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Last Cred Review

Don't hate me yall.

Haha, uhh, I did like it. Is it *the best*, no, is it the best RMC, for me? no. Is it the best in Florida? I mean, I love me some Mako, still might have to give Mako the edge..... But also, is it my favorite at BGT? -yikes- maybe? But I really love Kumba, back when it first opened it was realllllly the ride that got me to wanna travel for rides and visit places.... not just me as a kid thinking parks/coasters were cool, it was like damn, I wanna go there some day and ride that. So maybe its sentimental value or something but Kumba is a special ride for me. (I think I still have it in my top 20, was in my top 10 for years) And while Gwazi is good, its over so fast it left me wanting more, kinda like Lightning Rod in a way where its not that you didn't do a lot, its that it ended too soon. Had it had like 2 or 3 more hills/elements it would have felt more complete. But the first drop is fantastic and the barrel roll drop is awesome, My semi coaster enthusiast friend who hit 101 on IG and had only been on one other RMC, Wicked Cyclone, loved Gwazi and seemed blown away by it but maybe more seasoned (jaded?) riders, not as wow'd? :|
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124: Rail Runner

My first alpine coaster, if you can even call it that. This thing is uh, wow. With no brakes, I legitimately thought I was in danger on some of those downhill curves. The outsides of my legs were hurting from the laterals.

125: Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster

This thing is completely different from Rail Runner in almost every way. It’s smooth and long, and the lift hill is at the start, providing anticipation. It is a lot less intense, leading me to ultimately prefer the former mountain coaster. I’m going to have a lot of trouble placing either of these rides in my rankings.
The Big Apple - Aka The Manhattan Express (540)

Just got back from Vegas where I just had to ride the infamous cred on the New York Casino.
It definitely looks the part, and is much taller than I thought, the lift hill and first hill are hidden around the back of the casino.

View attachment 16533

Unfortunately, even with the new premier trains, it's a horrendous ride, big jolts at the bottom of the drops, sideways shuffles and the most ghastly jank in the immelmann 🤮

It's also a eye watering $29 per ride, making it my most expensive single cred ever. One and done thank you.
You can get nearly 10 rides on Phoenix at Knobels for $29😂
So, Kondaa then.
It's good. Really really good. Me and @Sandman had 6 goes today - 2 fronts, 2 backs and 2 middles and yeah, it really is very good indeed. Top 10 good? For me, no. Top 10% good? Yeah I reckon so. I'd definitely class it as... 'noteworthy'.
Is it better than, say, Dutch Goliath (which I'll be riding again in 2 days btw 😁) or Expedition GeForce, for example? Hmm not sure to be honest. I guess that, as with most things, is simply a matter of personal preference. On the one hand it's great to see Intamin throwing out some new layout ideas - twisty doubledowns, non-inverting cobra rolls (which, in my opinion, most definitely does invert) and all that post RMC, sideways airtime wackyness etc... BUT on the other hand, the more time Kondaa spends cocking about trying to be an RMC, the less time it spends being the thing that Intamin mega-coasters are best at being, which is straight forward, no nonsense, ejector-filled, speed machines.
It's a fantastic coaster, you should all definitely go and ride it soon, but for this goon some of the newer, more unusual elements, especially towards the end of the ride, didn't quite hit the mark.
Tumbili (#194)
I didn’t enjoy Batman at Fiesta Texas, but Tumbili was certainly an improvement. It’s more comfortable, well themed (major props to Kings Dominion’s theming team here, Jungle X-pedition is truly impressive and surprisingly detailed!) and can provide a mental ride experience - if the conditions are right.

My second ride was much crazier than the first (where I only got one flip) - the back car was substantially heavier than the front, leading to uneven weight distribution (in other words… 6-7 flips, mostly on that second raven turn). An unbalanced car leads to absolute, unhinged insanity - on that second raven turn, the sky spun rapidly, I lost all sense of direction and had to shut my eyes to prevent intense nausea. The front car was still rocking violently at the bottom of the brake run. I’m not the biggest fan of 4D free spins, but I did enjoy Tumbili - it’s definitely worth a try for the unique ride experience.

Twisted Timbers (#195)
The barrel roll drop surprised me - hangtime while dropping is a bizarre feeling, and a highlight of Twisted Timbers in my opinion. The curved bunny hills into and out of the overbank give solid pops of ejector and laterals, while the overbank itself is fast-paced. Then my favorite part of Timbers is the three consecutive camelback hills. They’re a bit less powerful than El Toro’s, but just as sustained, and deliver euphoric ejector air nonetheless. The curved step down gives a solid dose of air and laterals in the back, and the cutback is decent. The next curved airtime hill is a larger, more sustained version of the two bumps in the beginning, and the legendary trick trick track double up is just as violent as I expected. Each “up” has powerful, decently sustained ejector (with laterals as well).

Another speed hill delivers ejector yet again, and then, the outer banked turnaround is Timbers’ final highlight for me. The flojector airtime plus abrupt laterals, while nestled inside the lift structure, is absolutely bonkers. The speed bump delivers a burst of ejector, and the zero-g roll offers solid hangtime. Following that, the two mini-overbanks, taken at a rampant pace, deliver fun laterals and whip in the left seats. An absolutely tiny, curved bunny hill (delivering a very brief pop of airtime) leads into one last, ejector-loaded hill into the brakes.

My favorite seat on Twisted Timbers is front row right (load) side, it has enough laterals to feel out of control with airtime as strong as the back row, but it’s not painful. The last row was great too, but back there, I found everything past the cutback to be a bit too aggressive (painful on the thighs). All in all though, Twisted Timbers is so much fun, delivering bucketloads of ejector airtime, a surprising amount of laterals for an out-and-back layout and a memorable first drop. And for only being ~45 seconds from drop to brakes, Twisted Timbers doesn’t feel short either.
So, Kondaa then.
It's good. Really really good. Me and @Sandman had 6 goes today - 2 fronts, 2 backs and 2 middles and yeah, it really is very good indeed. Top 10 good? For me, no. Top 10% good? Yeah I reckon so. I'd definitely class it as... 'noteworthy'.
Is it better than, say, Dutch Goliath (which I'll be riding again in 2 days btw 😁) or Expedition GeForce, for example? Hmm not sure to be honest. I guess that, as with most things, is simply a matter of personal preference. On the one hand it's great to see Intamin throwing out some new layout ideas - twisty doubledowns, non-inverting cobra rolls (which, in my opinion, most definitely does invert) and all that post RMC, sideways airtime wackyness etc... BUT on the other hand, the more time Kondaa spends cocking about trying to be an RMC, the less time it spends being the thing that Intamin mega-coasters are best at being, which is straight forward, no nonsense, ejector-filled, speed machines.
It's a fantastic coaster, you should all definitely go and ride it soon, but for this goon some of the newer, more unusual elements, especially towards the end of the ride, didn't quite hit the mark.
You’re not sure whether it’s better than Dutch Goliath? Wow. Either you really love Goliath, or I need to scale my expectations for this coaster way back.

Anyway, thanks for the review.
Huh, I thought I posted this yesterday...

I finally made my way to Hansa Park and after much storm-induced cred anxiety, got to ride Karnan.

I knew its secrets in advance, but it was still fantastic. And I think the outdoor section has fallen off the radar a little bit in enthusiast circles. It's frantic, fast-paced, with intense moments and pops of airtime sprinkled throughout. Genuinely an absolute pleasure of a ride.

There are some operational faffs and issues I have with it. But I'll save that for the trip report.

It's certainly Top 10% material for me. Is it Top 10? Well I'm unsure there. This trip has had me rethinking some of my Top 10 in general, but I worry recency-bias might also be playing a factor. So I'll leave that for now.

Anyways, Karnan = fantastic. Truly a must ride.
Tumbili (259) While everyone was at BGW celebrating Pantheon's opening, I made it to KD to ride the second to last coaster cred in VA that I needed. The ride had a fairly long line throughout the day, but fortunately it died down toward the end of the day. I got two rides in. Volcano side has more intense rocking, while the temple side has a few more flips. I enjoyed the upgrades KD did to the safari area and Tumbili is definitely the standout addition, even if it still feels a tad incomplete right now. The queue is unshaded, which gives great views of the coaster, but will be unbearable come mid-July when it gets really hot and humid. It ranks with most of the other free spins I've ridden. A really solid addition to the park.
Ride to Happiness.
Something truly special. Plopsaland and Mack have knocked it out of the park with this one. I love it.
We like to talk about our Top 10's round here, or our Top 10%. I prefer the 10% method, it's fairer, it's relative, it removes the bias from either very high or very low personal counts. I mean, someone with a coaster count of 12 is unlikely to have a very inspiring Top 10, are they?
From the very first lap, I knew that Ride to Happiness was more than just Top 10% material, it was Top 1% material. By lap 17, I think I've narrowed it down to Top 0.5% material. That's right @HeartlineCoaster , I'll see your 16 laps and I'll raise you one. Nothing personal you understand, it wasn't a vendetta, but once I'd got into double figures I just thought I may as well (and I reckon that makes us even for your lawnmower guy vs my hot dog guy 😝)
Not gonna lie, maybe 2 or 3 of those laps beat me up a bit, I did feel a bit of shake on some of the high positive g-force moments, but it was only on a couple of laps. I couldn't pinpoint a particular seat or element, but with so many variable forces with constantly varying weight distributions acting on such a large scale installation I think it's reasonable to expect a slight shudder from time to time. And besides, I suspect it could well have been more to do with my personal tolerance and hydration levels rather than the ride itself. 17 laps on an extreme spinning multi launcher will do that to a 48 year old... 🙄
So yeah, top 0.5% for me. I'm fairly confident that Steel Vengeance is still my number 1, but that means that out of 422 creds, Ride to Happiness is battling it out with Helix and Shambhala for the number 2 spot. There's the delicate hand of serendipity coming into play here. Right manufacturer with the right product at the right time, mixed with the right theming package to showcase it and finished off with the best onboard music of any coaster on the planet. It all comes together beautifully to create something that genuinely hasn't been seen before. This really is something new and different and quite ridiculously brilliant. I mean sure, there's Time Traveler, but Time Traveler would just about scrape into the Top 10% on a good day. RTH expands and improves on Time Traveler in almost every way. One could argue that Time Traveler has a better opening - that vertical drop out of the station is a killer - and I guess you could say that TT is in a better setting/better park but apart from that, RTH smashes its older American sibling. It's bigger, much more forceful, much more disorienting, has much better pacing throughout (no mid course stop-start launch interrupting the flow, TT's Achilles heel), it has several moments of strong ejector airtime and as I said earlier, has that pounding, perfectly timed on board sountrack. The area is gorgeous, the ambient music in the queueline and station is somehow simultaneously both calming and exciting, the Tomorrowland theming concept is new, inspiring and uplifting.
And we haven't even got to sexy, green eyed robot lady yet. Watching over the proceedings from her vantage point in the station, clockwork monacles gliding in and out of view periodically, soothing words of encouragement on each dispatch and it's all in beautiful, glorious Queen's English... she's sort of mesmerising. I want to marry her.

"Magical people of tomorrow,
the power of nature has brought you to this place. Rest assured it will not abandon you on your ride to happiness.
Cherish this crucial moment of change and carry it with you in your heart.
Let us unite and feel the power... of nature".

And off you go.
Yes, I'm that into this ride that I've memorised the dispatch speeches! That's just one of them, there's a couple of different ones too.
If you buy into it, if you absorb the music and the messages and allow the whole experience to wash over you, it's just possible that you might even feel a touch emotional as your turn approaches. Even on your 17th lap of the day.

This ride is an absolute joy, every single time. I can't recommend it highly enough. I might even do a full trip report and gush about it some more but for now, just get yourselves to Ploppyland. Make it a priority. Do it now.

You’re not sure whether [Kondaa] is better than Dutch Goliath? Wow. Either you really love Goliath, or I need to scale my expectations for this coaster way back.

Well, I do really love Dutch Goliath... but I rode it again yesterday and... uhm... yeah, maybe it's not quite as good as I remember, and maybe Kondaa is actually significantly better? See, I first rode Goliath a long time ago when it was still one the best in Europe, and I've also had a few great sessions on it since, but riding it and Kondaa within 2 days of each other did highlight how things have moved on in terms of layout design. So yes, I do concede that nostalgia bias may have clouded my judgment somewhat on my earlier comment about Goliath (as opposed to recency bias which could conceivably be clouding my judgment on RTH? 🤔)
However, I do still maintain my comment that Kondaa does try a wee bit too hard to be 'tricksy' and that the perfect layout for an Intamin like this would be a sort of halfway point between the two? But don't worry about trimming your expectations - Kondaa is still a fab ride, in a rapidly improving park. You'll like it. 👍
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I'll see your 16 laps and I'll raise you one.
Cute, but I'm on 32 now I'll have you know.
I want to marry her.
Get in line.

I'll forgive you though because the review in general and this in particular is so spot on:
"Magical people of tomorrow,
the power of nature has brought you to this place. Rest assured it will not abandon you on your ride to happiness.
Cherish this crucial moment of change and carry it with you in your heart.
Let us unite and feel the power... of nature".

And off you go.
Yes, I'm that into this ride that I've memorised the dispatch speeches! That's just one of them, there's a couple of different ones too.
If you buy into it, if you absorb the music and the messages and allow the whole experience to wash over you, it's just possible that you might even feel a touch emotional as your turn approaches. Even on your 17th lap of the day.
Something about that station audio just warms the heart.
Swamp Fox (260) - I was really hoping this ride would be a hidden gem. Unfortunately it's probably best that it stays hidden. It's a decent ride in the front, but the further back you sit, the worse the ride becomes. It's really unfortunate because the airtime is fantastic and I do love the fact that Family Kingdom manages to maintain a coaster built in the 60s. Unfortunately the potholes at the bottom of the drops negates any fun to be had on the airtime hills.

Twist N Shout (261) - runs brakeless on top and brakes tap lightly on bottom so it's pretty decent. A bit better than your standard wild mouse fare. I like the queue setup because it goes underneath the ride.
El Loco at the Circus Circus in Las Vegas (225)

Such a weird ride but my favorite of the two at the Adventure Dome. Very janky. Great first drop that feels unsafe. Probably third-best hang-time I've experienced behind Full Throttle and Copperhead Strike. The last inversion feels like a challenge to try to grab one of the supports below you as you hang upside down. I don't think either coaster in this park is worth going out of the way for but if you're in Vegas, it's worth checking out if you have the cash. I will say that admission is $60 and there's no per-ride payment system, so you'll be overpaying. That said, I went on a Saturday afternoon, and both coasters were walk-ons.