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Walibi Holland | YoY | RMC Raptor | 2025

(16/8/2024) First of all, Happy Rollercoaster day everyone! And what better way to celebrate it then having the first element of the ride visible!

As seen on the photo the support structure that went up in the past two weeks seems to be for a little brother of Twisted Collosus' High Five wave turn! I'm thrilled to see this element making its debut in Europe and the best thing of all, it's in the same colors as well!

The first track parts are now also in the right place before they go up and get installed on this massive structure!

Unfortunately, because of the vacation period here in the Netherlands for builders (We call it "bouwvak" basically "build vac(ation)". This is a period of time that people in the building sector get a vacation in high season, so they can give their most when they return. This period started on the 5th of August and lasts until the 23rd) so the station will not get built any further for the next week until that period is over. But in the meantime, the RMC crew will continue building these two sunshines! Stay tuned for more!
^ The new element that is being built ^
^ The "High Five" element ^
^ Overview of the construction site ^
^ Photo for comparison with Twisted Collosus (In NoLimits 2) ^
I was hoping for two elements on these coasters; a High Five and a proper Zero-G Stall. So to see the first element going up being a High Five is just awesome, can't wait for the rest! We are so lucky to be getting these🥳🥳
I was hoping for two elements on these coasters; a High Five and a proper Zero-G Stall. So to see the first element going up being a High Five is just awesome, can't wait for the rest! We are so lucky to be getting these🥳🥳
To be honest, I am hoping for a Top Gun stall for the ultimate effect
Good evening once again!

Crews continued last week with the construction work of both the support structure as well as the station! The so called "bouwvak" is now over, so everyone now has continued to work on their projects.

As more supports and track parts have been delivered last week, I hope to see some track go up soon!

The yellow bands are probably for the stormy weather that was predicted for this evening (And it was good they did, weather felt like a Floridian hurricane)

^ Overview ^
^ The station ^
^ New track ^
^ New supports ^
Good evening again!

Crews did quite some work last week, with all the new supports in place, the prepwork for concrete under the station.

There are some inversions visible now. The part with the yellow bands is probably for a stall with the "Thrill" track with an off-axis hill for the "Family" track. The other one looking like a cutback with the family turning around under the cutback, through the supports.

Let's just say that this lay-out is looking like a masterpiece in the making. To be fair, I can't wait for the lifthill to go up. Seeing these heights and the length of the footers for the lifthill, this lifthill has to be quite steep. We'll see.
^ The stall and the cutback ^
^ Overview ^
^ The high five element with a lot of new track pieces under it ^
Nice one! Unfortunately I will not be able to take photo's this week, but on the left of your photo's a small zero G roll with the same profiling as the prototypes has its supports in place showing that it's diving under the supports of the high five turn! Also, they poured concrete for the bottom of the station and storage building!
Not much happened at the Raptors today. We saw the two track pieces already in place when we did Goliath right after park opening, so they were probably installed over the past few days. There is no crane on site at the moment, I think they've been using the telehandler that was parked next to the High Five element to install all the supports and these track pieces. Once we see a crane arrive on site the construction will speed up massively methinks, they're definitely going to need one for the lift hill so it would make sense to do the bulk of the track with it as well. The size of it all surprised me quite a bit, these coasters are big!
Not much happened at the Raptors today. We saw the two track pieces already in place when we did Goliath right after park opening, so they were probably installed over the past few days. There is no crane on site at the moment, I think they've been using the telehandler that was parked next to the High Five element to install all the supports and these track pieces. Once we see a crane arrive on site the construction will speed up massively methinks, they're definitely going to need one for the lift hill so it would make sense to do the bulk of the track with it as well. The size of it all surprised me quite a bit, these coasters are big!
The tracks were indeed installed on Thursday, it looked like RMC had a day off today! They are definitely big ones yes! The "Family" will be such a great one for young soon-to-be thrill seekers as well as the inverting lay-out will be for the thrillseekers! Truly can't wait!
Well this was going to happen eventually I suppose, and ofcourse it's our favourite Dutch themepark news site back at it again.. Here's a collection of high-res photo's of the current state of things, let's not start about the legality of some of these pictures🤡🤡

I love how people dislike what Looopings do but at the same time share their stuff because they frequently have good scoops.

Also that colour scheme is vile.

I mean it's on the internet now, what's done is done. I only shared because the pictures I took the day before are ****e and you can barely see the track pieces. But feel free to not look at the article🥱
that...that's straight up twisted collosus colors
White supports would have massively upgraded the looks. Green supports with blue/green track is just boring in my opinion. But perhaps they have laws that don't allow any other color scheme in this area or they have a good idea for the theming that will make it make sense.
the support colors look a tad bit like disney's go-away-green to me, maybe its the plan to have all the eyes on the tracks and take as little notice of the supports as possible.