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Walibi Holland | YoY | RMC Raptor | 2025

Part of me hopes they go back to manufacturing the track like the did with the first couple. WW and Railblazer both seem to be pretty smooth, but the newer ones all seem to hit each track joint. Does anyone know why they changed this?
WW and Railblazer both seem to be pretty smooth, but the newer ones all seem to hit each track joint.
Recent reports of Wonder Woman have said it's been far from smooth, and I think Railblazer is going the same way. It's part of the reason why SFFT have been upgrading it.
Recent reports of Wonder Woman have said it's been far from smooth, and I think Railblazer is going the same way. It's part of the reason why SFFT have been upgrading it.
Ah I wasn’t aware, I’m basing this all off of just watching the POVs and what people have said. How have SFFT been upgrading WW do you know?
Part of me hopes they go back to manufacturing the track like the did with the first couple. WW and Railblazer both seem to be pretty smooth, but the newer ones all seem to hit each track joint. Does anyone know why they changed this?
There could be some manufacturing difference that's not immediately visible, but from the prototypes to the newer versions, there's no difference in how the track joints are connected. They both sit end to end, with these joining plates on the top & bottom face, then the rails can be ground down to create a "smooth" transition if needed.


The solution to make these properly smooth would be to have a full steel plate, edge to edge on the entire top face, that extends over the track joints (just like the IBox track does). I personally think this just wasn't doable with how narrow the track is.

I've only done Railblazer 5 years ago, so I can't speak for the smoothness of others, but it could be a real park-by-park thing where lots of factors (general maintenance, train tolerances, quality of fabrication/installation, etc.) can determine why one's smooth and one's not. But I have no idea.
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Wonder Woman developed a terrible rattle pretty quickly from what I’ve heard. The entire fleet of trains is being replaced because the old trains were falling apart faster than anyone could’ve anticipated. It’s also part of why the newer installations are a lot less rapid-fire than the prototypes.
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The one at SFMM was indeed surprisingly rattly already in its opening year while jersey devil was mostly smooth except for one jolt at a track joint just after the first turn around (pull out from the dive loop). The one at SFFT actually wasn't that bad when I rode it last years February. Ok, it felt and sounded like it would fell apart but actually tracked decently smoothly I would say. Though it's a bit hard to compare as the original installations are so much more aggressive.
I rode RailBlazer last week and excluding the station where it jolted a bit when setting off, I thought it was really smooth - no noticeable rattle, just completely insane airtime and transitions. So perhaps @MLDesigns is right and it’s just down to the maintenance regime of each park.
As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) all the raptors built so far have blueprints that cover a narrow but long stretched area. This ride actually looks to be covering a more-square-ish area. So there's a good chance this layout is going to be very different from what we have seen so far.
Yes, the ride is going to be the first fully custom lay-out
Progress is coming along very nicely! The station building has started to go vertical as well, showing an opening through the middle. My guess is that the loading and unloading will be happening on sides of the station with the tracks going parallel to each other through the middle. But hey we'll see!

Supports are also being delivered now and are being stored next to Goliath with more coming in every week!
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The second track is colored.... 🥁🥁🥁🥁... green!

Sighted at the RMC plant in Idaho the other day, being loaded up and mixed in with the verified blue pieces. Gyeongju's has already been delivered and that holy grail USA project hasn't shown its face yet. Safe bet that this is it.
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Unless Six Flags will build a Green Lantern coaster of course lol. I really think the blue will mix great with the green. And the two different shades of green with the track and supports is going to look amazing!
(2/8/2024) They went absolutely flying last week! The station building now has a concrete floor! Unfortunately no new supports or track this week (big sad), but some prepwork has begun for construction of the base of the lifthill (as seen in picture 2)

Let's hope for a few deliveries this upcoming week, for some RMC installation very soon!
Someone managed to (illegally) take a photo today of the construction site from Goliath's lift, showing both the blue and green tracks. While it is amazing that we get to see these pictures, I absolutely despise people illegally taking photos on a coaster while endangering other people.

Photo taken from Looopings.nl
(9/8/2024) As Niles said in his previous post, we're going up! After a lot of preparation work, the RMC crew has started to install the first bunch of supports. It also shows that there is an opening in the supports. Maybe for a path?

The track parts are placed behind the bottom trees, and can only be seen from Condor's Sidewinder (Only when looking down, so I definitely do NOT recommend, your neck will be toast), from Goliath's lift and Xpress' layout when facing north (Towards the park).

I expect them to start flying next week, with hopefully the final concrete footers being poured in the next couple of weeks.