Mega Poster
Interestingly, the first inline that was retracked last season has been removed again.
No use not saying this now I suppose...
The reason Colossus had a significantly delayed opening this season was because the new track in that inline did not fit correctly. As such, to stop the delay any further, the park repainted the original piece of track and put that back in.
Whilst the old track was in need of replacing, it wasn't at the end of its life, so it was still okay to use.
Not the finest moment from Taziker, the company doing track replacement. Thorpe weren't at fault and did the best they could given an awkward situation.
The heartline roll track that got removed (again) back in December has been reinstalled. Weather this is still the original Intamin track or Taziker's "take 2" is unknown. I would assume it's still the Intamin track though, Thorpe has enough on their plate this closed season already.

Source: HYPERIA Is Looking AMAZING! Thorpe Park Construction Update - 30th January 2024

Source: HYPERIA | THORPE PARK Resort | Diary Construction Update #99
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