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What made you fall in love with coasters?

I fell in love with rollercoasters back when I was super young, when my mom took me to a small amusement park in Oregon (Oaks Park) Not big nor small. There were a couple rides and I tried to ride on them (this was back in 2012) and went on the same ones multiple times, soon riding myself.

Ever since recently I've delved more into the coaster industry, researching some new rides, etc.

It's fun being an enthusiast!
I got bored during the pandemic, and stumbled across coaster youtube. Since I had nothing better going on, I did a lot of research, then got credits once parks reopened.
Long long time ago.. Dragon khan! Like a rough prince charming he literally swiped me off my feet and thrashed me around like no one else did before.. It was love at first ride. Must say I wasn't faithful, actually turned into a coaster eater ever since.. A coaster slapper if you will (and please excuse my French).. 😂😂😂
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the correct answer is rct but the fake correct answer is timberwolf at WOF. my first big boy
I had 2 chapters.

First time was as a young child, maybe 6 or 7, the one that stood out initially was Space Station Zero at Thorpe Park. I was terrified as had no idea what to expect and went on with my sister and grandad. Because we each needed an adult sitting with us a member of staff offered to ride with me, can't imagine you'd get that happening these days! From then on it was always the rides that incorporated theming elements that resonated the most.

Second time was as a father. Hadn't been to many theme parks for the previous 15 years but seeing the joy on my sons face on the Vampire at Chessington has created a revival of my obsession.