I quite like the floorless gimmick, but find that these rides can sometimes end up to be a bit of a snorefest. Of the ones I've been on, here is a break down:
Hydra the Revenge - I really adored this coaster, a real lot of fun and had that all important rerideability, that for me is a massive deal. It was intense, but not headcrushingly so with a fun and unique kind of layout. Love <3
Dominator - I think if the weather hadn't been quite so vile I would have reridden more times as I did really enjoy, and oh my god the vertical loop is so HUGE. Fun, fun ride.
Kraken - I have a lot of love for Kraken, the layour reminds me a lot of a B&M Hyper thinking about it, and I love the floaty, chilled out way that you take the course of the ride. Again, mighty but not too intense, just the right concoction to be thrilling, rerideable and not sick making.
Bizarro - This makes me feel majorly sick, I didn't ride with the group this year as I find it a bit too much. Like the Batman clones, this ride just does not let up and is just a tangle of inversions and turns, which is not something I look for or enjoy in a coaster.
Scream! - I just found this boring. A similar mess of inversions layout to Bizarro but instead of being too intense I just found it boring. And the placement and setting of the ride is horrendous, so much so that I would say it actually detracts from the overall ride experience.
Batman: The Dark Knight - such a forgettable ride, I think our entire train was silent as it took the track, we all got off and were like well that was nice and carried on. Completely meh.
Daemonen - Ah, my most hated of all coasters. Why does it exist? Biggest waste of space in the history of the world, and it doesn't even take up that much! Seriously boring and lame.