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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

I got 8/10 today which shocked me.
I could of got 9 but changed one of my answers. :(
Oh well at least I got over 5 which is what I normally get. :D
Beans said:
And Gavin 9 times out of 10 we get a different set of questions, so not able to help each other.

Sorry, I forgot to add a :wink: to that post. It wasn't meant as a dig.

SnooSnoo said:
Suck on that gavin.

Present it Snoo...

History was a bit random, but made a nice change. 10/10

It was half guesses, half knowledge. I think...
I didn't know that Elsie was a cow, and I got the one about the Battle of Bosworth wrong (idiot!) cos I managed to confuse myself. Still, 8/10's pretty good considering most of mine were about American history.
6/10 today. It never feel like I take any time at all doing this quiz, but I always end up with taking 140+ seconds :(
I looked at the leaderboard before I played today and when I saw that the lowest score was 6 I was under pressure.
Luckily I also ended up with 6/10 but did it quicker than the last 2 places. :D
I'm suprised at myself for getting 8/10 on History.

I actually knew more of them than what I had to guess.
Suck my history knowing balls gavin! :p

I'm still never going to catch you this month, but the minor victories (minor_victories?) make me feel better about myself :lol: