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Underconstruction Topic

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Actually, just rebuld the ride. It is just too badly shappedin your recreation. The drop doesn't go in the helix itself, just on the outter side, under it.
No, I don't like to build coasters like this one.

A technique you can use to get the second train to have the front car on the friction wheels, is to use the lift chain, instead of a brake. It works wonders.
After adding a couple of kilometers of fencing yesterday (a lot more will be added before it's done), I started to blend in my drop tower.

I have to say your 3Ds work is possibly the best and most realistic I have ever seen. Hopefully the ride will reflect the stunning scenery.

Just two questions:

1) What program are you using to make the 3Ds? (I may have already asked this, sorry)
2) How long does it take you to make them? (the gyro-drop for example)
3) I hope you are going to texture them, so how will you get the correct textures to make the scenery really work?

Keep up the great work, and I can't wait for the release!
1. I use a program called Wings 3D, Open Source and Free.
2. I have no idea, hours at least.
3. I can put textures/colors to every vertex of the model, I do that as a last step before it's done.

Thanks by the way.
^ Any impressions of the program, there is some great tutorials on the www.wings3d.com homepage (especially "PuzzledPaul's" ones).

Mmm, themed Intamin Gyro Drop....

Only some small stuff left, mainly operations booth and fix the queue and it's done for texturing.
Gorgeous stuff.

I love the spirals, I've always been partial to swooping curves and lines. Whats the theme of it though?

I hope you'll be keeping our fps ratings to mind too.
I won't give away the theme of the ride until it's released, but the rides are themed individually but bound together by a common theme (and also a little story to link them together).

Those swooping things on the Gyro Drop took me about 2 hours to finish (mainly because it was the first time, so a lot of try and error, but now these things could be whipped up pretty fast, I was initially going to have a similar feature at the top as well, but made another feature instead (but who knows what might happen).

FPS isn't really a problem just yet, around 35-40 when viewing the whole area and around 70 when "walking"/riding and thats with a lot of extras turned on. So there is plenty of headway.

The Gyro Drop is 95% complete before texturing (have added some colors on some areas), so one thing done, Have to edit some stuff on the Screaming Swing before its done, and then there is the finishing touches on the station, and support buildings and other random stuff.
^ I only have 3 rides, so it's not too much.

But then again, it have crossed my mind to add the Togo flat ride that is visible in my sig, but then I would have to push forward the release with a few weeks (and I don't really need it).
That Togo ride is my all time favorite flat.
In the few minutes that I've been using it, I haven't quite figured out how to create a custom shape, but I've figured out how to make some other things, the pre formed shape. I also haven't figured out how to import textures, so I'm kinda stuck with the plain white objects. Any help loefet?
Here is a page with a lot of great tutorials on how to model objects, I have learned most my stuff from here.

On how to import textures:

1: Create your object/objects
2: File > Import Image (guess what, this imports the image, do this with every texture you want to use on the object.)
3: Tools > Snap Image (choose which image to add to the surface)
4: align your image with the Right Mouse Button options for the picture and turn the object so that you have the face you want to add texture to towards you.
5: Right click > Snap image, then continue to add textures or right click > exit and you're done!!

The program is still a beta so "Snap image" isn't all that stable sometimes, just restart and try again.

Another tip is to use "Advance menus" you can do so much more then. Edit > Preferences > Advance > Advance Menus.

Just found a lot more objects and stuff under "more" on the right click menu.
Ahhh, I did figure out how to se the pre-made objects, see:


I, however, do not like how it uses much more polygons to create the objects. So that will kinda kill the fps.
I normally only use cubes, spheres and cylinders to create my objects, and try and keep the polygon count as low as possible.

But I did some testing comparing my 3ds with Crazy Coasters, and found out that we use about the same amount of polygons, but his have a lot more transparent vertexes which will kill more fps then mine, so I can use higher resolution with about the same FPS.
But I have figured out that a massive amount of supports kills fps more then advance 3d objects.
Luckily my coaster is a B&M.

I'm not really planning on making a ton of 3Ds for this coaster, but I will be doing some with Wings 3D.

My first completed object:

Since I've been showing images of it, I might as well let you know it's being built.

Bosque Asaltante, an old school B&M Mega coaster, with some modern touches.

It's going pretty well, and if you'll look harder, then you'll notice something else. And yes, that is a cartexture on there.
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