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Another view via PASpace on FB.
But then Kingda Ka from behind isn't the prettiest of things to look at either.

I don't get what people are complaining about? It's the rear of the ride and in fact, I think KK looks uglier with it's humped shoulders...

Doesn't really matter if it's the rear of the ride if the thing is 360 foot tall you can see the **** thing from all angles for miles.
GuyWithAStick said:
And they have trims at the top...

Just stop doing this and get a SkyRush clone.

Man, it's like Intamin wasn't even trying over here! Wobbly brake run that barely fits together, launch up tower just tall enough to secure a record the park already has, trims at the top, capacity of a potato, not even a 270 turn going down to make it kind of interesting. Just launch, boring turn, trims at the top, boring turn, trim run, and wobbly brakes. My god, the company that can create amazing rides like Skyrush cranks out this piece of **** for what reason?
I've not known a project to be so disliked before, everyone's bitchyness is off the scale when discussing this.
On the plus side, it looks like there is a sharper pullout from A: the Launch and B: the drop, when compared to the KK picture anyway. So there could be some decent G's.

But probably not, because it's **** ****.
I dont think those are trims at the top, but rather the same thing Ka has - an added set of LSMs at the top the reduce the probability of a rollback
^But rollbacks were one of the "selling points" of this ride...

If they really are trims, PA(or whoever is actually building this) made one of, if not the worst investment for a large-scale roller coaster.
Eh, depends on what you're using to judge it by; it may pull in the punters.

I mean, I can't see how it will given what we've heard about pricing but it might, I guess.
The thing with Kingda Ka is that Six Flags Great Adventure has loads of big coasters sticking up into the sky so it doesn't look particularly out of place. PortAventura has such lovely scenery and beautiful landscaping and their existing coasters compliment it nicely without being too obtrusive. This thing on the other hand looks like it's going to just tower over everything and stand there being ugly.
It seems like Intamin has been doing a pull-through for the past few days with what appears to be the chassis of the train.



Apparently, they have been progressively lifting it backwards up the tower and releasing it just to see how it rode along the first brake run. I am still hopeful Intamin will see how **** up their track is and will send it back to the factory or it will replace the faulty track pieces straight (pun intended) away.

Source: PA-Community.com
Lofty said:
Screaming Coasters said:
This thing looks sweeeeeeet!


You're the first person to say that, on this, or any other forum :lol:
To be fair, it'll look a lot better once they put a massive **** Ferrari sign on it... :roll:
Eh, it looks ok. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to ride something of that height, but honestly, it's far from the best investment they could've made.
oriolat2 said:
I am still hopeful Intamin will see how **** up their track is and will send it back to the factory or it will replace the faulty track pieces straight (pun intended) away.

Remember that this is very most likely not Intamin's fault. The company may have some problems in the past under their belt but sloppy track work is not one of them. I seriously doubt that the pieces passed through quality control at the Stakotra plant in this condition, so I'm guessing it's either down to the transportation or something at the build site that has happened to them.

One thing is clear though and that is that the track in it's current form will cause problems for the train's bogies so I don't think they can run it properly without addressing the track problem.
Some new pics of the coaster from within PA:




And an interesting notion; the entrance and exit of the tophat are banked differently! While the entrance has more of a standard Intamin banking the exit of the tophat is more akin to a Gerstaluer:
