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"Now Showing"

Despicable Me 2

Bleh. Didn't like it. First was better and the minions weren't funny except for maybe one scene.
I'm actually really looking forward to Despicable Me 2 in a couple days.

Lone Ranger:

I have never seen such a **** movie in my life. Has to be the worst movie I've ever seen. He get's dragged in cow poop. This movie is for 6 year olds. Also lol The Long Penis Ranger.
Bling Ring- Superb! Not quite Lost in Translation but still great! Best film of the year so far followed closely by Mud.

This summer's blockbuster movies have been pretty blek. Our superheroes movies haven't been good (Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel). I doubt Wolverine will help.
Pacific Rim

It should be called, 2025 it rains everyday anything exciting happens.

All jokes aside, I was expecting a turd. I don't like Guillermo del Toro movies, and I find Hellboy, which his fanboys adore, to be utter trash. This though, best movie of the summer so far. It was the best "monster movie" I have seen in quite some time. Visually, it was amazing. I did the IMAX 3D **** as well. I loved the use of no "big" name actors. The monsters looked awesome, the fights were enjoyable. It didn't have much of a plot, but it did have popcorn munching capabilities. The only part that actually bothered me was the stupid rain/debris effects EVERY fight scene had. It was ridiculous but amazing.

Just saw Grown Ups 2 at the new theatre in Marblehead, MA. It's a small theatre, but it's pretty sweet. It's also a five minute drive from my house, so it's nice and convenient.

As for the movie...well...yeah... :|

It was ****, which was what I was expecting. I only saw it to see all the familiar areas in Marblehead and Swampscott it was filmed at, which were kinda cool. But there was no real plot. There was a lot of random events/problems that weren't really focused on. And a ton of dumb fart jokes. I'll admit I did laugh at a couple of scenes, but other than that, meh. It was just a lot of dumb stuff thrown into it. I don't recomend it to anyone, unless you live in the Marblehead area and you just want to see the places it was filmed at. 3/10

I liked the first film better (not that the first one was any good :p ).
Re: RE: "Now Showing"

Grown Ups 2

^Basically summed it up. I enjoyed it for what it was, a **** movie with immature jokes. Love Sandler but he needs to go back to Billy Madison form.

Monsters University was great fun. It relied a little too much on "look, here's all these things from the first film put in a 'when you see it and recognise them you'll feel clever and special and laugh to show the cinema you do' way to make you smug", but the core tale was fine.

Not a Pixar great, but certainly a solid film. 8/10

There was a trailer for Planes on too, eugh, that looks awful - is it actually Pixar? They didn't mention Pixar in the trailer at all.
furie said:
There was a trailer for Planes on too, eugh, that looks awful - is it actually Pixar? They didn't mention Pixar in the trailer at all.

Fun fact, it was actually supposed to come out like 2 years ago as a direct to video/dvd/blu ray type thing, but once they green lit Cars 2 and it did well, it got picked up for theatrical. That is why Dane Cook is the lead voice, because when they cast it like 4-5 years ago, he was relevant, and now it is sadly revitalizing his career.

So yeah, it was a direct to home movie until Disney got greedy. It's not Pixar.
Yeah, 100% one to miss then. What a turd.

Oh, finally watched Men In Black III too on Friday. I always forget how much I enjoyed the original at the cinema, and how good it still actually is. Number 2 was also really good, so I don't know why I wasn't expecting much from MIB III (well, obviously because they're lightweight spoof sci-fi action comedy things which are as intelligent as a slug, but other than that :p ).

Anyway, I thought it was pretty good. Not amazing, but I enjoyed it. I liked the shock sad-face bit near the end, though it seemed a bit forced, but it kind of almost added an extra dimension (making it 2D :p ) to the trilogy.

Nothing special, but not a complete waste of time either :)
Monsters University in 3D

I really enjoyed it, a good solid film with some very funny moments. The animation was beautiful too, as you'd expect from Pixar tbh. Oh btw there's another short clip at the end of the rolling text credits.

The short film before was really nice, I thought it was quite similar plot wise to the really amazing short before Wreck it Ralph (paperman I think it was called). Once again the animation was outstanding and different to what Pixar usually do style-wise, love it.

Pacific Rim in 3D on a D-Box seat.

Really enjoyed this one too, just a very decent blockbuster monster movie. The special effects are outstanding and the cast are awesome.
Pacific Rim

It was a lot of fun. The fight scenes are really good even if the acting is horrendous. I actually felt the story was pretty strong for a big budget action movie. While I doubt I will see it again, I would certainly recommend it.

Summer Blockbuster Wise- 7/10
Film Wise- 4/10

The Conjuring

Scary as ****! And actually pretty good. The acting is top notch especially for a horror film. The film is very terrifying. Best of all, it isn't jump-scare scary but actually horror scary. The demon in the film is a very scary demon. In general, if you want to see a scary movie, this is the one to see. Very scary and very good.

Horror Film Wise- 9/10
Film Wise- 7/10

Being John Malkovich

Unbelievable. By far one of the best films of all time. In my top 5 of all time. It is very weird yet in a good way. The acting is fantastic, especially from, guess who, John Malkovich. One thing that I really loved about it is that you truly can't predict what is going to go. If you predict one thing, it will do another. The film is, surprisingly, quite terrifying on many levels. I was shocked at the end. It was very scary. It leaves a deep void in my stomach and is exactly what I love in a film?

Film Wise 10/10

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)

I watched this on YouTube recently after I ran across it, and I was surprised how good it is. First thing, it isn't really, very scary. I wasn't scared of it. I was impressed with how well put together it was though. The direction and editing built the suspense father well. I will give Texas Chainsaw Massacre one thing it is very creepy and suspenseful, especially the dinner scene which kept me on edge with the music and direction. I really enjoyed the film, and while it isn't the best horror film I've seen (Shining is my fav), it is still very good. I would say see it, but by now you probably already have.

Horror Film Wise 9.7/10
Film Wise 8/10
One of my favorite youtubers did the filming locations to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If you liked the movie you should like this.

I vote we adopt this method of film ratings in this topic <3

Managed to watch a few new films in the last week of school:

Jack the Giant Slayer

Better than I thought it would be to be honest. It's a pretty decent family film.

Warm Bodies

It had its moments, but on the whole was a bit crap. I'm basically over the whole zombie thing now, which obviously doesn't help. Oh, and it tries way too hard to have a cool soundtrack; it's actually distracting.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

I think they seriously **** ed up with this one. It could have been a pretty decent family movie, but they filled it with blood, guts and bad language, meaning that's it's being aimed at a more mature audience. It fails because of this. It's not an adult film; it's a kids film with blood, guts and bad language. Massively missed the mark and a huge wasted opportunity.