I'll quickly make my feelings know about the rides and get to a trip report tomorrow.
The setting, station and theme is top notch. Probably one of the best I've ever seen. The way the queue line rolls up the hill to that glorious, imposing station is sublime. If you get off the ride and look backwards at the brake run, the station's veranda beautifully frames the ride area...it's gorgeous. I wish I took a photo now.
I rode Baco four times, each in different seats as I couldn't decide if I like it or not. The outer seats are terrible - they vibrate like hell (not even good vibrations :wink
and make the ride incredibly painful. However, the inner seats are much, much better.
The ride is really good on a front row inner seat; you get a good view which works in Bacos favour. Most of the ride is in a trench, hugging close to walls, it's only after the (sort of pointless) barrel roll doe sit suddenly explode way from the trench and over the paths and lake...a sort of "WHERE THE **** DID THAT COMES FROM!" But you need to be in front row to appreciate the quick terrain change "bang".
It's just average or too uncomfortable elsewhere. Remember this is a big ride with even bigger expectations; it's very likely you'll feel disappointed whatever you think of the actual ride experience.
Dragon Khan
I just don't get it. On the way home, Peter was explaining to me that the ride is all about the positive G's...or something like that. Tbh, I don't really care about that - I want to be thrilled. And thrilled I wasn't. B&M sit downs are boring; the just go through the motions. Wee, loop, wee, cobra roll, wee, corkscrew. Perhaps I have a special body or something that doesn't feel the thrill from them.
The ride had no "bite" or personality. It's just a huge coaster with plenty of inversions...I found it so formulaic, there was no buzz to it. Wooo, I'm upside down and now I'm not. Woo, I'm upside down and now I'm not.
Where Kumba betters Khan is the way it interacts with the terrain and roars - Khan just doesn't do that. It goes up the lift hill, through several inversions and then sits on the brake run...all without raising one of my eyebrows.
In it's defence, it is quite disorientating - a factor which I look for in every coaster. It was only after my last go did I actually start to feel familiar with the layout and work out what inversion I was experiencing.
Fantastic ride and probably my favourite in the park. Despite the fact it duels in places, that doesn't really add to the experience imo...both sides are coasters, they just share the same station.
Blue is better than red, without a shadow of a doubt. I enjoyed the battering! Blue seems to do more than red as well. Awesome.
I only did sit down (twice) and didn't find it as intense as Apocalypse. It was good fun but even the sheer height didn't wow me. After the initial drop, it just slows down and loses it. With a shorter tower, the drops feel more intense. For that split second of terror before it drops, it's ace, but I get that on every drop tower anyway.
El Diablo
One of the smoothest and most boring coasters I've ever had the pleasure to ride.
The Park in General
It's good and I'd certainly recommend that every enthusiast visit it at some point. The theme and areas are brilliant.
However, it lacks a lot of filler rides, it's huge and the food is poor and pricey. There seems to be a lot of walking between the big rides with very little in between that grabbed my fancy. It's a credit whore's wet-dream; a park enthusiast's (like myself) morning semi-on.