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Most Disappointing Ride

Can we get back on topic and stop insulting newbies/bumming old farts please ;) ?

I have a padlock and I'm not afraid to use it!
Ben said:
Air resistance isn't THAT big a factor as some people seem to say it is.

Actually it is...

Did a case study on Oblivion in Mechanics last year at uni... Air resistance really makes a massive amount of distance to the speed of it all...

Just looking at the calculations (based on information the lecturer gave us), without losses Oblivion would reach about 10km/h more than it would with 15% losses...

It may not seem like a massive amount if put into mph, but it is a big difference...

Roughly speaking (for turbulent flow), air resistance is proportional to the velocity SQUARED. Air resistance is a massive factor.
Wow, I'm dead clever today! ;)

I'm not really with Dave on Baco... I tend to find I'm not disappointed because I don't get over excited about things beforehand. Balder I guess was a bit of a disappointment, but not too.

I was expecting some kind of life changing experience from it, a new yard-stick to measure coasters by. Turns out, it was just pretty good. See... It's a good ride, and not reaching the lofty heights we're expecting doesn't make it any worse a coaster for it. I could still ride it and still really enjoy it.

I always work on everything based on my own personal experience, and never take into account what others say. So Baco wasn't disappointing, it was worse than I thought it might be, but it pretty much did exactly what I was expecting from watching POVs. Khan though I didn't have a point of experience to really make any kind of pre-conception of what the ride would be like - so it blew me away. I know that Ian and Marc weren't so keen, but both had done Kumba which they both rated higher.

I guess it's a mix of things here. Your own personal coaster experience gives you the ability to (most of the time) project a potential ride. I find that where I have an experience to base thnigs on, I'm usually within a certain range of what I expected with what I get. So it may be a little better (El Toro) or a little worse (Baco). It doesn't mean I prejudge and try to fit my experience in though. Boulder Dash completely threw me. I knew exactly what to expect but it just did it so much better than I could possibly imagine. Phoenix couldn't have been any more mediocre if it tried (and I was expecting at least a "good" ride).

Erm, I don't know if this has gone way off topic, just trying to explain the way my mind works in these situations and why I don't get "disappointed" (not even by Phoenix, it just was what it was).
^I don't know what that means but, cool :P

But, surely Oblivion has a MASSIVE air resistance, bigger than Intimidator's? Intimidator is two across, and Oblivion is 8 across, meaning Oblivion is like trying to move a massive breeze block through the air (why it DIES when it comes out the tunnel), and Intimidator is much more streamlined...

I'm NOT saying I agree with the guy btw, I'm just saying he's not the absolute idiot people are jumping on him for for believing that it could reach 100, because it's not THAT ridiculous.
^^Yes, the shape is obviously extremely important (just look up the basic drag law, the force is proportional to velocity, air density, viscosity, area, all sorts), but the point is that the air resistance makes a HUGE difference to the speed reached.

Let's just assume, for one second, that the train does reach 100mph at the bottom of the drop. In a vacuum, so with NO air resistance, lets look how fast the lift would have to be to reach the big 100mph.

Final Speed - v - 100mph (44.44m/s)
Acceleration - a - 9.81m/s^2
Distance - s - 305ft (92.964m)
Initial Speed - u - unknown

Using the constant acceleration formula:



So the lift has to move at 12.3m/s (27mph) to reach the 100mph speed. Don't forget this is in a vacuum, so with NO air resistance. I just somehow don't see how this will reach 100mph... I'm pretty sure you won't actually care about the sums, but at least they show that it's unlikely. Provided, of course, that I haven't ****ed something up on the way!
Ben said:
I'm NOT saying I agree with the guy btw, I'm just saying he's not the absolute idiot people are jumping on him for for believing that it could reach 100, because it's not THAT ridiculous.

No, everyone miss this part? I don't need a physics lesson, thanks Hixee.

So the guy hasn't got a degree in physics and so believes something he's told which isn't TOO far out of the boundaries of possibility anyway, allll I've been saying is stop having a go, which you've chosen to ignore...

It's not like someone told him it goes at a thousand and one miles per hour and travels through time and he believed them.

(of course, surely those sums are actually off seeing as no coaster actually falls at 9.8m/s^2 cause of the angles and changing angles of the track, but, whatever, I'll stop trying to make people not feel utterly battered by everyone the moment they join up...)
Thanks Ben... And Hixee... It's not 305 feet of distance. That's the height of the drop, but due to the angle of the drop it's dropping for longer (though I think that alters the way gravity affects the drop too?) I don't know, I don't have any thing higher than a maths GCSE and never took physics or engineering.

Hence, other than obvious mistakes ;), I'm likely to believe what people with more knowledge than me claim... Lesson in there somewhere, now can we please move on to disappointing rides, and stop discussing disappointing mathematical equations?
Alright, I'm back from lurking for a few days. I suppose I owe UC an apology. I do not want to seem like a troll or a hypocrit, even though I acted like it. I certainly did not explain clearly how I feel about Schwarzkopf. It sounded alot better in my head, and came out rather defensive in my posts. I do ask, in return, that you treat me with mutual respect. It is obvious that both of us feel strongly about the things that we say, and that's certainly OK, but I would like to be able to say what I like. If I am blatantly wrong, tell me and I will listen. I am here to have fun, and I do not wish to cause any foul for you or any other CFers. Please accept my apology and let's move on :--D
No.. you're a spammer. Completely different.

AS FOR THE TOPIC.. I'd throw Hydra out there too.. as it is a bit rough and too short when I expect so much more. Of course.. it is a floorless. Kraken as well if we are throwing those out.. as that was complete and utter ****.
Not the MOST disappointing, but Afterburn was kinda meh for me. The inversion after the initial loop was cool, but besides that it was not very memorable. It certainly wasn't better then Alpengeist, not even by a long shot.
The most dissapointing ride for me is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Alton Towers or The buffalo coaster at DMP. For Charlie, It looks very impressive on the outside but inside is a very slow and boring boat ride and a very shaky simulator at the end. The highlight of the ride for me is looking into a mirror and thinking there's another boat there when it's just your's.

The buffalo coaster at DMP had a huge queue when I went on it and I got on it wih big expectations from this very site that it was going to be good but in fact it was ****. Slow, Short, Boring.
^Why would you ever get the impression that it was going to be good?

You can see how crap it is before you get on the bloody thing.