Haven't even bothered watching the videos because they're obviously utter bollocks?
I actually didn't watch them eitherHaven't even bothered watching the videos because they're obviously utter bollocks?
Oh, I agree. To be honest I don't really care much about this announcement, although I am curious. However, I'm just confused why people are complaining about these AI videos but they're still being posted and talked about above all else?
I actually didn't watch them either, I just embedded them since they popped up in my recommended and I thought more people would like to complain about them.
Kenny man. Calm down. I think you're a little TOO obsessed with Amusement insiders. It's getting old in this thread. I don't think many in any in this thread like the content they're putting out but you sir on a whole other level. It's like your soul purpose for being here is to bash them. If we wanted a culture of bashing people I'd go make an account on another fourm. The announcement is literally tomorrow. Give it a rest man and just wait for the announcement to happen and discuss THAT not AI. I click on this thread for updates on the new ride not drama.
Please anyone else tell me I'm wrong but I suspect a majority of users just want you to stop posting about your obsession. What they're doing is :emoji_poop: but it doesn't really belong here. Anyways we'll know exactly what's up in a little over 24 hours so why don't we just leave this thread alone until we have an announcement time yeah?
Ride Yukon Striker in this tummy turning point-of-view simulation that plunges you 75-metres down the track at a top speed of 130 km/h. The roller-coaster will make its maiden voyage when Canada's Wonderland opens in April 2019.
I have to say, it looks fantastic!! Super pumped about the vertical loop, and although I'm a little underwhelmed by the basic Cedar Fair ending, I'm still extremely happy with this addition, looks absolutely fantastic!! The color scheme is no where near as bad as I thought it could be, which was a pleasant surprise, and the unique inversion (not quite sure what that's called) after the immealmen looks great!! Nice job CW!! (Don't know what I think of the name yet, I'll process it over the next couple days and get back to y'all on that one)
And no, I don't think it's the #1 dive, that would prob go to Liseberg's in my opinion, but this is still a super solid #2!!
Out of curiosity, who told you the name was "The Ledge"? I suspected it wouldn't be the name since it was filed in the U.S., but whoever fed you that bull:emoji_poop: must not know how trademarks work.