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^ I was hoping Toy Story would turn you :( (as in into a Toy Story fan *shifty eyes*)

Oh, and let's see some Inception related images, shall we?

Well Ben did grow up in Northampton ;)

The new Tron Legacy has done the rounds recently, best watched in HD 1080 tbh.

Tron looks fantastic, they have also been rather clever with this film. If you have not seen the 1st one you are never going to understand this one.

I liked the 1st one, I know many did not.

I cannot for this film, it looks stunning just hope it has a good story.
Hrgn, looking at that new trailer kinda pushed me away it. It didn't looks like Tron at all, sure the technology has evolved massivle but the way Tron looked gives it a certain charm and this just doesn't. Only one way to find out if its good or not though.
I was expecting to hate Inception. It looked long, pretentious, complicated for the sake of complication and generally everything I loathe about overrated films.

Which just goes to show that even the best of us can be wrong sometimes, as I'd actually rather like to go and see it again tonight, and where it comes to cinema, I take a lot of satisfying. There were a small number of annoying moments, and, like everyone else who was sat in the packed cinema willing the... well, if you've seen it, you'll know what I mean, I'd have liked a bit more of an ending... Even from the worst seats in there, the atmosphere was reached a level I've never felt before, and over 2 1/2 hours they'd be transported to everything from a racing heartbeat, the occasional prickling tearduct to a still rarer ripple of laughter.

And on top of that, I'm relatively sure I understood nearly all of it. Enough to come out with my mind feeling well and truly ****ed, weirded out by the stares of the few hundred complete strangers fighting their way out of the unnatural setting of the cinema... and relieved I wasn't the only one checking my watch every few seconds to ensure I was still firmly rooted in reality.

So yeah, very much impressed. Good work, filmy type people. And the soundtrack's awesome as well :)
ciallkennett said:
^ I was hoping Toy Story would turn you :( (as in into a Toy Story fan *shifty eyes*)

It NEARLY did actually...


(but I'll still be cryptic in case of accidental scrowling)

Had they not copped out on what could have been the single most awesome and brilliant ending ever to an animated film, it would have shot up to brilliant in one quick swoop. But, with that cop out Pixar kinda went "oh, maybe we don't have the balls to make you cry like we did in Up, here's a happy ending"
A-Kid said:
I would rate A-Team if it made any sense after missing the plot from being destracted by the audio being completely <img>.

The cast was epic though. They were great to see in person too.

Just out of curiosity, what cinema did you see it at?

Cial, that is a great find, it amused me lots.

Ben, you clearly saw Shrek 4, not Toy Story 3.

Umm, yeah, another day, another film...Gainsbourg

It's a film about the famous French musician, Gainsbourg. I didn't really know anything of him before seeing the film and now I just want to know more. It does seem to jump through the story of his life quite a lot. One second he is flirting and the next it's like 5 years later and he has a kid. So at times it skips a bit too much which I think is a shame. However if they were to have his whole life in there it would be days long. I loved the whole random devil-type character that follows him around, was really cool. It's a great film, excellently made, it just skips too much without much explanation as to what has happened in-between.

Rating: 4/5

There was also a Q&A with the director afterwards which was awesome. He is a first-time director and is a graphic novel artist. He came across as a really cool guy with great humour "My English is just as bad as my French" - lol. He mentioned some really interesting things like how most of the family didn't want to see the film yet they supported it getting made "They didn't want to see Gainsbourg's face on a big screen". He also said he didn't have time to mention about him making films so instead in a lot of scenes he used the style of his films, like the way scenes are lit etc, so most of it was a homage to him - I think that is very subtle and cool. He said he is working on an animation at the moment, I'm looking forward to seeing what he creates.
^ Crawley Cineworld.

I saw "I Love You Phillip Morris" yesturday. Starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor.


Not Jim's best work at all, but it was a bit funny in places. The prision escapes are quite amusing. Kinda crazy because its ment to be a true story.

I'd give it a 6/10.
Watched another film from my list yesterday: Dumb and Dumber. It was actually very funny, and it's a film that is so immature in places that you can't help but want to laugh. It was very funny, though isn't one I'd be rushing to go and watch again.

Double post, but:

Watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'd heard some good things about this film, but I actually found the first half so boring and dull that I actually switched off a few days ago. I then put the rest on today to give the film a chance, and in all honesty, it did redeem itself in the final half a bit. Let's just say I'm in no rush to see the rest of the series just yet...


Just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - a film from my list. It was such a cute and elegant film which really left me feeling warm inside. It had a charm which can only be seen by watching it. Admittedly, I was expecting a little more from the film in terms of storyline. At times it was a bit dull and unnecessary. But, it's such a pleasant film.

Salt- C+ I found it somewhat predictable, but it was pretty much Bond.

Dinner for Shmuks- A- The beginning half was a bit slow, but once the actual dinner started, I haven't laughed so hard in years. It was amazing. One of the funniest scenes ever.
I'll jump on the TS3 bandwagon in a mo', but first, I watched The boat that Rocked

Predictable and shallow but with a few good "guffaw" moments. Just a basic, happy British comedy. I felt some of the actors were badly/under used, but it was a great ,easy, Friday night movie. Thankfully, Bill Nighy was absent a lot :)


Okay, so Toy Story 3
I enjoyed it, but that was hardly surprising. It was just "the best bits of Toy Story 1 and 2" in a single film.

It just got away with it, masking it enough to make it seem almost fresh, yet comfortable. I'd rather it had been a bit more original, but it's still a superb film, but the weakest of the three. If I'd not seen the other two, or was an idiot, I'd have preferred it over the other two, but I have and I'm not ;)

And at more than one point, I did think "Ben's right, I really hate these characters" :lol:

Still, brilliant kids entertainment, middling in terms of Pixar films, but still excellent. 9/10

For the similarities, let's spoiler.
1. Bear thing = Stinky Pete. All nice and turns out bad - even coming back at the end to ruin things, but he got his comeuppance eh? ;)

2. The whole escape routine was just like the second.

3. The claw... Again, just a bigger version of the first film.

4. The freaky doll, bad turned good (like spider doll number 1).

5. It's Buzz!!! No it's not, he's just like original Buzz and acting like a tosser. Where did they get that idea???

6. The map thing was just like the Etch scene.

It's difficult to nail exactly, but I just felt like I'd already seen most of the film already in the first two. Above are just some examples of the way it was very similar, but I'm sure there were more...
Last night, I watched Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

I'd never heard of it before, but just watched it because it was on telly after Top Gear and sounded like the kind of thing I might like.

The main thing is that it's desperately trying to be an Edgar Wright film. Sadly, it isn't. Luckily, it doesn't get it as horrendously wrong as it easily could've done... but there's still something not quite right about it. For me, it had a similar feel to the Garth Jennings H2G2 film. The main problem with that is that it will never stand up in comparisons to the TV series, but that aside is "alright". FAQATT isn't trying to impress in anyone's shadow, at least, which makes it easier to see it for what it is. However, it still left me with a similar impression.

The story is good, but a bit underdeveloped in places. As there's lots of points in this film where you go back to an earlier scene, it would've been nice for them to stick in some more subtle clues to what's going to happen. Just the odd glimpse of something in the background. Stuff you probably wouldn't notice unless you watched it for a 2nd time. Actually, I guess it's possible that they did and I didn't notice... but I somehow don't think so.

Overall, it's alright if you've got 80 mins to kill and nothing better to do... but it's not going to be a life-changing experience.

^ I watched it a few months back, and thought it was great for a low budget British flick. I was talking about it the other day with my mate and coincidentally, I saw it was on last night after Top Gear. I watched most of it again, and still thought it was great.

But that's just me. I'm weird.
On Sunday night I watched The French Connection on blu-ray.

According to the box it got 5 Oscars....I can't see why. I just thought it was boring, nothing seemed to happen till near the end. I suppose it was building tension or whatever but it just didn't work for me. The beginning of the film especially just seemed to make no sense, a random collection of silent scenes. Gene Hackman was good though in a role where not much happened. Oh and for a blu-ray the grain levels were f*cking ridiculous, it nearly gave me a headache.

Rating: 2/5

Then last night I went to see The Karate Kid at the cinema.

I went in wanting to hate it and I came out with a huge smile on my face. What an enjoyable film, over 2 hours of great entertainment. Even the stupid length didn't ruin the film, it just seems to whizz by, you don't even think about looking at the clock because it's just so fun. Yeah the kid is a little bit annoying at the beginning but that's the way it is meant to be. Of course the entire film is predictable but it's well directed and edited (although maybe a bit too much shaky cam) and the final scenes were so good and engaging that the audience found themselves clapping at the end of the film. I do recommend. Oh and I haven't seen the original but I plan on changing that fact.

Rating: 4/5