If a MOD would like to split this topic, feel free. It may be mucking up the joint..
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And kids? I don't see Rob Alvey using that as an excuse.
First of all, his
JOB is traveling to amusement parks. While we would all enjoy that kind of luxury, I do not. And lest us not compare anyone who cannot travel because of children to Alvey, shall we?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
^ I'm not saying people should take young kids on vacation to theme parks and obviously people have legit reasons to not travel far sometimes, but just in certain people's cases there was a time before they had kids and they still didn't bother really going anywhere. Either way, personal choice.
As you said, personal choice. Personally, I feel there is A LOT that I haven't done here in my country and the fact that I've been to a giant chunk of America and have not explored it all says a lot about the country in the first place. Hell, just going to Hartford a few weeks ago was a fantastic experience only further enhanced by my friends. Hartford really isn't a spot to explorer or travel to. However, with all that being said, I plan on going to somewhere outside the states that isn't Canada next year. Where? Well I know where. But I'm not saying ****.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Europe and England are the bees knees so if people wanna be basic and stay stateside that's fine but they're missing out. I do regret not doing more parks the many times I've been over there, but when I go back next year I'll make it more cred based than culture.
Hold. The. ****. Phone. Did you just use the word 'basic'? Jesus **** Christ.
Many people have many different reasons for not traveling. I actually have plenty of vacation time, so much so my boss yelled at me for not taking it last year (no roll over unfortunately). However, the wife does not, and for one I'm not going any place overseas without her because she would politely kill me if I did as she loves travel as well.
My job is also fantastic. I love going to work in the morning, doing what I do, and coming home smiling. I may be exhausted some days, I may be stressed, but there isn't a minute where I would want to change it. Plus, I'm damn good at it and I'm doing things no one has ever done. Ok.. I'll stop... lol
Also, my children are my entire and complete life. There have been many a folk I've known on here who have disappeared because family and their job life got in the way of making this happen so much. For me, I absolutely cannot spend more then a few days away from my little ladies because I have such a profound attachment to them as a father. When we went to Texas, after about day 3, I kind of wanted to go home just to see them. Some people may not feel this same attachment as strong as I, some people relish time away from their kids, but I'm an extremely passionate father who loves doing absolutely nothing but riding my bike down the street with my 4 year old daughter.
And while I would love to take them over seas, I will not until they are old enough to enjoy and love the culture as much as I would. I want them to see the world, listen to the people, remember the sites, instead of just seeing pictures of us holding them at the place.
And now that she has woken up, I'm going to go play some hop scotch. Enjoy traveling.
PS: Don't think of this as a personal attack.. well besides when you used basic. I mean jesus. Just wanted to explain something and I happen to be rather passionate about some of my reasoning.