Going to keep this as realistic as stuff like Steel Vengeance, Hakugei and Skyrush would be ludicrously high up but in terms of stuff I'm actually likely to do anytime in the next few years, with a bit of commentary thrown in for good measure, I'll go with:
1. Kondaa-this is EXACTLY my kind of coaster and I bet it's amazing. Plus handy single rider line for those (from what I hear) loathsome crowds to marathon AND it looks super re-ridable.....
2. Voltron -Some might say cheating as it's not open yet but I'm revisiting this post in a year and short of death of either myself or Europa this will be done by then
3. Batman Gotham city escape-looks amazing
4. Toutatis-As above
5. Red Force Ferrari Land-Visited Portaventura but didn't get round to the Ferrari gate
6. Ride to Happiness-Looks perhaps a bit much for my liking but the unbelievable amount of glowing reviews has my curiousity piqued.
7. Wildfire Kolmarden-Nominate this as the coaster 'most likely to climb my list' after riding it. Looks great. Could be truly superb indeed.
8. Expedition Geoforce-I'll need to figure out how to actually get here but would love to hit this if I could
9. Untamed Walibi Holland-Would love to complete the set then I can judge, and more importantly rank, all 3 RMC's in Europe.
10. Monster Grona Lund-Would be nice to do a coaster with an amazing pov but one where I actually enjoy/don't somewhat actively dislike the ride experience too (looking at you F.L.Y

Will revisit end of 2024. Honestly reckon I've got a mild shout of getting all of these done by then. 1 and 5 should be by the end of the year/first week of Jan. Fun times