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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

OMG, today's is a Cedar Point one.

It would be embarassing if anyone on here got the first question wrog, at least.

9/10...guessed at how fast Jr. Gemini was...and was wrong...
Aww I only got 5/10. :( I was expecting to get at least an 8 or 9. Well I suppose I did it in quite a good amount of time anyway. :)
I did the quiz, was pretty confident of doing well, then when I pressed the button to say I'd done, it gave me that "we're doing maintenance" page.

This means that when they stop doing maintenance, I'll have a time of thousands of seconds.

Not amused.
5/10 park questions are not my strong one so pretty good for me. Should have really because we are going there later on this year :--D
I guessed the "Ticket to ride" question, but I got it right, and I got 10/10! For the like the first time in ages.
Balls! 10/10, but I had some stupid sales guy call me in the middle and I couldn't get rid of him. Even my utter indifference to his sales pitch couldn't get rid of him... grrrr.

Ah well, I'm off for over a week soon anyway, so little chance of me coming in the top ten this month anyway :)