Sorry to double post but its worth it
Warning this post is quite long, but it will have pictures.
So its time again for a trip to Oakwood! My favourite theme park in the whole world, just don't know why I love it so much, I think its the charming nature of the park and the potential for a UK version of Holiday World.
So after finishing packing and making sure everything had been charged and primed for the weekend I awaited Ian and Dick at my house, then a large people carrier pulled over, opening its flashy doors, I walked over and slumped my bags in the back and off to Sam's we went.
On the way we find out that Sam is delayed by the tit Chris who missed his train to Guildford, so we sat outside Sam's. Some time went by while we waited, as shown by Ian here:
Not long after this the rest arrived and after cramming the car to the brim we were off up the mess of the A3 and onto the M25, which ran smoothly until we hit traffic just after the M3 junction:
After passing the crash which everyone slowed down to watch we moved onto the M4 and sped down. Stopping for food/drinks at Reading, where I bought Independant, which I ended up not reading, waste of 80p....
Because I don't have pictures i'll shorten the rest of the journey, from what I remember it went fine until Cardiff where we hit traffic because of roadworks, we past Port Talbot and got a wiff of that lovely ****ing sulphur air. **** hole!
Then we moved on, I threw up due to a migraine mixed with motion sickness, so not the most nicest thing ever. We arrived at the campsite and a horrible wind was blowing, causing stress by all. So hour later tents were up and got some booze and snacks from Tesco. Happy times by all and bed.
Saturday! Oakwood day and ERT! After we recovered from being zombies since 6-7am we arrived at Oakwood in our mass convoy of cars. After a bit of faffage of badges, money and missing people we moved into Oakwood and started out ERT! It was immensly fun to ride Megafobia, was a bit rough at the start of the day, got a good 10 rides out of it. Joey slapped me because i apparently had two back row rides, but after explaining he took the slap back.
Moving on after the ERT was the Bobsleigh, my god it terrified me, it slid all over the track, causing the bob to sway side to side and the stream of water made it go ever so fast! But twas fun all the same

Moving onto Death Slide, the ride op was a rather lovely lady, shame i forgot to visit her on bobsleight later in the day

We moved over to Speed, the very intimidating looking Giant Eurofighter, very photogenic roller coaster I may say. The ride hasn't lost its forces, with the airtime hill being insane as ever, helix making me see a few stars once again, but it HURT this time round, rain pounding my face, bloody made it painful.
So hanged around the bottom of the drop before nearly being killed by falling coins
With the rain continuing to pour we moved onto the other roller coaster Treetops which sadly was running only the back rows due to a lack of friction on the lift, it still was a fun ride, but not as dodgy as it is with a full train.
Much faffage followed and lunch was declared, which we all headed for the resteraunt at the top of the park. The meal was nice, to a certain extent, but wasn't badly priced. After much raining it finnally stopped and we headed over to the Brer Rabbit ride and got massively freaked out by it, silly bunnies, then doing Spooky 3D which was suprisingly ****. After everyone headed to Vertigo to grab there rides me, marc, hayley's mum and Mark walked to Speed for some footage and photographing.
From this I learnt Speed isn't a very good roller coaster for photos of the train going round the track, as its mostly obstructed and facing the wrong way. But there's ways round this

Like near the exit of Treetops:
Also by the Magic Matt house behind the Death Slide:
Also gave a nice panorama to Megafobia:
After joining the group for there ride on Hydro which I sat out as i've been on Hydro many times in the past and didn't fancy getting wet, so I stood on the bridge to take photographs, like so:
Bad cropping I know, but hey wasn't being too serious. So turned at the last moment before the wave hit and got my entire back drenched.
So for the next train I took up a position just near the drop and had a chat with Hixee about Hydro. Snapped a mid shot of the ride on the drop:
After much moist people came off and into the group the death ride commenced, Waterfall riders took the brave steps and ascended the stairs, many stood, mostly photographing and videoing. So in no particular order here are some Waterfall pics, pretty self-explanatory.
And then this happened:
Looking quite wet there Sam
Group faffage followed in the photo in which I almost got my neck broken, but managed to avoid it, and then went on the Boating Lake with Cieran, which was a giggle, as teaching him how to steer the boat took a while, as I wanted to snap 'fobia from other angles, like so:
Meeting back with the group at Bounce which had broken down, so me, Ian and Sam took Aidan to the Kid's Area to go on Clown Coaster which wasn't working, or in simple terms the ride ops couldn't be ****ed to operate the ride. So I took Aidan round the Wacky Warehouse, which was really fun and tiring. After saying goodbye to Karen and co. me and Ian headed back to 'fobia and whored that to death, as it was the best riding i've ever had on it, the backrow was insane as was the 2nd row.
It was a fantastic day despite the weather, big thanks to Mark for organising the ERT and trip, thanks to Ian for booking the campsite, kinder eggs and the long journey to and from!
Cheers guys and see you at the next live.
More photos can be found here ... index.html
(I hope this post made sense)