Joey, you need to learn more
God created man, and everything was perfect (garden of Eden affair). Then he discovered self-will (by eating the forbidden fruit).
I think, this (Genesis) is metaphor for man becoming sentient and self aware. If we believe that God put us all here (even the whole kick start evolution thing, sitting back and watching things develop for hundreds of millions of years) - then this was the crowning achievement.
This is a very scientific kind of view of it. Imagine God is kind of chemist. He put the correct mix of everything into the universe in the big bang. He set it in motion and sat back and watched how it all unfolded. Every so often, he'd give it a shake or a stir and make something, an additional experiment. Life being one of them.
Eventually you reach a form of ape who is on the brink of something big. This is all a bit 2001, but God pushes the right button and the ape becomes self-aware and mankind is born pretty much as we know it.
Okay, so we now have Adam and Eve, naked and scared. God says "you've chosen (did they, or did he push them?) free will, so off you go, I'm leaving you to it. Just remember there is a God, and I'm in charge - mind you still worship me and respect me, but I'm not going to ever contact you directly myself again - though I may give out pointers from time to time."
So that's it, the human race is no longer in a two way communication with God as they used to be. God has left the human experiment to go off on it's own. We all know that we need challenges to make us stronger. If God had fed and clothed us forever, we'd have never developed into what we are now. This is all God's plan. Let us carry on with our own free choices and make our way in the world.
Our own free will allows us to chose to be closer with God, and therefore to reap the benefits when we die.
Every so often though, God's message is getting mixed up. Evil people pretend to know God and fool everyone else. At these points, God steps in and sets things right.
At first it was easy, but as the world grew, a single way of worshipping God wasn't practical, so he set out a few different versions so everyone had a choice. As long as people worship him, he doesn't care.
The point is, God is a hands off manager. He said so right at the start. He uses "prophets" to help people get back on the right track, but generally talks through people silently, gently directing actions from behind the scenes. He's a big believer in free will though, as it's that concious choice which makes you worthy of a place at his side or not.
The prophets aren't a sign of God's weakness, but of mankind's. They're just there to help them stay on a rough track, one in which God is playing a generally hands off role - so people can prove themselves worthy.
I don't actually believe it, but that's how it falls - God says "let the people do things, and if they're good at it, I'll help them and reward". Think of us as pets. Your dog will think you're all knowing, all seeing and the be all and end all of existence. Yet you don't spend 100% of the time with them. Yet you can train them quickly, and you always know it was them who pissed on the carpet. Upscale that by several million degrees and you have the human/God thing