Smithy said:
But of course supporters of legalisation will retort that the issue there lies in the user, not the substance.
Personally, I'm just sick and tired of there constantly being a ''WHY ARE YOU WASTING MONEY RAIDING DRUG DENS, JUST MAKE IT LEGAL ALCOHOL IS WORSE'' comments on every single story or news report about a cannabis factory beind found. Always seems to be from grungy hippy band members with dreadlocks professing it's benefits.
They're wrong. While I am a supporter of dope, I'm also educated about it (this has already been discussed).
Weed contains considerably more tar than ordinary tobacco, making respiratory diseases more common with a dope smoker. If smoked like cigarettes, dope is actually more harmful. Okay, you don't smoke it like cigarettes, but it's still harmful. Certainly more so than alcohol in the long term.
Skunk is another issue too. It's got a very high THC content which is what gives the high, but it also lacks another chemical that reacts in with the brain. This other chemical (I think it's a THC derivative, I can't remember the exact details) helps to broach the effects of THC. Essentially, high levels of THC causes anxiety, paranoia and stress in a lot of people (not everyone, but a lot). People who could happily smoke resin find themselves screwed by skunk. Resin contains all the plant, so has these inhibitors. This is where most of the problem from pot use comes from, skunk. Now, not everyone reacts badly (I don't), so if you're lucky then fine. However, it IS a health risk.
Resin though is also a health risk. It's often cut with some pretty nasty stuff to make it spread further (and increase profits (remember kids, this is an illegal activity, you're dealing with criminals)). Oil, lead, dirt, etc can all be in there - lovely.
There is also the chance of psychological addiction (which is what you see on Jezza) and people using it as a crutch to get through life. Some people can function exceptionally well on pot, others just seem to use it as an excuse to avoid personal responsibility. I think this is a huge topic though on its own :lol:
As for reasons to legalise it? Marc has already mentioned the money that can be made. Governments could make a lot by legalisation. There are health benefits to MS suffers and other people as a pain relief drug. You can also make the quality higher (ensure that it's not mixed with anything harmful) and keep high THC versions under control. You also suddenly take away a huge amount of profit from the criminal fraternity. So lots of semi-decent reasons to legalise it, but not "alcohol is just as bad".
Actually, that's one of my real bugbears. If you watch people say "legalise it", the response is often "we already have alcohol and cigarettes which are a health risk, why should we legalise another?"
My response then is "why allow alcohol and cigarettes if they're such a health risk?" At least level the playing field?