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Random news! - Maradona bitten in face by dog

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The worst thing about that is they think it's something special for a group of six to climb Snowdon at once. My family at least doubles that and we don't think we're anything ****ing special.
Also this is really strange:
That's insane.. She was so pretty too, and still is actually, shame this happened to her. It's so weird how she can run and talk normally while she's running as well.. Hm.

I wasn't going to get a flu shot this year anyway but oh my.
Yeh. One in a million. And she obviously had some underlying condition that caused this. Or she's just really good at faking.

Christ there's enough scaremongering in the world without some cheerleader having her lifes hopes of parading round in skimpy outfits performing stupid routines at pointless college football games being dashed... :roll:
^ It said she had an underlying condition that was triggered by the shot.. And just because you don't like cheerleading, doesn't mean it wouldn't be devastating for someone who does like it to not be able to do it anymore. Imagine if something YOU live for was taken away from you.
:shock: , thats crazy. I wonder will it wear off.

There is no way I'm getting one of those swine flu vaccines too. They are releasing them here next week and the list of side effects is huge.I will take my chances and if I get the swine flu so be it.
The most common side effects following flu vaccinations, including the Swine Flu 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine, are mild. They include soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the injection was given, fainting (mainly adolescents), headache, muscle aches, fever, and nausea.
^^ That's not really a LOT of side effects compared to other medicines. I as watching a show on TV the other day and a commercial came on for I believe it was Zantac or Zoloft (some kind of depression thing), and the list of side effects was literally endless.

You guys are all mean for laughing, just thought I'd point that out.
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