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double-post... do I care?
Day 4 : Tuesday : Europa Park II
OK so I promised more photos.
The second day was a nice weather-wise (not that the day before was awful or
anything) and the park was noticably busier. We all said that had the Monday
been as busy as the Tuesday we'd have been struggling to get enerything done in the
first day - so probably 2 days is the ideal time here.
The day was about re-rides then, picking up the stuff that we'd overlooked the
day before and just having a nice time. Think that that was all accomplished.
Anyway, photo-dump time (all these are dumped off the camera and haven't been
processed, processed ones will turn up over time!)
Some stuff outside the park;
I wanted to go on the observation tower, so we did;
Rather lame bobsled;
I do like their golf ball thing though
Exitting the obs tower;
Said tower;
Jolly olde England bit of the park
We hit Bluefire with the intention of everyone doing the front row
Failed to take pics in the rock in the Q line
This ones good though, behind the scenes of the RCRS!
Anyway the Q for Bluefire has lots of photo ops
2 trains, cool!
We had the same "everyone do the front row" idea on Wodan too
But that involved rather a long Q, this time through the entire line
Which goes in and out of the bottom of the ride
Did get to see more themeing though
Him again
Splash battle sits in front of the woody, ruining the view somewhat
I made everyone do the "Carousel of Park History"
Which if we could speak German might have been interesting, had lots of pretty
lights at one stage though
Random wanderings
In Silver Star's Q - I don't seem to have taken any pics of the ride itself though,
German Stig
Jolly Engerland again
Hanging around the diving
Towards the end of the day, another Bluefire ride and Gavin said his goodbyes
Whilst most rerode Bluefire, I took some pics of it instead (theres a pathway
around the back of the ride that gets you into the ride footprint itself - nice)
Took some pics of the big splashy thing
and some long exposures inside the mine walkthough
Ian just LOVES these head-in-hole things
Thats it then - all over now. Gavin had headed off to Strasburg, others off to
various airports. I drove up to Metz (Walygator was closed the next day, but Metz
was halfway back to Paris for me - but thats another TR somewhere....)

Couple of processed pics (unprocessed ones are above somewhere) just to show
the difference when I put some time into these things. I'd expect there will be
some MORE of these over time!

Day 4 : Tuesday : Europa Park II
OK so I promised more photos.
The second day was a nice weather-wise (not that the day before was awful or
anything) and the park was noticably busier. We all said that had the Monday
been as busy as the Tuesday we'd have been struggling to get enerything done in the
first day - so probably 2 days is the ideal time here.
The day was about re-rides then, picking up the stuff that we'd overlooked the
day before and just having a nice time. Think that that was all accomplished.
Anyway, photo-dump time (all these are dumped off the camera and haven't been
processed, processed ones will turn up over time!)
Some stuff outside the park;


I wanted to go on the observation tower, so we did;

Rather lame bobsled;

I do like their golf ball thing though

Exitting the obs tower;

Said tower;

Jolly olde England bit of the park

We hit Bluefire with the intention of everyone doing the front row

Failed to take pics in the rock in the Q line

This ones good though, behind the scenes of the RCRS!

Anyway the Q for Bluefire has lots of photo ops

2 trains, cool!

We had the same "everyone do the front row" idea on Wodan too

But that involved rather a long Q, this time through the entire line

Which goes in and out of the bottom of the ride

Did get to see more themeing though

Him again

Splash battle sits in front of the woody, ruining the view somewhat

I made everyone do the "Carousel of Park History"

Which if we could speak German might have been interesting, had lots of pretty
lights at one stage though

Random wanderings

In Silver Star's Q - I don't seem to have taken any pics of the ride itself though,

German Stig

Jolly Engerland again

Hanging around the diving

Towards the end of the day, another Bluefire ride and Gavin said his goodbyes

Whilst most rerode Bluefire, I took some pics of it instead (theres a pathway
around the back of the ride that gets you into the ride footprint itself - nice)


Took some pics of the big splashy thing

and some long exposures inside the mine walkthough

Ian just LOVES these head-in-hole things

Thats it then - all over now. Gavin had headed off to Strasburg, others off to
various airports. I drove up to Metz (Walygator was closed the next day, but Metz
was halfway back to Paris for me - but thats another TR somewhere....)

Couple of processed pics (unprocessed ones are above somewhere) just to show
the difference when I put some time into these things. I'd expect there will be
some MORE of these over time!