My god the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs song is good! Now the YYYs are a band I find very hard to like, there's just that je ne sais quois about them that really doesn't appeal to me. Every now and then they come up with a real gem, and this is a 'now', or one day in the future, a 'then'... New track's called 'Down Boy', and its a bit of a mix between general rocky choruses and a really sexy laid back verse, that almost makes me accept Karen O, the lead singer, as a member of the music industry. Only once before have this band actually made me sit up and listen, and that was 2 years ago, when they brought us 'Gold Lion'. 'Down Boy' is the same principle, but done much better, and a little darker.
Video, seemingly shot at a live concert, and purely in night vision:
It seems rude to do just one review at once, economy's the future. Or is that garlic bread, oh well...
If you've not heard the current single by Jack Penate (pronounced "Pen-yarr-tay" but I can't put the little squiggle above the 'n'), then you clearly have no ears. If you've heard it and didn't realise it was the most catchy song of the year, by a mile, then you have no taste. Its such a great little tune! Its really nice, unassuming singer-songwriterish stuff that you can very easily sit and listen to and not notice, usually. That's until the new track 'Torn On The Platform' came around, and within your first ever listen to the track, you're singing along faultlessly to the chorus by the end. Make no mistake, this will be the most catchy song to hit radios this year.