The kid gets his wit from his old man (wish I came up with that one though)!
So by popular demand *drum roll*
Ta DA! Kings Island!
We left the hotel last, but soon passed Marc & co. when they stopped to eat some breakfast en route. However we managed to arrive last after Marcus took us on a slight detour. :lol:
We still arrived with plenty of time to spare before park opening.
Once again I'm skipping who rode what when & with whom, but I will say that the Diamondback ERT kicked all kinds of ass!
We had to wait for them to open the queue,...
...but within minutes we were on our way into the station.
Cool looking trains! My favorite of the B&M hypers.
Off they go while I wait for the front seat.
I got on the next train (as you will be able to tell from the end on the video), so come along for the ride.
We all kind of split up into groups after that first ride,...
...but managed to get in four or five rides during the half hour before they opened the park to the GP, due to the short queues.
Once Joe got his ride in we headed off for Beast...
...which is celebrating it's 30th anniversary.
Once again I went for the front seat since there was no queue.
Want to ride with me again?
Next up was a front seat ride with Joe (as you can tell from the commentary

) on Backlot Stunt Coaster.
Since there was 13 of us, the kid couldn't find a place on our train & had to catch the next one.
Next up was time for a little pain (not as much as I expected)...
...even though these three don't look like they are aware of what's to come.....Jusssstinnn <3
Good thing we rode the Arrow looper when we did because a long queue formed just after we got off.
Which do we ride next, Flight of Fear or Firehawk?
With only a half hour wait, the Flying Dutchman won out.
Then is was on to the shorter queue at Flight of Fear.
Too bad that Cedar Fair hasn't picked up on the decent themeing of their former Paramount parks. More of their rides could use this kind of treatment.
You guys ready to launch? I thought so.
I didn't take any photos of Racer nor the lovely Panda Express lunch, but I did capture the Adventure Express entrance sign just before we entered the empty queue. :wink:
Then came the rain & our decision to leave the drop tower queue for the one over at Son of Beast.
Get you filthy paws off me!
The wait was rather lengthy...
...but we worked our way to the front of the queues without a single train running.
Some (at least one) of us even caught a few winks.
After getting beaten up by the SoB, it was obvious what to ride next.
Everyone enjoyed walking on to the coaster...
...and just getting back to riding again.
Something that would not be long lived.
We did manage to get in a fall on Drop Zone, much to Taylor's screaming delight,...
...before having to wait the rains out again at Invertigo.
The wait wasn't that long, but the kid & Patty still managed to squeeze in an episode of Family Guy...
...before we got our ride!
The kiddie coasters were up next and my #250.
What a ride! :lol:
Hmm...So many things I could say about this.
Too cool for words.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge Bob Square Pants! <3
So much to like in this section of the park.
Like Athena! (But who's that creepy dude hanging out behind Patrick?)
I wonder what the snail is checking out?
Yikes! Looks like he's also spotted that Canadian.
No Taylor, that's not a coaster!
But this is...
...and it's more painful...
...than it looks.
Even the kid was too big to get the last credit the park had to offer.
Time for the group photo...
...and the chance to meet back up with Jay & his PANTS!
The kid also began his shenanigans by dropping cubes of ice down the back of Patty's shirt...
...and getting away with it.:lol:
Geeks :roll:
Off to the observation tower (check out all the wet backs :wink: )...
...and time to snap lots of photos.
Vortex looks a lot better than it rides... does Racer,...
...but both have nothing on Son of Beast.
Firehawk looks good too...
...but Flight of Fear not so much.
BLSC isn't much to look at either, but at least it has fire.
Too bad you don't get a good view of Invertigo from up here...
...but you sure get a good view from up there.
Down they go!
Time to give the giant Frisbee a try...
...but maXair blows Delirium away.
Don't believe me? See for yourself.
After we gave in to Marc's desire to ride Racer again, we chowed down on some not-so-great chili (with spaghetti?) & were off for re-rides on D-back!
Patty & the kid were planning their final strike... Aidan moved in for the kill...
...and nailed Taylor with a cup of ice instead of the usual cube or two. :lol:
He was laughing so hard after committing that act, that he couldn't even run away.
Back for more yummy goodness!
The queue wasn't bad since the rain sent most everyone away.
So we didn't have to wait long...
...for a great ride off into the sunset.
Our final ride of the night was going to be on Beast, but we had to wait until after the fireworks.
Since Justin, the Kid & I were the only ones who could see them...
...I took a few photos...
...even though my camera settings weren't right...
...and I didn't have time to adjust them.
After that FANTASTIC ride it was time to be on our way as the park was closing & we were among the last to leave (thanks to the fireworks delay).
I think this photo sums up what a great day we had.
It's too bad I didn't get to ride in the front seat (Justin & I chose the back seats) to take a POV to show everyone what a great ride Beast is after dark, but I'm going to do my best to capture that when I return to Kings Island next month.
I think I also need to state my opinion on Diamondback & how it blows every other B&M Hyper out of the water (pun intended :wink: ). The amount of air-time you get on this baby is beyond ridiculous & the ride ops do a fantastic job of not stapling you in (they actually pull on the restraints instead of pushing down on them).