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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Woo hoo!

10/10, too bad that I read English that slow in the morning.
Stuff that only 6/10 today and the quiz didn't seem that hard, I'm rubbish at movies. :(

Ah well its the Cedar Point quiz tomorrow. :--D
I got a couple I had no idea about today, which has pissed me off because I usually 10/10 in the movie rounds. I'll be lucky to get in the top ten today. Bollocks!

Still, I started off crap last month, so hopefully I'll improve.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, at last I got a 10 out of 10!!! I kinda took my time at 103 secs but I wanted to read the questions properly. Woop, thats made my afternoon :D (yeah, I'm easily pleased)
Eight yayy!

I've done well this week for the most part, and I expected to get about eight on this one (didn't know three of them, so I got one lucky guess).