Mega Poster
The Goliath @ SFMM in 2002 

Exactly what I didI got bored during the pandemic, and stumbled across coaster youtube. Since I had nothing better going on, I did a lot of research, then got credits once parks reopened.
I wouldn’t worry about getting turned away from rides too much. My dad is 6’6”/6’7”, so still 4-5 inches taller than you, and he can still ride plenty; there’s only the odd couple of things he’s ever been turned away from (mainly Spinball Whizzer at Alton, where they’re oddly on it with height checks, and Colossus at Thorpe, where he can’t physically fit into the restraint).Well, now I'm 15 years old and because I'm 6'2 now, some of these coasters are murderous for me now. Arrow coasters press SO HARD into my collarbones. What's worse, I'm all torso so I'm pretty lucked out. And don't get me started on possibly growing MORE. Yet, being tall is my identity.
My knees often bump the walls of the coasters. The over-the-harnesses are hard for my back and chest. Everything sucks now and I'm pretty uncomfortable.
Well, that's what happened. Let's hope I don't have to face getting turned away for being... too tall for some rides. Curse you, height! Yet thank you!
Except I went through puberty late. Going through it late means you'll grow more. So that doesn't help.I wouldn’t worry about getting turned away from rides too much. My dad is 6’6”/6’7”, so still 4-5 inches taller than you, and he can still ride plenty; there’s only the odd couple of things he’s ever been turned away from (mainly Spinball Whizzer at Alton, where they’re oddly on it with height checks, and Colossus at Thorpe, where he can’t physically fit into the restraint).
I myself can’t empathise too much, being only 5’10”, but all I’ll say is that if you’re anything like my dad, the less comfortable things will make you appreciate the more modern lap bar restraints all the more when they appear!
It's probably the same for me. Remember taping it on VHS and watching the recording over and over.Literally this Blue Peter feature on Air. I was so amazed by the idea of a coaster being more than just a car rolling down the track, but the innovation to create an experience to imitate free flight.
Literally this Blue Peter feature on Air. I was so amazed by the idea of a coaster being more than just a car rolling down the track, but the innovation to create an experience to imitate free flight.