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Some more old stuff I just watched:

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I liked it.. entertaining movie with fairly unique characters & a surprisingly fast pace for a drama-comedy. Anything with Scarlett Johansson involved has me interested from the get-go.

Midnight Cowboy

It's good, but damn is it depressing. Stylistically very New Hollywood.
Okay, I'm behind, but Paranorman. £2 weekend kid's club for the win.

I took Maxi-Minor_Furie this morning and we both really enjoyed it, but it's a bit **** up.

It's actually really hit and miss in the way that the story flows and characters behave. I know it's not anything deep and just "animation", but characters did things simply for plot and no other reason. If you know what I mean.

It was just the references were brilliant, the parody of the genre excellent and the end fight with the witch was fantastic - so screwed up. Really glad I went to see it as the highlights are incredible, the low-lights don't quite ruin it. I think it's a pretty niche film though, it's not exactly all-child friendly, but there's no way it has any kind of mass adult appeal. I suspect Coraline fell into the same trap, only Coraline just wasn't as good - IMO
gavin said:
Yeah, I just think it's too obvious to nominate for Oscars based on "issues" rather than on the actual merit as a piece of film making.

If there was a film dealing with that in the 1940s and '50s - hell, even later than that I guess - though obviously without the gore, then absolutely. It would have had a lot more to say as the audience would be entirely different and in need of some "education" on the matter.

The film, for me, just doesn't warrant the critical recognition it's getting. It just doesn't seem as relevant now. The fact is that the majority of people eligible to nominate and vote for the Oscars are white. It's almost as if they've felt a need to show how non-racist they are by voting for a mediocre film because it's "important" and it "dares" to tackle slavery. It's actually really **** ing patronising. Maybe that's just my inner white overlord talking though. :wink:

Don't get me wrong, it's an entertaining film, but the plot is thinner than Karen Carpenter after a bathroom visit. It's not a "Best Picture" of the year; it just isn't.

It's sort of like how if you play a retard, or put in a good imitation of a historical figure, you're almost a shoe-in for a nomination for your "brave" performance, when it's actually harder to play a subtle character without the over-the-top, scenery-chewing mannerisms. It's bull ****.

Ooo I completely agree with you Gav. Of course, tbh, most awards now a days are like the Golden Tickets.. quite ****.

Wreck It Ralph

Quite quite good. I enjoyed it all the way. Good ending as well.

V/H/S: Overall it's just ok. But a couple of the individual stories in the film are really good. My favorites were the first and last tapes.

Exam: Quite enjoy movies like this where it's all based in one location.
It was a great thriller film with a great idea and was interesting to watch develop. Only thing that let it down slightly was the ending (even though the twist is good) wasn't as shocking as you'd expect it to me.

The set up to the film is this...
Eight candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. They're given eighty minutes to answer one simple question. The Invigilator outlines three rules they must obey or be disqualified: don't talk to him or the armed guard by the door, don't spoil their papers and don't leave the room. He starts the clock and leaves. The candidates turn over their question papers, only to find they're completely blank.
Amelia- 8/10

Surprisingly, before this film I didn't know too much about the life of Amelia Earhart, which is stupid considering she's the greatest female pilot of all time. I loved the movie mostly because I loved her I DON'T GIVE A **** attitude about everything and I admire the determination she had to set records in aviation. She also seemed to do it for herself, rather than for all the publicity she got for it. The only bad thing is that she cheated on her husband, but at least she came around <3 It's not a movie I think everyone would like but if you have an appreciate for flying then it's a good movie to watch.
LFTL said:
I didn't know too much about the life of Amelia Earhart, which is stupid considering she's the greatest female pilot of all time.

Is that why she crashed and died?
^ She crashed because of her navigator mostly, I think. From what the movie showed they also had transmission problems. She should have probably had a better idea of where she was going, but I think she overestimated her navigational abilities. Still an inspiration though, I think!
LiveForTheLaunch said:
The only bad thing is that she cheated on her husband, but at least she came around <3

So she divorced him and moved on, leaving him at least in good stead - rather than left him dangling, stuck wondering forever if she really loved him, forever begging and hoping that she would deign to return even the slightest affection for him like a battered and beaten dog?

It's nice when that happens :)
Went to a preview screening last night of Hitchcock

First of all, the trailer shows way too much of the film and that ruined it a little bit for me. The film on the whole is enjoyable and interesting. The cast are excellent and I feel like that is this films best asset. Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock is brilliant and you feel like your watching the real deal.
Watched Final Destination 5 on Saturday night. It's a prequel (no, you don't need to have seen the others to understand it :p ) and complete turd. Loved it.

Then yesterday I watched the 2011 Three Muskateers with BBC Period Drama Bloke, Milla Jovovich, James Corden and Orlando Bloom and some other mildly obscure but not people.

It was complete turd. Loved it... Well, kind of. It was actually really turd. I can't believe they put some of those people in speaking roles (well, actually, none of the cast should ever be given speaking roles, which kind of makes a post 1920's film a bit of a problem.

Milla Jovovich is utter ****, James Corden sounded like Ricky Gervais (why would anybody want to do that?) and the rest of the characters were out acted by the ridiculous clothes they wore.

Orlando Bloom should be noted though for "worst casting for an evil baddie ever" and followed up with "worst performance as a bad guy ever".

However, it was full of stuff blowing up, people hitting each other with swords and a plot that even Taylor could follow while half asleep (which meant you could grab five or ten minutes of nap between the blowing stuff up and hitting things bits).

Probably the worst film I've ever enjoyed, but it's not something I shall repeat ;)
furie said:
Watched Final Destination 5 on Saturday night. It's a prequel (no, you don't need to have seen the others to understand it ) and complete turd. Loved it.

On the Tele? I did too on Saturday night and came to the exact same conclusion. :)

The montage of all the series' ridiculous deaths on the end credits was immensely entertaining.
Actually, we've had it on Blu-Ray for about two weeks without any time to watch it. We always seem to get the disks and watch them at the same time they're on TV :lol: [/paytoomuchforlovefilmwhenyouthinkaboutit]
Silver Linings Playbook

It's good; it really is. I just wish I hadn't read the book first, or that I'd read the book ages ago and forgotten it rather than reading it last week and watching the film today. As a standalone film, it really is excellent. They've just **** ed with the book way too much and it irritated me.

I can't really say much without giving spoilers, but it basically just wasn't the same product at all. I don't mean the whole "there's more in the book" argument since that's a given, but more the way they've majorly **** ed with the storyline, especially the ending, which is a lot more predictable and "happy ever after" now. The slow reveal of the book just isn't there at all now; you get spoonfed the plot straight away. The "dad" character is completely unrecognisable, and not for the better.

Anyway, trying to look at it on its own merits, it is a very, very good film.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are excellent in it; I'll give it that.
So she divorced him and moved on, leaving him at least in good stead - rather than left him dangling, stuck wondering forever if she really loved him, forever begging and hoping that she would deign to return even the slightest affection for him like a battered and beaten dog?

Well, in the movie at least she went back to him and ditched the guy she cheated with :p .
Because he would really ever be able to trust her again.

Zero Dark Thirty
Yes it was very good, but it was not great like the other ones up for best picture. The main actress, Jessica Chastain did nothing for me, just like all the other movies shes in. She didn't have enough emotion at parts and I'm sure the real person is much more intense.


Warm Bodies
One of the biggest, steamiest, piles of **** I have ever seen. It was just complete garbage. It was awkward, slow, and just stupid. If they wanted the guy to be awkward since he was a zombie it should have been Michael Cera since he is just naturally awkward. I was ready to walk out but it was over before it started.


Identity Thief
Melissa McCarthy isn't funny to me but Jason Bateman is so I took a shot. It was entertaining, but it wasn't great. I could see how some people would love it, but they gave away most of the funny parts in the previews.

Saw I give it a year

A typical British rom-com set up trying to be a Judd Apatow production and ends up creating this awkward film filled with moments that made me cringe (some may love that humour but I loathe it). It's actually annoying because I love the cast and they all do a fairly good job in the film but it was trying too hard and used a type of humour I don't like.

What I liked most was all the locations that I regularly visit being featured. The brewery I went to in Greenwich in Jan was also in there (see good news topic for elaboration on that story). However there is a scene where he parks the car in Soho and runs towards a restaurant but then they cut to another shot and he runs to the restaurant from a completely different angle, it really pissed me off because I know the area so well.

Oh and there's a scene which might gain Rafe Spall some fans ;)
tomahawKSU said:
Because he would really ever be able to trust her again.

Yep, what a bitch!

Wreck it Ralph AT LAST!!!

20 minutes of "OMG, this is so **** awesome", then and hour of "They didn't know how to write a story based on this awesome idea did they?"

Still moments of brilliance (Road Blasters for the win) scattered through it though, but all in all vapid.

Had to be watched and those 20 minutes of awesome, well worth seeing the film for.
I agree! Don't get me wrong, I thought the movie was excellent, but I just expected there to be a lot more interaction with other types of video games from the last 40 years. It would have been really cool to see them end up interacting with loads of different worlds and characters. Like I said, I enjoyed the film, but I think they could have done more.
Hard though to fill the entire thing with references of older games because they would risk alienating the audience bar the 4 people who found the use of the 'super code' hilarious (myself included)...

Still a brill film though... Exceptional fun if it did end up into stereotypical Disney story land...

Fair few unexpected surprises in there tbh as well... And some decent riffing on old and modern gaming cliches... They were no doubt relatively limited to who they could actually get the licences for though (hence no Mario or Link, and the LOOK LIKE Peach and Daisy but NOT characters in the background at one point)...

Potential as a franchise? Only if they get rid of Sarah Silverman and her octave of DEATH...