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US Election; what are your thoughts?

I kinda wish the shooter hadn’t just grazed him…I know that’s a horrible thought. But I think he’s definitely going to win now. And this country will pay the price.
Are you not a fan of democracy?

Absolutely detest the bloke, and worry that some of his policies 'could' destabilise the world further, if he got them through somehow, but wouldn't wish this on anybody... It's only politics at the end of the day. Besides, doesn't really matter who's in 'power,' both the British and US political systems are set up such that they're relatively safe from a controversial individual going rogue with dangerous policies. Isn't that what the 'other' houses are for?

Thoughts are with the other affected parties too, especially the innocent families of the person that passed.
I think it says a lot about the state of politics, social media and how numb we all are when even just a week ago something like this gets posted on here and we all collectively shrug it off as what we expect to see:

I’m fully prepared for this to be America’s last July 4th. I’m not even kidding. If Trump wins, say goodbye to the United States of America and hello to an absolute dictatorship that wants you to die if you aren’t a white, straight, cis, Christian man. I can‘t stress enough how important it is that a Democrat wins this election. Do some research into Project 2025. It’s absolutely horrific.

And Trump winning wouldn’t just ruin the lives of every American. Oh no. It would ruin the entire world.

At this point, if you’re planning on voting for Trump, I genuinely see you as a horrible person who doesn’t care about anybody other than yourself.

^^^ This level of ‘recently previously acceptable hyperbole’ now reads ominously - it’s just waaaay too much. It’s not impossible to imagine someone that is not of sound mind using this sort of rhetoric to convince themselves that an assassination is justified.

We will hopefully now see a ‘cooling off’ from all corners.
^^^ This level of ‘recently previously acceptable hyperbole’ now reads ominously - it’s just waaaay too much. It’s not impossible to imagine someone that is not of sound mind using this sort of rhetoric to convince themselves that an assassination is justified.

We will hopefully now see a ‘cooling off’ from all corners.
To be fair, the shooter is a registered Republican, so I find it unlikely he shares the same views as what I posted. As for why he did it? I don’t know.
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To be fair, the shooter is a registered Republican, so I find it unlikely he shares the same views as what I posted. As for why he did it? I don’t know.
And there were registered democrats participating in the whole January 6th deal, what's your point?

Aside from that, this really shouldn't happen ever, no matter how controversial a figure is, like previously mentioned, he has family, and as a former President, it would say quite a bit about America as a whole if he was killed.

I am getting annoyed at other world leaders, politicians, and high ranking officials sending their regards for Mr. Trump. 4 days ago, Biden and Obama would have been thrilled to see Trump mysteriously dissappear, but now they are sending their best wishes to their main rival? Seems like a "quick, cover are ass" type deal to me.

This also applies to Bob Iger (president of the Walt Disney Company) who also made a statement. Dude, you run a Gosh damn family entertainment company. Stay out of it. Besides, the entire Disney company has also leaned more towards the democratic party. This is more true than ever after the whole DeSantis deal. Just saying, sometimes saying nothing is better than lying to an entire nation.

Long story short, this is stupid, and should never happen. It also shouldn't be turned into a political statement for either side.
The main thing that shocked me about all this as a Brit wasn't the fact that someone made an assassination attempt but that peoples voters records aren't anonymous and anyone can find out which political party you vote for in the USA. I know voting over there is all digital and done on screens but had no idea it wasn't anonymous.
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The main thing that shocked me about all this as a Brit wasn't the fact that someone made an assassination attempt but that peoples voters records aren't anonymous and anyone can find out which political party you vote for in the USA. I know voting over there is all digital and done on screens but had no idea it wasn't anonymous.

To be clear, voting records are anonymous (as far as I know) but party affiliation is not. But, party affiliation is really meaningless as one could flip back and fourth with relative ease in order to alter primary elections. For instance, my state is conservative/Republican dominated state and as such, statewide elections are basically decided in the primary elections of the Republicans. As such, it is not uncommon for Democrats to register as Republican to vote for the least Republican and/or most centrist candidate in the primary election. I would guess that conservatives/Republicans do this in liberal/Democrat dominated states as well.
Does this mean Harris will be the candidate, or is there still some kind of selection process to go through before she gets the nomination?

I don't know a lot about Harris, but I know the news hasn't exactly been positively received online, even by Democrats.
Interesting… I do wonder if the Democrats might have a better chance of beating Trump now that Biden is out of the picture.

I reckon Kamala Harris is probably most likely to become the Democrat candidate, seeing as she’s the Vice President and has Biden’s endorsement, but I’m unsure if she’s necessarily got any more of a chance than Biden. She is younger and does not carry the age-related concerns that Biden did while also being able to claim a role in the successes of the Biden administration, but apparently she’s very unpopular, possibly more so than Biden…

As a Brit, I don’t know an awful lot about Kamala Harris other than that she’s the Vice President… she seems to have been largely absent from global news since Joe Biden’s successful election in 2020. If you don’t mind me asking, would any Americans be able to provide more of an insight into why Kamala Harris often polls so poorly, as I’m struggling to see any reason for considerable unpopularity?
In my opinion, I find it extremely likely that Harris will strike fire in both black and female voters. In addition, we know that people voting for Trump aren’t magically going to change their minds. But Independents and Democrats who were unsure about Biden (due to age, Gaza, etc) will now be able to vote for a Democrat who isn’t Biden. Young voters who care a lot about issues like Gaza are going to support her more than Biden. What’s also great is Trump has wasted all of his campaign money on slandering a candidate who isn’t even running anymore. Glorious. If Harris can get enough liberals to come out and vote, she will win. This is quite practically the best thing that could have happened right now.
I think Biden did the right thing. I think after all his time as senator, and his term as President, he has deserved a retirement. I don’t hate the man, but I think he just wasn’t the right man to lead the country. He also seemed to be forgetful at times too and showing his age.

Harris I am not too educated about, but I do believe she’s Californian? I cannot remember the last US president from memory to be from there. She also is from South Asian descent, which would make her the only president of the US to be of south Asian descent, and the first president to be female!

However you view Harris, I think just her youthfulness is a nice step forward. Trump and Biden aren’t young, so a younger candidate might be what they need. Hopefully that’ll help her with the younger voters too.
I think Biden did the right thing. I think after all his time as senator, and his term as President, he has deserved a retirement. I don’t hate the man, but I think he just wasn’t the right man to lead the country. He also seemed to be forgetful at times too and showing his age.

Harris I am not too educated about, but I do believe she’s Californian? I cannot remember the last US president from memory to be from there. She also is from South Asian descent, which would make her the only president of the US to be of south Asian descent, and the first president to be female!

However you view Harris, I think just her youthfulness is a nice step forward. Trump and Biden aren’t young, so a younger candidate might be what they need. Hopefully that’ll help her with the younger voters too.
She’s half-Indian and half-Jamaican, so that’s cool! And yes, she is from California. I believe she was the California State Attorney.
Great news that Biden is gone, as a first step, but I’m not sure anyone on the fence is going to be won over by Harris.
How spectacular is this implosion? A few weeks ago, it looked like anything other than a Trump victory was impossible... Now, from over here on our little island the other side of the pond, it looks like KH has awoken you guys from a deep sleep, and could actually stop you from sleep walking into catastrophe... She's amassed an incredible following. Trump seems terrified, and is increasingly looking like the unelectable one. With every interview, he makes more of a fool of himself.

From openly hinting that he will interfere with the electoral system to guarantee himself future wins, to claiming KH isn't black, it's increasingly looking like he's the senile one.

The whole right are losing it... Jesse Watters "When you vote for a woman, you become a woman" What the actual f***?

And JD Vance... Women who have no children are "childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and have no direct stake in America."

At this point, The Democrats don't really need to do anything, just let the Republicans keep talking their own way out of the White House...

This is quite honestly looking like one of the most dramatic collapses, from a position of strength, that I've ever seen in the political world, in any country.

He's going to have to debate her right? Or he just looks like an absolute pussy?
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I honestly don't understand how people want to still vote for these people to run their country. It's like they glaze over all the red flags and completely ignore them. Hopefully enough people do to swing the majority to the Democrats.
Couple of weeks ago, every single poll had Trump winning, by as much as 11%... Now most have harris winning, by as much as 7%. It's still very close, and some do still have Trump ahead by a point or two. But that swing is insane in a couple of weeks.

With this momentum, and Trump's reluctance to debate her, making him look weak, it has to be the Democrats to lose right now.

Democrats are going to need youngsters to get out and vote though, just as much as we needed them to in the UK. (Women too!)

This is how age groups voted in our recent election...

Screenshot 2024-08-01 091500.jpg

To the young people of America, I know there's lots of you on here... Regardless of who you vote for, regardless of your loyalties, when the time comes, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. At the end of the day, it's YOUR FUTURE that's at stake as much as, if not more than, anybody else's. You have a voice, use it!!!
With this momentum, and Trump's reluctance to debate her, making him look weak, it has to be the Democrats to lose right now.
Maybe he's scared that if he debates a woman he'll become a woman. 😂

I do like Harris though. Everything I've seen from her seems like she's got her head screwed on and wants to make a change for the better. Of course, it may just be false political promises. But she certainly seems to be wanting to steer America in the right direction.
The whole segment on him debating whether Harris is Black or Indian is just stupid? Trump is not from an American family either, he’s half German and half Scottish.

Look, I don’t like the Democrats, they are usually even more far right than the “British Right”. What I do feel like though is Harris is a bit of a centrist and I’d rather a centrist. Trump’s campaign has basically been destroyed by Harris. Trump’s campaign was basically “vote for me because the other guy has dementia and is old.” Now he is facing a woman that is 20 years younger.