So its the new year and instead of doing work I will do this trip report!
My journey began at around 9am waiting for Erol to pick me up, not long till his dads Jag pulled up and off we went. Arriving at Luton at around 11ish roughly and immediatley had to try get my tickets sorted for PA, which failed
Silly me.
Anyway faff photo while waiting to go through to depatures.
After me being a tit and getting my washing stuff taken by the officers we went into the departures lounge, debating whether to steal the santa hats off the Bailey's bottle.
After faffing again with toliets and shopping we moved onto the depature gate of no.2 which was the furthest away from the bloody depature louge! Grrrr.
Anyway, after a small sit down with some friendly banter about planes not backing into mountains etc we sent to board the plane. Ryanair ftw......
Ooo, window, that was filthy
Look so pleased to be on the Ryanair 737-800 series
So we had a rather uneventful take-off, apart from the shouts of willy lift as we took off. So cruising over the UK which was mainly cloud covered, not a suprise to be honest, haha.
Me, furie and will was in our isle and we played Burnout for a bit on furie's PSP.
So after a 2 hour flight we arrive in a sunny Reus airport and Port Aventura is visible from the airport, which is nice
Bye plane!
So we arrived at our hotel, which was almost like stepping back in time to the early 90's with the decor. Salou is a dump, there's something about it that makes it feel so sleezy and rushed together.
Anyway, the hotel! (taken while Erol was doing his hair)
The pool, can imagine this being chaos in the summer.
Our little kitchen! I don't know whether its just me being used to orange lighting in the UK or that i utterly hate white light in rooms, makes it look so cold.
There's erol doing his hair, a climax shot.
So we met up outside the hotel and arranged to get Taxi's to the park while furie and Mark walked, which was cheaper in the long run i guess.
PA entrance is quite grafitti'd and in need of a spruce up or something, just dosen't look great.
Soon a human being walked down the entrance path and opened the gates, which opened OUTWARDS, which would be daft on a busy day to be honest!
So off we walked up to the ticket offices and I nearly died on the really uneven paving stones on that path
Uno Ticketo please!
Welcome to PA, and CF has arrived as well....
Not long after this the group photo was taken, in a quite formal way I thought.
Erol checking to see if the statue is bigger than him.
The park was very very quiet at this point so we took this opportunity to get into the queue for Furius Baco incase it got busier and we couldn't re-ride it.
See the themeing is brilliant and its a very atmospheric queue, but this is just a anti-climax to the ride though. As nice as the Wing Walker trains were they just bounce and cause horrid vibrations, might of been to the cold weather, but just it hurt so much (see Stampadia review for comparisons of pain), the launch was quite good tbh, at the back it sucked, but the ejector off the launch was immense, but thats the only good bit.
Its very photogenic the coaster though.
Moving on into faff space in the park, a nice area where a flat ride could be put in, rather than just space of nothing...
Slide into the Goon!
So next up was Sea Odysee, which I heard from Jordan was a bunch of toss, so my expectations weren't exactly high. The pre-show bit was ok, I guess its the Britishness in me, the english subtitles kept swapping screens, so i kept having to find the screen with it on.
The ride itself was alright, one of the better simulators out there, but I didn't want to sit through the ride again, so after it broke down a few of us got off. Still shouting "its better than Baco".
Random ride shot.
And in the queue line.
Moving onto another coaster which was Timi Tami, a bog standard Vekoma Roller Skater (which I believe is the first one i've done).
Queueing up for the ride, with a few of us still got bad ears from the flight over.
The ride was dull as it should be, as its for kids I suppose....
The excitment ooozes from the photo!
So moving anti-clockwise round the park we trek to Dragon Khan, it constantly teases us behind trees and bushes, and just as we think were there we still have to walk round some more faff space.
From the walk way of nothingness...
Straight into the queue for the ride and into the middle of the car for me. I was slightly nervous, as it was the first B&M non dive/invert/flying for me, so was a different experience.
But wow it was such a great ride, the first half was a bit alright that was earning a 7, until the Zero-G-Roll whch was fantastic, just whipped you like crazy! Then the MCBR and shooting down into the Loop and corkcrews, i've never been so close to actually jizzing on a ride. It was just an utterly fantastic way to finsih, left you a bit dizzy which some multi-loopers don't! (Looks at Colossus)
Exclusive shot right there....
So breaking for lunch now and into the Wild West area where we'd meet again to ride Stampadia, I had the hamburger which was actually Pork which gave me a shot, haha.
Grr I'm Mark and I eat Salad!
Apart from the random strey cats photo taking we moved over to Stampadia for some well....back breaking? The queue was interesting which more grafitti on it then the Tricorn at Portsmouth did.
First side was Red side at the back, which after I think was a terrible mistake....
So the ride was actually pretty fun! Even though it hurt a lot and savagedly raped my arse on that double up it was good! Baco was painful to a unenjoyable degree where as Stampadia was good sort of pain, as it was being painful because its the style of the ride, with unbanked corners and good old style elements. The trains maybe don't help, but give them time to wear into the track, which I think Blue train has done, as that didn't hurt as much.
After the Stampadia riding we went and did Tomahawk which was alright, nothing eventful about it to be honest! The Singing Vulture was funny the first time but since we got stuck in the queue for 20 mins it became the most ****ing annoying thing i've ever heard at a theme park! But I did laugh when it started a rastafarian song up!
So as people were looking at Tat and getting food peeps sat out relaxing.
Pathos boy...
Charming John!
Anyway this is getting quite long, so I'll speed it up. Next we just moved over to Wild West again to check out the Tat shops incase we missed anything, then Erol was a filthy bugger again, this time making Santa look well....
Moving back to Khan I think it was we had loads more goes on it, making my brain hurt a little bit. We moved over to El Diablo as we spotted it had started running. Now this is a bizzare way of dealing with this ride, its a family mine train right...but the children can only sit in the middle of the train (and only with adults), so we queued and basically got told to come to the front and got straight on, walking straight through a 30 min queue! WIN.
How many lifts in this shot?
The ride wasn't bad, was bit better at the back for that drop out the station. The 2nd lift was a bit pointless but hey it was interesting.
Again back to Khan for another go, at this point Erol split from the group to watch vadges in a show. So we all went over to the Rapids and had a go on them, which was better than some of our rapids. Apart from the hurtful but funny Slayed incident it was uneventful.
We then checked out the Dodgems at the park which was just close by, and they were insane! No rules to them what so ever, so you could just barge anyone head on, which made for some fun 5 minutes! Imagine if the dodgems could drift, would've made it better.
At this point Mr Bell re-joined the group and we found Erol once more and went for some Stampadia riding and then Khan at night.
Khan + Back Row + Night = Amazing
We then strolled back to the main entrance where we had the Airtime Awards presentation for Best New European Roller Coaster of 2007 for Furius Baco, which we tried not to laugh about (because its ****e) while Mark handed it over. Bless the Spanish woman, not only did she show up Erol but she also gave us all Fast Passes to Khan and Baco!
So that was the Live day and it was my first time to the park. I was thurally impressed by all the themeing in the park, it was brilliant. Shame about the faff spaces, as some of them could've been filler rides to soak up queue lines. The rides are fantastic like Khan, Stampadia, Condor etc they are brilliantly placed and ride well.
Some need either ripping out or just updating to be honest.
But i'd definatley go back there, but not too soon, as its like Thorpe, once all the rides are done your not sure what to do next.
More pictures of anything i've missed out:
I told you I was going to get round to this...