The Sixth Sense
This film is actually incredible. Truly awesome.
I've seen it before, and yes it was good, but I was expecting more scary scenes. But I saw the last half hour of it on t.v the other day, and it was better than when I saw it last time.
Anyway, I myself have seen five films recently, and all were brilliant. The reviews probably aren't the best, as I'm in a bit of a rush for a train

Rain Man
The plot summary wasn't very detailed, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I saw it, I thought it was great. Dustin Hoffman is just AMAZING as the autistic brother of Tom Cruise's character. Cruise himself was also surprisingly good, as usually he's just average in some of the other, more recent films.
There were some scenes which were really enjoyable due to where they were exactly, and overall it was such an interesting film.
I saw
Saving Private Ryan not too long ago as well. I've no idea why I didn't see it sooner, it was excellent. The opening and the final scene in particular are some of the best scenes I've ever seen in a movie, sheer brilliance. But the entire movie was just so well made and visually stunning.
A great cast too, and arguably the best war film I've seen. The Pianist comes very close though.
Star Wars IV: A New Hope
I'm pretty sure I'd seen it before, but I saw it again cos I just felt like it

. Anyway, despite it being quite an old film for me (I haven't seen many pre-1990 films), I really enjoyed it, and was just great fun to watch! The costume's on all the characters were just amazing, and for its time, the whole film was probably mind-blowing.
Then the other day, I saw
The Matrix.
Loved it. Another new favourite of mine. The whole story was so unique and I'd never seen anything like it before. I loved everything about it, the character's and their image, the whole concept, the scenes. Although I thought that the whole Oracle thing wasn't really
too necessary, as it wasn't explained too much. At least I don't think it was.
Anyway, I'd certainly like to see The Matrix Reloaded at some point, despite the fact that it's supposedly not as good. I'll probably see the original again before I do though lol.
And finally, yesterday I saw
Great film, and very entertaining, but I think I'll need to watch it again because for a Pixar film, there was a lot of visuals to take in. That way I'd enjoy it more. I can see why it hasn't done as well in the box office as other Pixar films, nor has it had as much popularity among children. But either way, it was still unique, visually stunning, and I'd definitely see it again for the entertainment factor as well. The WALL-E character is certainly one of Pixar's most fun to watch.
The lack of dialogue worked quite effectively which was good.