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Avatar hasn't really interested me. They've hyped it up so much but it doesn't look like anything special at all.
Anyone else just get flashbacks to King Kong?


And then it sucks.
^ Don't worry Benny Wenny, I slept in my mom's bed the first night and the couch for the next two nights after that :lol: .

I'm buying it when it comes out but it's really not a movie that has the same effect twice.
^Yeah, but I'll still get it to show people who haven't seen it xD




We have...




It does look remarkably epic Ben.

And if that wasn't enough... this is also being release by disney next year...


Both of which look flipping fantastic. Disney are going to be earning a fortune next year!
Don't forget that Disney are also releasing Princess and the frog in Feb here. Annoyingly it's just been released just about everywhere else in the World. Just makes their film roster for next year look fecking epic. Not to mention Toy Story 2 in 3D and Toy Story 3! Hell yeah. If they don't earn the most out of all the film studios next year then something is very wrong.

Also, I just watched Hook.

Spielberg's best film in my opinion. It has one of the best cast line ups ever and well, it's just epic. Ru..fi..o!!!
Hook is amazing. I love it!

It may be worth noting, for those that do not know. Alice in Wonderland is not a live version remake of the original animated movie. It is a totally different story... a sequel if you will. Just like The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, this film is just another part of the story!

Alice looks like... Alice :|. American McGee's Alice that is, just a but more child friendly and a kinda crap Cheshire Cat. Sorcere's apprentice looks cool though. Disney may be redeeming them selves now!
I didn't know Disney were releasing The Sorcerer's Apprentice, win.

Has anybody else seen Where The Wild Things are? I thought it was very interestingly done. It really is like flicking through the pages on the book, it is aesthetically stunning, spectacular sets, costumes and landscapes. Weird offbeat Juno style soundtrack and heart-warming characters along with Spike Jonzes' unique directing style, it really was a wondrous spectacle and yet, nothing actually happens? It's definitely not a kids film, it is much much deeper than that, I can't wait to get it on DVD so I can dissect it properly, it's a tapestry of human emotion, really truly stunning work. The way the 'story' unfolded reminded me a lot of the Studio Ghibli film My Neighbour Totoro. Nothing really happens but it's such a lovely film that you love it anyway.
Watched the Exorcist last night. Pretty good actually and some of the effects and sfx make up for that time was amazing.
Oh God, Johnny Depp is so hot as the Mad Hatter. Is it weird that I always find him more hot when he is playing strange roles, like this and Sweeney Todd?

It looks amazing though, I can't wait to see it.
Well, I am going to briefly say my views on Avatar, but pop it in a spoiler.



Visually amazing! Simply stunning. It exceeded my expectations (and my expectations were quiet high) and simply blew me away.

Unlike most VERY long films, I get easily distracted, need a piss or just shuffle around a lot. However, with Avatar, I didn't. Every minute had it's purpose, and the action sequences were great.

The 3D, while not used excessively, is used great subtley.

I am going to see it again shortly in Imax (next week) but I've been waiting and talking about it for over a year now, and to have finally seen it <3 <3

Admittedly, Up! marginally beats this as my film of the year. Perhaps because I wasn't expecting Up! to be as good as it was :?


So there you go! :D
I'll post this, as it will get lost in lots of Avatar posts.

Watched Young Victoria two nights ago with Madame_Furie. It was okay, not a period I'm really interested in, but it IS an interesting period none the less.

Acting and direction was all fine, but the writing was a bit odd. It was clear they were jumping around a little and mashing the story a bit to make it "fit a film format", but it ended up not sure if it was a historical recreation, or a love story. In the end, it missed out a lot of the important history, and a lot of the love aspect - so it ended up being neither of the two.

Still, it was good to find out something about a period of history I know relatively nothing about, and it wasn't an un-watchable film. One for if you're "vaguely interested" :)

Last night, hot on the heels of "Giant Octopus Vs Mega Shark" we watched Megalodon It was a bunch of people, in an oil rig, not getting convincingly chomped by an unconvincing giant shark in an unconvincing environment.

Now, unlike GOvsMS, this took itself seriously - there was no cheese... Well, there was, but it was actually meant to be good I think. B-movies that don't parody B-Movies aren't good.

Okay, let the Avatar-fest commence! :)