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Floater or Ejector

Ejector or Floater

  • Ejector

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  • Floater

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There is no greater pleasure on this earth than crap loads of ejector on a rough as **** wooden coaster.

I like 'em hard, fast and with enough force to remind you why life is sacred.
I love them both equally.

The floater down DM drops.

The ejector on Det.

The ejector on Dr Doom.

The floater on Intamin Drop Towers.

The ejector on Nash.

The floater on Khan.

The ejector on Rita.

The ejector on Stampida.

See, they all spring to mind as the best bits of Airtime around, and it's half floater, half ejector. There's a time and a place for both. Being SMASHED into Nash's restraint, and floating 200ft down a vertical drop are both fab.


Ejector tends to get on my nerves, because I can never tell when something is bumpy, or has loads of ejector. I'll come off a ride and be like "was that ejector heaven, or was that just plain rough?"

Yeah, it WAS just like that on KSM at Southport. It WAS so amazingly "WTF" bashing up and down over all the hills, flying up, wondering if it WAS built that way or just roughness. Of course, you CAN'T go ride and find out now though.
Floater. It's a more free feeling and it lasts longer. I do not want to have my weight on the restraint like on Speed or Rita. I want to float and take a load off my body. It feels more like you are in space, just drifting arround in your seat. It feels so much better. And Goliath's airtime... I've never felt more surreal, comfortable airtime in my life.
Sweet! I've been waiting for this to reappear for AGES.

ZeroG said:
imo, floater is so much cooler on steelies...
I haven't been on many woodies..but I have been on a few, and yes, I agree ejector is better on them.
But if you really love ejector air.. all you have to do is jump into a bar :P
Whereas floating at (more or less) 0G is awesome..

[I can imagine it would rock when you are high, too. :P]

LOL. Why didn't anyone call me out on being a proper ejector virgin there? It was soooo obvious :p

Ejector. Easily.
"Floater... woo...this is fairly cool!........*cough*..still floating...not that it feels like proper zero gravity or anything... woo"

Ejector Rules. TdZ's Photo Drop = best.thing.ever.

Of course, some floater rocks a lot. Some just bores me, however.
Haha wow, this topic was way back in the day when I was a n00b. Oh well, I might as well re answer that since I've experienced more coasters since then.

Okay, actually my answer hasn't really changed. I still like floater more, but the best airtime I've ever experienced was on Shivering Timbers, which was basically like, you slam up into the restraint and then stay there. It's a mix of the two (more so floater though), and it's amazing because on each hill you get at least 6 pure seconds of airtime. Incredible, really.

Unfortunately, floater can be extremely boring and dull on some coasters too, whereas ejector is constantly extreme. Millennium Force has some weak floater, and I just wish it had more, then it would be the ultimate roller coaster, but too bad, all you get is like, an inch off your seat basically only 3 times in the whole ride (not even 3 really). Ejector is always like "whoa save me oh dear lord I am going to die", which is pretty exciting.

But as of now, floater remains the favourite!
I would kill to ride a coaster with atleast 6 seconds of airtime on each hill. I know ST has some airtime but not even Superman:The Escape when it was running full speed had 6 seconds of airtime on it's one hill with a 90 degree reverse freefall drop.
Whilst I like both floater and ejector airtime, I have to go with the pure insanity of ejector - you gotta love the feeling of not knowing whether you're going to live or die! :P
I do love both, but at the end of the day, I'm an adrenaline junky. Ejector air really gets my pulse racing. When you lift 6 or 7 inches out of the seat to a near standing position, your knees lock, then the lap bar saves your life.

Then you're crashing back down into the seat, usually followed by some lovely high G's, then back up to be thrown out again. It's all about how fast and dangerous it feels. That's why I love a good woody (and if I ever get on a decent Intamin, will probably love them.

However, sometimes I just really enjoy a ride for the ride experience. It tends to be rides with lots of floater that do it for me. I love the cmael-back on Colossus for the little bit of floater you get there. I'm sure there are loads more, but it's something that I do enjoy in the middle of a ride, or enjoy a ride that has lots of it.

Two things I hate though:

1. Ejector when I'm tightly harnesed in. Stand up Speed and Rita. Nothing worse at all in my opinion.

2. "Vertical" floater. On shot and drop towers, I just can't stand it. Give me floater as I'm moving forward and up/down any day. Just straight up and down though and I hate it. What most people consider the best rides for this (CLiffhanger, Pleasure Island shot and drop, Detonator and ex-space-shot Southport), I despise. I just can't seem to get used to them, and the more negatives they give, the more I hate them...
Floater for me. There's something about feeling weightlessness instead of being thrown about that flicks my switch more.
I have to agree with what people are saying about ejector. It really does get your pulse racing and your mind wondering if you're ever going to get off the ride safely, but you can experience that by maybe going 60 miles per hour in a car and slamming on your brakes.

Floater on the other hand is a unique experience, really only something you can get out of coasters and nothing else, which is what makes it even more special, and is yet another reason why I prefer it over ejector.

So basically, if I want to fear for my life, I'll just dodge around trucks in heavy traffic and maybe slamming on the brakes, but if I want floater which is pretty much "willy lift", coasters is the only way to do it.

This post definately justified (along with my other floater loving posts) why I love floater over ejector.

speaking of airtime, i LOOOVE this pic:

Well, I love this pic:

http://www.rcdb.com/ig478.htm?picture=4 --> Oh so sexy.
http://www.rcdb.com/ig478.htm?picture=5 --> Oh so shmexy.
When I wen't on Balder it forces you out of your seat and with it using lap bars it feels more like that you are being flung out of your seat. So I personally prefer ejector, but if you hit the restraint too hard then it hurts and becomes uncomfortable, but the right ejector is really fun!
I'ma have to go with both. After a fresh experience of floater and ejector from one hill to the next last night on Magnum, i'd say both are equally awesome.

I'd say... some sustained floater is great.. such as the hill before the pretzel loop on Maggy for you CP fans. That was probebly the greatest floater i've EVER had. But, with some ejector on the way back on the bunny hills is GREAT... plus the ability to stand up is good too ;)
'd say... some sustained floater is great.. such as the hill before the pretzel loop on Maggy for you CP fans. That was probebly the greatest floater i've EVER had. But, with some ejector on the way back on the bunny hills is GREAT... plus the ability to stand up is good too

Yah Magnum does have some pretty sick airtime, but I'm starting to forget how amazing it was since the past 2 times I've been on it I carelessly allowed my restraint fall and literally pin me into my seat. Oh well.

For coasters like Big Dipper and Blue Streak, I really can't picture them with floater. I'm use to smaller, more traditional wooden roller coasters having ejector, and they're the only coasters that I really want to get ejector on rather than floater.
Floater on the other hand is a unique experience, really only something you can get out of coasters and nothing else

Jump out a window? Go off a ramp on a bike? Fall? :P

Can't experience ejector...ever. I mean.. anti-gravity isn't natural ;)
*Thinks of ejector poo compared with floater*

Sorry, I had to think about that.

Jump out a window?

I did that 6 times today just for the airtime. It was fun! :P No, really, I did actually do that for the airtime.