You don't need to keep it on topic, its Forum Fun for a reason

. I don't think Fear of the Dark sucks at all personally;
Be Quick Or Be Dead - Good
From Here To Eternity - Pretty good
Afraid To Shoot Strangers - Damn amazing, one of Bruce's best pieces of vocal work in my opinion
Fear Is The Key - Average
Childhood's End - Average
Wasting Love - Average
The Fugitive - Average
Chains of Misery - Average
The Appirition - Average
Judas Be My Guide - Average
Weekend Warrior - Somewhere between average and good
Fear of the Dark - One of the most amazing Iron Maiden songs ever written.
I suppose when you look at it like that, its really not that great an album, espicially when you compare it to 7th of a 7th;
Moonchild - Awesome
Infinite Dreams - Average
Can I Play With Madness - Between good and very good
The Evil That Men Do - Awesome
7th of a 7th - Awesome
The Prophecy - Awesome
The Clairvoyant - Awesome
Only The Good Die Young - Awesome