Strata Poster
Apparently, I have Granada - but I avoid the news because it irritates me (especially when Eno does the weather!) and local news because it's inane.
Going back to the point, I still think the second launch and section immediately after looks fab. With this being a Mack, we were surely expecting a smooth, enjoyable launch rather than an 'ouch, that's a whiplash claim' Intamin hydraulic style launch. Obviously, the layout and the scenery don't match Helix, but otherwise, I'd expect the experience not to be dissimilar and will be at Blackpool as soon as I can manage it, though I'll probably wait until after half term. I found out today that my brother is going on Friday, probably because he knows it will wind me up
Going back to the point, I still think the second launch and section immediately after looks fab. With this being a Mack, we were surely expecting a smooth, enjoyable launch rather than an 'ouch, that's a whiplash claim' Intamin hydraulic style launch. Obviously, the layout and the scenery don't match Helix, but otherwise, I'd expect the experience not to be dissimilar and will be at Blackpool as soon as I can manage it, though I'll probably wait until after half term. I found out today that my brother is going on Friday, probably because he knows it will wind me up