Screaming Coasters
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Xpress said:Multiple coasters in the same file? Yeah right. Like they'll do that..
Well Wounded Heart did it with Scream Machines, I'm sure Ole will do it with Nolimits as they are competitors.
Xpress said:Multiple coasters in the same file? Yeah right. Like they'll do that..
Did it say pictures!!, SWEET!!Ole said:This news post comes with a couple of brand new screenshots focusing on the recently finished sky engine. I needed a couple of more days for cleaning everything up so that screenshots could be made. I am proud to present some great new engine features, which NoLimits2 will make use of. I have been working hard on them for the last 3 years and now I thought it is time to show some screenshots. The greatest feature in my eyes are high quality dynamic shadows (can be seen on the left most picture)...
LOLHixee said:I'm not going to go masturbate over it, but it's quite cool.
kimahri said:He does have contacts with the NL people. He sent me a picture through a pm and through it would actually get me interested.
Silly boy :roll:
And it still looked meh.
We argued through a few pm's and then got him on IM thingy oooh what a mistake to make. Gave his adress to a few people and harasment I did. He blocked me nowso no more harrasment. What a spoil sport!
Ole said:The Dev-Team wishes all customers of NoLimits a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Another year passed by and I was again not able to finish what I was planning to. Especially the last two months were quite unproductive, which is why there was no news in November. Since the graphics engine is almost complete now, I continued working on the coaster editing for the last weeks. The coaster editing is almost done but I decided to not hurry at this point and instead spend more time on verifying the design. The coaster editing design process is very different in NL2 compared to NL1. Some fundamental differences were required to make it easier to create smooth tracks.
Eat that Xpress :wink: Hand building FTW!Ole said:Elementary and AHG are quite powerfull, but I am more into hand-building.
A really good development, IMO.Ole said:For heartlined coasters, there is also an option to build a coaster specifying the heart-line spline directly instead of the center of track, which will also make things more professional and straight forward.
YAY FINALLY!!!Ole said:other new features like multiple coasters in a park and transfer tracks.
loefet said:Some Important stuff:
Eat that XpressOle said:Elementary and AHG are quite powerfull, but I am more into hand-building.Hand building FTW!