Roller Poster
Can anyone send me the POV ? would be so kind 

There is no scheduleSo, when is the actual, "official" opening for this coaster?
And last but not least: MASKS SUCK! They really take away a (huge) part of the enjoyment.
Fortunately i got away with wearing it over my mouth only in the que and during the ride. Nobody cares.
I only had to choke myself when there was staff nearby.
I'm so depressed about the fact that some st**id people like you still dont get it. YOU ARE RUDE! When you only wear it over your mouth then dont wear it anyway. Get Covid-19 and see why the most of the people are wearing it right - over mouth AND nose! When you dont want to wear it in themeparks, then stay home and watch Netflix and don't take all of us in the risc of an infection!
EDIT: Edited to remove inappropriate language and warning issued. Hixee
Anyone who seriously thinks that Corona poses a threat to his live, and still visits a themepark with thousands of people close together should check his mental health.
If you really believe that corona is a risc: Stay at home for 2 years and wait for the vaccine.
Makes the que's shorter for me.
You are rude. You should be happy that even some amusementpark are open. In Sweden all park are closed. And Phantasialand would probably not be open if we did not have face masks and distancing. So please respect the rules and be happy that you can visit a theme park in this hard times.EDIT: Edited to remove inappropriate language and warning issued. Hixee
Anyone who seriously thinks that Corona poses a threat to his live, and still visits a themepark with thousands of people close together should check his mental health.
If you really believe that corona is a risc: Stay at home for 2 years and wait for the vaccine.
Makes the que's shorter for me.
No. The car parks are privately owned.Other than that obvious area, is the park even allowed to build towards the east into the car park areas?
China's modernisation has been long discussed and is almost certainly the next project imo. Likely due to the investment the area has received in recent years and to avoid blocking key guest routes and the hotel (plus there really isn't anything wrong with the area visually) the main square will stay intact. The street between it and Colorado is likely to be the focus (replacing Geister Rikscha, the food outlets there and making use of the unused remnant of the Silbermine hall behind those food outlets) and a renovation of Feng Ju Palace.
Additionally since construction access could really only come from that back pathway there; Colorado Adventure likely gets a new and improved rerouted queue and entrance (leaving the old queue space to extend Geister's plot for a larger new dark ride? Plus potentially Colorado gets some love/new theming?) Who knows the details but a transformation around those keys elements is what I expect.
A break from the "totally demolish something and build a whole new world in its place" style of project the last few have been.
When that all begins though who knows, its certainly less physical construction work than Rookburgh so unlikely to need such a long time scale - plus corona now likely will postpone major works (I'd certainly be surprised if Geister Rikscha closes already this January now. Probably January 2022.) And let's not start with the when will it open question either... ?
Also somehow, somewhere and somewhen (since this whole park expansion fight continues) a new theatre for Fantissima will have to pop up sooner or later so allow them after China 2.0 to finally, as has been long foretold by the prophets, demolish the Crazy Bats/Hollywood Tour complex.
You are rude. You should be happy that even some amusementpark are open. In Sweden all park are closed. And Phantasialand would probably not be open if we did not have face masks and distancing. So please respect the rules and be happy that you can visit a theme park in this hard times.
Yes. Many rides, each time stayed on just fine. Same for all the coasters there, in Movie Park, Tripsdrill and Europa Park too.. Also having masks on roller coasters is pointless as it is going to fall off. Has anyone ever finished a ride on Taron with the mask still over their face and not on the chin?