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Europa Park | Piraten in Batavia Rebuild | 2020

Europa press release sent to me via email says it'll be open May 18th with a "step-by-step opening of hotel gastronomy"
May 29th will see the full reopening of Europa Park, the hotels and camp resort.
BNN are reporting that the opening of Piraten in Batavia has now slid back to the end of July due to work being slowed by COVID.

According to the, almost all attractions will open on 29. May, but not yet "Piraten in Batavia which was destroyed in a major fire in 2018. The opening date is now given as the end of July.

At the start of the corona pandemic, the park reportedly sent around 2,000 people into short-time work. "We are now gradually driving them back," says Gabriel. "How fast will depend on the number of visitors. The economic damage caused by the pandemic has not yet been quantified - but it is likely to be enormous. The season is six weeks too short, among other things there is a lack of income the busy Easter days, on which up to 50,000 people visit."

Practicing social distancing between musicians recordings have begun for the Piraten in Batavia soundtrack!
7 figures which were saved from the wreckage of the original Piraten in Batavia have returned to Rust. So they can now find a new home; being placed in a lifeboat in one of the scenes of the new rebuilt Piraten symbolising their survival.


Thomas Mack also gave a teaser of some of the music, a reworking of the original soundtrack.
The attraction and area look stunning especially at night. Am also glad they have maintained much of the original attraction and decided to enhance it.
At today's online press conference ahead of the park's reopening this Friday the Macks revealed some more details about Batavia (today also marks 2 years since the fire!)
- They confirmed the ride will open at the end of July. No date was given but the Press Conference for the opening will be on 30. July.
- They claim the new Pirates has a mix of charm from the old ride with a modern and new touch.
- Roland Mack described the new story as Politically Correct - so this time the villagers will win against the pirates.
- He also praised the quality of the new animatronics - claiming they are only surpassed by Disney.

Europa Park also released a new song with a music video featuring park staff.
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Huh, a park that can legitimately claim to be second only to Disney! I can't wait to look at all the pictures until we're allowed to visit again :P
Nice to see they are continuing to plow on even in such a messed up world were having to deal with rn, tbf the figures look great and see no issues with them even if Disney's may or may not be better I imagine you wouldn't notice that much
Eh double post I know but the short preview film made by Mack Media "Departure to Batavia" which introduces the new story and characters is now available to watch. It was due to be shown in the park's 4D cinema before the lockdown happened.

Bartholomeus van Robbemond, with his otter sidekick Jopie, is searching for the magical "Fire Tiger" dagger in Batavia before the evil Pirate Cortez gets his hands on it. The story on the Adventure Club of Europe website can be read here
Roland Mack inside a jungle scene from the ride before the trough was finally filled up with water.

Water flows again in Batavia!

A new sign has been placed out announcing the ride will actually open on 28th July!
^The burning town/Batavia is burning scene won't be returning. Otherwise who knows.

New 'Making Of' video covering some of the scenery building, new food offerings and the ride music.