WOW! What an amazing live loved every minute of it! Despite the bad weather at the camp site last night leaving me to sleeping near the pool table in the games room lol!
Anyway! Oakwood is a nice little park, I too was an Oakwood virgin, but as Jordan said before the staff was nice, the food wasn't too bad or priced, the rides are fun to watch and watch people on and the cleanliness of the place was amazing!
Also after saying all last week I would not be riding the tea-trays, I still did and got more wet on them than I did Hydro.
Megafobia: Had a very high expectation of this ride, and in the morning it really didn't live up-to it. The back was a much better expierience, air-time filled, great little coaster, can't decide between Megafobia and Nash for my UK no1 Woodie, but it is definately up there. Also it was my last wooden coaster to get.
Also rode at the end of the day in light rain with minor-furie right at the back, and it was amazing!
Speed: Great coaster, the air-time hill is amazing, not a great fan of the vertical lift hill, the tower looks so unstable. The overbank was not rough as previous people had stated, and the loop whilst not forcefull, still packed a slight kick. The inline and helix was great, quite forcefull, came into the breaks thinking it was a great coaster.
Tea-trays: Got quite wet as on my first go I nearly fell in. 2nd time was much better! Quite good fun.
Bounce: Weak tower, still ok-ish but nothing to write home about.
Spooky 3-D: Weird thing, the truck lights scared me though was not expecting it.
Brer-Rabbit: Who ever created this ride must have been on something, seriously screwed up. Made no sense what so ever.
Tree Tops Coaster: Does Wales have different health and safety to England? Well the amount of trees Erol nearly got hit in the face by was hilarious. Also you can touch the trees.
Toboggan: Great fun, the track ish thing was wet so it made it much more fun

Pirate ship: One of the smaller huss ones, made me feel green.
Hydro: Didn't get that wet, just my arms, but that drop was amazing

Anyway nice to see everyone again.
nadroj123 : She seems really nice, and I love the hair, when it aint wet

! and her fella Aly seems really nice too.
Katie: When did Katie grow up? lol!
Best moments:
Hayley's Mum with the biggest FOOK OFF look on her face!
Camping on saturday was great, was a bit pished though!
Hydro <3
LordKotowa in the boot on the way back from Crystal maze, and Rich (Stone-Cold) Slamming the breaks on etc

Ian and Rich's drinking madness til 7am this morning!
Can't wait for the next live, after this Live and the turnout hopefully it will be great in attendance figures too

Crystal Maze after the Live was fab too

Thanks to:
Slayed for the organisation
Ian for the lift to the park.
Stone-Cold for the lift back
Erol for just being Erol
Hayley for being gawjus

And I Wouldn't have made it to the live if it wasn't for John and Tanya! So thanks
