rides of the night, and even they weren't exceptional. Next time I go hopefully it will be warmer and run like it should, but it really doesn't like the cold it seems.
6 - Intimidator - Any seat other than the front is a very poor ride. Front is good, nearly as good as Silver Star, plenty of floater all over the place, but ANY other row it's garbage, hardly any weightlessness at all. Don't get the fuss tbh and hence is near the bottom of the list.
7 - Raging Bull - Ghastly. Awful layout, a sapping trim and a grabbing MCBR. That's without even mentioning the disgusting rattle this thing has on train 1. It nearly made me throw up from the rattling and jolting at the bottom of every drop. One of the worst B&Ms in existence, eeeeeew. - Note, Re-rode this recently and the rattle wasn't as bad but the trim still ruins it, sideways hang on an "airtime hill"? **** off.
1. Mako

Hours and hours of glorious airtime, nice forceful turnaround, and a beautiful floater hill into a nice turn over the lake. I can't see how B&M hypers can get any better than this (although read my Silver Star entry below)

2. Hollywood Dream: The Ride

My first B&M Hyper (Mega?), I rode it in the evening with the music pumping and everyone on the train cheering and laughing. Amazing.

3. Shambhala

Amazing ride, terrible restraints. The only ride I've ever had to do the 'walk of shame' down the platform. When I was slim enough to ride it was awesome though. Beautiful views from the top, loads of airtime, the turnaround was amazing and the hills just kept coming

4. Silver Star

I'm almost certain this was a dream, did anyone ride Silver Star last year during Europas winter season? Did I just imagine it?

8c, grey and pelting it down with rain. Silver Star was running like an absolute monster. Every hill was ejector airtime, trying to rip you from your seat. The helix was so forceful I started greying out. S-bend had loads of lateral. I'm amazed the brakes managed to stop it. For that one glorious day it was my favorite coaster in the history of coasters.

Then I rode it during the summer season a few days ago. So disappointing. Pegasus legitimately had more airtime. It ambled its way through the layout with small amounts of airtime when it felt like it. Felt like it might stall on the helix. Oh Europa, why did you nerf it?
1. Apollo's Chariot - Rode this back row with a ton of room and was flying out of my seat on all the hills. Easily one of the best hypers out there.

2. Behemoth - Great ride, especially when trimless and full of great floater airtime. Decent 2nd half as well.

3. Intimidator - Rode this when it was running extremely fast and got very good airtime on all the hills and some good forces in the turnaround. I wish it had a longer 2nd half though.

4. Silver Star - The first half was okay but the trimless 2nd half was so good in the back row. Great air off the MCBR and on the hills after it. Very fun ride!

5. Diamondback - I got this when it was running slow I guess since apart from the drop my butt was in my seat for the entire ride. It was very boring, but like I said it was probably running slow. Hopefully next time I'm at KI it'll be better.

6. Nitro - Very boring ride. There is barely any airtime and the 2nd half is slow and stupid. I do not get the praise for this ride since I find it extremely overrated. I understand that there are some days where it runs well but that just makes the ride very inconsistent.
I’ve done all the ones in North America and Europe now. I’m including the Gigas since they’re included in the same model and have just as much similarity in experience to the standard B&M Hyper as Raging Bull imo. All these coasters rank in my top 100 except for number 13.

1. Shambhala, PortAventura Park - Last rode it in October 2017 and it was better than ever. Fantastic airtime and the best layout. Pretty much perfect. Top 10! it’s just ****ing amazing.
2. Behemoth, Canada’s Wonderland - The best airtime of these coasters: combination of being sustained, strong and plentiful. The layout just isn’t as special and it isn’t as smooth as #1
3. Fury 325, Carowinds - It actually took a while for this one to “WOW” me, but the night rides were insanely wonderful. The forceful turns give it something special.
4. Leviathan, Canada’s Wonderland - Analytically it’s not as strong as Fury, but it impressed me just as much really. Much better airtime hills than above, just a shame the return journey isn’t as intense or notable.
5. Goliath, Six Flags Over Georgia - It’s smaller, shorter and doesn’t have one of the better first drops, but every other moment of this coaster is amazing and it has a variety of strong forces.
6. Mako, SeaWorld Orlando - I looove this one: gorgeous ride experience, fab Stengel dive and airtime. Shame it dies a little at the end.
7. Silver Star, Europa Park - pre-MCBR it’s very good but not amazing; except, it ends much stronger than most other coasters of this type.
8. Diamondback, Kings Island - it’s kinda rattly but no too bad up-front and the airtime is very strong. I guess trims cause it to fizzle out at the end.
9. Apollo’s Chariot, Busch Gardens Williamsburg - Different to the other Hypers. Has quite a few surprising moments of ejector which I love <3 Sadly, it has gotten quite rattly all the way round which is why it’s a bit lower.
10. Intimidator, Carowinds - Smooth and lovely floater first half, if not particularly distinguishable from others. Another one that sadly dies at the end a bit.
11. Nitro, Six Flags Great Adventure - It doesn’t feel as remarkable anymore, but I remember the airtime on the big hills were quite sustained and it does have some intensity. Sadly, I found it rattly and the final bunny hills were weak.
12. Goliath, La Ronde - The mass of floater hills are very enjoyable, but it’s just not as thrilling as those above. Still sneaks in to the bottom part of my top 100 because it’s a fab ride.
13. Raging Bull, Six Flags Great America - Yeah, what everyone else says really. Just isn’t up to scratch, especially given how neutered it is. First drop is still great though!