I guess it's about time that I chimed in with a few things to say & some photos to show.
What we did & in what order has been covered, so I won't go into that. I will say that perhaps the best thing to come out of the Live this year was the kid's desire to join the CF forums. A big thanks to everyone for getting him so involved & for putting up with his shenanigans.
I would also like to say next time pay attention Marc - we were supposed to ride Maverick during ERT, not Millie. Don't you know that Mavvy always has a longer queue, ya putz!
Day 1 couldn't have gone any better. Short waits for a Saturday, everything up & running and loads of fun was had all around.
Marc was lookin' good,...
...Patty kept his new kicks whiter than white...
...and his tummy tight.
Taylor screamed from the top all the way down.
We even managed to get in a coaster we skipped last year.
The queues were just long enough for everyone to chat it up.
Marcus is such a ham!
S'up Tay! and Jusssstinnn...
Marcus was getting his groove on...
...in the Millie queue...
...until Justin rained on his parade with all his fanboyisms.
That's some fancy ankle bracelet you're sporting there Taylor.
OMG Joe is such a geek. :roll:
An Athena sandwich...Yum!
Hey everybody! Where ya goin'? Wait for me!
Uh...never mind. You got the cops on your tails. I'll just hang back here incognito like...
What a lovely couple. Joe's had dreams of this many a night.
That's not how you do it...
...cause you'll only end up all wet.
Marc will show you how it's done...
...or you can be like the kid & wait until it stops, which isn't as fun.
Now that looks like fun!
What's the matter Taylor?
It's just a frickin' huge Ferris Wheel!
If you hadn't of been on it you would have missed the great view of maXair...
...swinging back & forth.
Then there's Raptor going upside down.
Plus Millie & TTD at the top of their hills...
...and Magnum too.
There's also Twitsy...
...up close & personal!
You would have gotten a much better shot Justin, if you hadn't chickened out of the Ferris Wheel.
Lookin' sexy Mr. Marcus! cool)
Not so much Mr. Matty. :?
Eww! :shock:
Another ride on Magnum for it's 25th Anniversary.
Spot the goon!
Why is Marcus always the center of attention?
Who da man?! oh... Hi Justin. <3
That was fun.
Hi ya Taylor!
As much as you'd like to, you can't carry Taylor all the way to Michigan Joe. :roll:
How did you & Patty get on Mavvy before us kiddo? :?
You know you love it Justin?
Where to next?
Top Thrill Dragster, of course!
See you love birds later...
Speaking of love birds.

How did you like that ride?
Getting ready to launch!
Watch 'em go!
A group shot to finish up...
...a fantastic day.
That's all for now kiddies. I'll be back tomorrow with all the antics at Kings Island.
Until then...