Re: Scenic Railway in Margate news
Surely the Scenic needs rebuilding anyway. There's a duty of care under the listing for the owners to repair it.
So it HAS to be done. The reason for the CPO is because the owners are refusing to do the repairs, it's the last "they're not looking after the listed building, so now the officials have to step in" thing.
The council should be given the power to start the repairs and to bill the owners for it if they keep the ride. If they don't, then the Dreamland trust foot the bill. At some point, somewhere, the ride needs to be rebuilt and operational - the cost is always going to land in the final owner's lap.
I know it isn't that simple, but it should be :lol:
There's a similar thing happening in Stafford, and you can see it mirrored here at Margate. There's an old mental hospital that is Grade II listed and it's been stood empty for about as long as I've been here (20 years or so).
The council have refused planning put forward by loads of people time and time again. The University wanted to convert it to halls, but they needed to alter doorways to meet H&S regulations. As it's listed, the council wouldn't let them make the changes.
Then it was meant to be the centre of a college of excellence for an international cookery university (or something foody anyway). Same thing, they had to make too many alterations to the building so they couldn't get planning.
Then somebody set fire to it and it became an even bigger mess than it was.
So the council approved a housing estate around it, with the proviso that the building would be rebuilt as close as possible and with apartments in it (pretty much the Universities plans).
So that's what's happening, much the same plan as the Scenic Owners have for the Dreamland site.
They've been working on site for about three years, and about 1/4 of the housing estate is now open, the rest is due to open in the next 12 months. The Grade II listed building is STILL unsecured and in disrepair. It's getting worse each day and there's no way the estate owners will start on it until the rest of the estate is built and populated.
With luck (for them), the building will collapse in the mean time and then they'll just have to put more shoe boxes on the ground.
Again, I could see this mirrored at Dreamland. The Scenic left for four or five more years untended while the money is put together for the estate build, and for the build to be completed. Then an accident may occur on the much degraded coaster and "oops, we can just put houses there".
I'm not suggesting that all fires and collapses are a deliberate attempt by greedy fat cats to play land into their hands and to get around listing issues. It's just that they are often very lucky with fires and the like - mostly not due to a direct attempt, but simply because the buildings aren't secured or looked after for such long periods of time.
Actually, weren't they meant to fix the Scenic due to the fact it was proven they were not looking after it well enough? Fix it, bill them, open it and let people get the cred!